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What's your heat source?
I had my electric changed to equal monthly payments. I used to like cheap summer bills. Now I like cheaper winter bills.
Ours about US$83.00 a month but its summer here
At winter we have a fireplace downstairs which burns about US$500 over winter
Anybody guess why we use the fireplace downstairs and not the visor fireplace in the lounge?
What's your heat source?
I had my electric changed to equal monthly payments. I used to like cheap summer bills. Now I like cheaper winter bills.
We have natural gas. Varies between $23 in the summer (water heater) To $125. in the winter. Considering this is an old farmhouse built in 1910, it is not hard to heat. Our other house cost about $400 a month in the winter. Our electricity is on level pay, about $145 a month year round.
Typical day for me. Went to bank, to Walmart and pharmacy. When I got home I did dishes, checked the tires on my car. Charged the battery on the other car. Made sure my van would start. Built a set of shelves and hung them in the office. Took the dog out 3 times. Put wiper blades on my car. Helped cook, my wife is having back problems. Put cartridges in the printer. Cleaned the shop. Typical day for a retired guy. Oh, worked on a computer too.
So, got the word on Thursday I need cataract surgery. My left eye is dominant and my right eye is virtually unusable. Cataracts are building in left eye too and are getting close to obscuring vision. Only noticeable effect is when I view certain things I should see in the dark sky where I live, like the Orion Nebula or the Pleiades, they are almost invisible on a clear night. So I know that I'm getting close to seeing impairment enough that it could keep me from driving. Seeing doctor on 4/2.

On a good note, I got my new laptop and it took half as long to load all the software as I thought it would. Office, Photoshop suite, and all the astronomy software all worked. But one usb to serial converter isn't compatible with Win 10. Just ordered a new one that works with Win 10. So I'm betting on a massive power outage across the East Coast this week...

One of my 92 AH batteries died. It's from 2013 so it's due. I have 2 of them. One is still good. Oh well, what's another $130

And I put the snowblower in the shed. That means it's going to snow by Easter.

Gas is $3.89, in the land of libs and lazy's.

$3.10 here in Lancaster, Pa. More people driving is a good thing. A year ago, you could go out on any highway at 5 in the afternoon and wonder where the rush hour is. Roads are packed and this is farm country. I'll just blame this on demand as a leading factor in an improving economy.

Compared to Europe this is still cheap.
Typical day for me. Went to bank, to Walmart and pharmacy. When I got home I did dishes, checked the tires on my car. Charged the battery on the other car. Made sure my van would start. Built a set of shelves and hung them in the office. Took the dog out 3 times. Put wiper blades on my car. Helped cook, my wife is having back problems. Put cartridges in the printer. Cleaned the shop. Typical day for a retired guy. Oh, worked on a computer too.
I went to the store yesterday bought some plumbing lines for the bathroom faucet and I ate some cookies. You win this round Rusty, but you just wait. So far today I'm off to a running start. Coffee and cookies so far and the day is only half over. 😁
$3.10 here in Lancaster, Pa. More people driving is a good thing. A year ago, you could go out on any highway at 5 in the afternoon and wonder where the rush hour is. Roads are packed and this is farm country. I'll just blame this on demand as a leading factor in an improving economy.

Compared to Europe this is still cheap.
Same here at a Fred Meyers station. Across the streetat Chevron, it's $3.20
Today I quoted my very first 1M dollar job. Go Me!
... funny thing is tomorrow i have another one due. Not too bad for my first week on the job i gotta say.
I will let you know if i got them right.

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