When my dad went back to Vietnam for work (processing applications from potential immigrants), he had an interpreter. He would point to a random animal and ask for the recipe & she would tell him. There were recipes for bats, spiders, rats, & all sorts of critters.
Went to walmart to pick up mom's RX that was supposed to be filled last week. Stood in line about 10min (only 1 counter was open) & was told it wasn't ready yet & they would fill it in 30 to 45 minutes if I would wait in the store. They are normally wrong about that-- takes longer. So I wandered around the store bored as hell for 50 minutes and then got back in line. Got up there & was told it still wasn't ready and if I waited in one of the chairs they would tell me when it was ready. Sat there for another 35+ minutes. Phone ran out of battery & I started to get cranky. I got back in line again & got up there. Told the clerk "Round 3. If it's not ready this time I don't have time & have to go". She looked very disappointed & apologized after checking with the others. Still wasn't filled. She apologized again as I was leaving but I told her it wasn't her fault & I'd have to come back another day. I had some cold groceries and needed to get them home. Also needed to stop by the post office to get mail and if I waited longer, the post office would be closed. Picked up mail and went home. I did grab a Borden's chocolate milk to chug when I got back to the truck so I could chill out. I was in a bad mood & wanted to put myself in a better mood before getting home.
Vet refused to approve the rx for Fippy's heartworm meds. Called to find out why & they said he has to get his vaccines or they won't approve it. We don't like getting the rabies vaccine bc it can cause cancer but it's mandatory. Ugh. So, I will have to take him in for his shots and pick up mom's rx sometime this week.