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Got up early to wash up & go to doctor's office. Not having a hot shower here sucks. Got blood drawn. Yabbered the whole time to distract myself. Nurse knows me and knows I get anxious about blood being drawn. Worst part is the waiting, so she got me in and did it quickly. I didn't have time to get anxious. I was also too tired. I told her about the water situation & she was sympathetic. Said a lot of people are having that problem right now.

Went straight home, took pics of the power situation for my air conditioning unit (will upload later), went straight back to bed and racked out. Woke up around 3:30 bc of the phone. Friend got a visit from the mayor (who brought cops with him) to give my friend verbal notice that he needed to have his yard all cleaned up by next Tuesday or he'll be hit with a $5,400 fine. By city ordinance he's supposed to give him 10 days written notice. The mayor conveniently owns a business that cleans up people's yards & cuts their lawns. He's always been a greedy a-hole.

Went over to friend's house to help him clean up old wood and stuff. Reminded him of a guy who owes him a yard clearing. Watched friend's ex continue to suck as a mother. She tried to feed her baby & got bored with it quick. Only gave him a couple of spoonfuls before she realized he could sort of grip the spoon and told him "Feed yourself!" and walked away. (He's only 6 months old). She returned a few minutes later to wipe his hands and face. He started fussing so I turned on some Youtube music for him. Picked up food in town to take home to mom. Ate, and then went back to pick up my brother after dark. Going to get some sleep now and will get up tomorrow to figure out more yard cleaning. May need to pickup some more yard-cleaning tools.

Internet is throttled bc we supposedly went over our bandwidth limit. It unthrottles in a couple days though.
Has anyone noticed that the national news never shows any uplifting stories? It's always doom and gloom stuff.
That's what I like about YouTube. Even though some videos are short, you can always see happy, funny and relaxing videos there.
Bah. Internet is throttled so I can't get the video to load.

I'm waiting for my friend to wake up so we can go to Lowes and maybe HD to get some supplies to clean up his yard more. Some gravel for his driveway pits and walkways. Also need to see about getting conduit if we have time. Hoping my body will cooperate so I can help pick up again today. Friend understands I have trouble with stuff though-- I'm almost as old as his mother. LOL.

Been planning my changes to my well system and looking for parts to price them out.
Passed along Havasu's advice to my friend. He's been trying to find the AG's #. I found the FB page and linked it. He's also going to contact lower tier people down to the town's judge. His mom has been asking around and apparently multiple people reported the mayor coming to their door with cops and essentially threatening them with fines w/o written notice. Friend told her to tell them to contact AG, DA, judge, etc to report it as extortion.

Took friend up to Lowes in the morning and brought my brother along. Got 3 shovels (trench, regular pointed, & flat) and a rake. I think all of them were Kobalt. Comfort grip and sturdy. Grabbed a few other supplies and loaded up ten 50lb sacks of quickcrete gravel. I grabbed a tarp to put them on bc I knew they would rupture. Good thing bc they did. Got back to his house and he dug the trench while my brother & I unloaded the sacks. I dumped 100lbs of it into a pot hole in his driveway and it still didn't fill it. We took the dirt he was digging and started filling in pot holes too. Helped my friend pour the gravel into the trench (it goes to the ditch to try to direct water to it instead of it staying in his yard-- bc it's sloped so the water flows toward the house. Friend has been trying to order dirt to get the slope reversed but nobody will deliver. Whoever coined the phrase "dirt cheap" never had to buy dirt. Damn that stuff is expensive.

I raked the remaining dirt toward the porch to try to level the ground out a little more and friend took over when my back started to give out on me. Went to Tractor Supply to get a wagon to haul stuff in and picked up cattle feed. Fed the cows when I got home and then made lunch for mom.

Took naproxyn and am trying to get rested enough to nap.

When it rains hard, my friend's lawn turns in to a pond. Hopefully this will help. We plan to go back to Lowes to get more gravel tomorrow.
It's spring. Don't forget to reverse your battery cables so the AC comes on instead of heat. Also a good time to rotate the air in your tires. And check blinker fluid. And lube your muffler bearings.
Was supposed to take my friend to Lowes today but didn't wake up until 4:30pm. He'd sent me a message 5 hours earlier saying he was up. I feel bad. Apologized but he's cool with it. He's slept in on me numerous times. I think this is the 1st or 2nd time in all the time I've known him that I've done that. I'm usually more reliable. But he knows I have chronic fatigue and he also knows how hard it can be to wake up. I'm going to set my alarm this time.

I'd woken up in the middle of the night feeling restless so I boiled water to wash dishes. Once we get my friend's yard cleaned up, he's going to help finish up the plumbing.

Rusty, I was surrounded by people who were out of blinker fluid yesterday. One of them came to a complete stop in the road in front of me. Cars were passing too quickly in the other lane for me to be able to get around. They needed to make a right turn apparently.

Found a place in Alexandria that advertises it assembles and delivers buildings. Advertised a 16' x 10' metal one for a little over $3k including delivery. I'm going to price them out and see if they can do a small barn for the cows. I want to size it right so I can put stall mats in it. It comes with a floor so I will likely have to get something pressure treated and do some sort of water-seal over it before putting stall mats in. He said they need the floor in for stability when transporting. I wonder if it would be difficult to remove it afterward if I just get a cheap floor and then put stall mats down. I want the cows to be comfortable walking in there- so maybe a ramp up into it will help. Three of my concerns about it coming with flooring:
1. Worried it might not hold the weight of fat cows
2. Possibility of moisture damage from cow urine
3. Cows might be afraid to walk on it
I drove 32 miles today, added screws to a small pantry and skim coated it, then I drove 32 miles back home. Tomorrow I'm putting in some Marmoleum. The pantry is about 7 1/2 ft square. There's going to be a seam down one side that consists of three pieces. I think I'm going to try to straight edge and butt the material rather than scribe it. Each of the fill pieces will be less than a foot wide by 30 in long. Once completed the entire perimeter of this little pantry is going to be covered in shelving.
Worst case scenario means I will actually have to scribe these little small pieces.
I'm not familiar with Marmoleum. Made me think of marmalade so now I'm hungry.

Mom woke me up in the middle of the night. I shouldn't have told her I was going somewhere in the morning. She ALWAYS wakes me up if she knows I have to be up early. I don't know if it's subconscious or on purpose. Haven't been able to get back to sleep since.

Scrubbed the kitchen counters and microwave since I couldn't sleep. I wish my brother had taken the trash out like he was supposed to. I could have done more cleaning but the trash can is overflowing and I can't lift it bc my shoulder is borked.

Going to take my friend to Lowes to get more gravel and we plan to stop at a place that sells sheds/barns and see what their prices are and such. Friend had his eye on a red 8x10. I'm interested in the 12x21 building (unless it's actually 12x12 and the catalog has a typo-- images make it look 12x12- I want to see if they can do 12x16).
Havent laid Marmo for years and not missing it at all :)
This is the first installation of Marmoleum that I've done in many, many years. I'm glad it's just a tiny room. I would have been more happy had it been one piece. It's a really old house and I know the floor underneath this pantry is not insulated. My thermometer says 32° this morning. That's not going to help. I did tell the owner to leave the space heater in that room overnight and they do keep the rest of the house warm so that's a good thing.
This is the first installation of Marmoleum that I've done in many, many years. I'm glad it's just a tiny room. I would have been more happy had it been one piece. It's a really old house and I know the floor underneath this pantry is not insulated. My thermometer says 32° this morning. That's not going to help. I did tell the owner to leave the space heater in that room overnight and they do keep the rest of the house warm so that's a good thing.
What glue are you using?
WE used to use a latex based glue as that dried unlike acrylic which kinda stays sticky and lets go around the edges if it gets hot
Have been known to use acrylic in the middle of the drops with latex around the edges as the shop forgot to order any glue and being a weekend everything was shut
One of the two short joints shrunk and tiny bit. I showed the homeowner and it doesn't bother them at all because all the edges of this pantry will be covered up anyway. I've used that filler trick before.
You can't see anything exciting about this job but here's a picture anyway.
The tape is across the two end joints. I did straight edge the seams and they fit together flawlessly mainly because they were so short, just 34 in each.


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The doorway has a pocket door. The plywood seam in that doorway was on top of another seam in the doorway. I talked with the owner and the best I can do was drill between the two pieces and glue in wooden dowels. I drilled every other hole at an angle to make it stronger. Then I cut them flush then added some filler. It's going to be just hunky dory. 😉


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