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It actually turned out rather well, still need to grout it but its sunday and i cannot get to my supplier and i refuse to pay retail for stuff so there is that.
Bathtilehappy times.jpg
I haven't had spiral cut ham in years. I had a cat who would go berserk over it. She was normally very mild-mannered & rarely demanded food, but something about that ham-- she was very vocal about wanting some of it. She would get excited when it was cooking.

I went to the grocery store to get milk. Mine went sour early and my brother was out. Got some bananas, cereal, & some sugar free pudding for Mom. I knew she'd want some sort of treat to celebrate the end of Lent.

My brother made some boneless skinless chicken in the pressure cooker so I made that with baked potato for Mom. I might do some tortellini tonight.
I bought a game cam back in December. Price was right and I was curious whos cats were peeing in my carport. šŸ˜
Yesterday my brother picked up a round bird seed cupcake? Donut?
Not sure what it's called. We've been feeding birds for the last year or so and putting little scoops of bird seed on the railing around the deck.
A squirrel and sometimes a blue jay comes to invade so I bought an airsoft pistol to scare those away so little birds can eat.
Anyway I figured the squirrel might try to run off with that bird seed cake thingy so I put a couple of screws through it so it couldn't move. Last night I put the game camera on the railing Just for kicks and giggles
13 videos last night and by this morning another 42, 40 second clips of two rats continuously returning to feed.
Well the game cam is back up where I put it last night. Instead of putting the disc of bird seed back up there's a rat trap with some bird seed in it. I'm hoping to make a short horror movie tonight. I'm going to call it "Ben" the final episode šŸ˜
My old dog, god rest her soul, use to corner rats in our barbecue and then i would pop the lid and light them with lead....... from my air rifle. No one is going so shoot powder actuated shells into a propane bbq, that would be crazy. It is amazing how many rats are really around when one has the means of observing them

Also, I hate almost all tile patterns, people are so boring. I was going to just ham them up there like a hardwood floor all random like, but then i thought being only 16 inches there was not enough differential to make that interesting, so off for the 1/3 stacked but thanks :p
I cannot say that i know for certain but i do know for a fact they stink when you roast them. If something wants to escape death its best avenue of approach is not inside of an aluminum box that lights on fire at the flick of a switch
When my dad went back to Vietnam for work (processing applications from potential immigrants), he had an interpreter. He would point to a random animal and ask for the recipe & she would tell him. There were recipes for bats, spiders, rats, & all sorts of critters.

Went to walmart to pick up mom's RX that was supposed to be filled last week. Stood in line about 10min (only 1 counter was open) & was told it wasn't ready yet & they would fill it in 30 to 45 minutes if I would wait in the store. They are normally wrong about that-- takes longer. So I wandered around the store bored as hell for 50 minutes and then got back in line. Got up there & was told it still wasn't ready and if I waited in one of the chairs they would tell me when it was ready. Sat there for another 35+ minutes. Phone ran out of battery & I started to get cranky. I got back in line again & got up there. Told the clerk "Round 3. If it's not ready this time I don't have time & have to go". She looked very disappointed & apologized after checking with the others. Still wasn't filled. She apologized again as I was leaving but I told her it wasn't her fault & I'd have to come back another day. I had some cold groceries and needed to get them home. Also needed to stop by the post office to get mail and if I waited longer, the post office would be closed. Picked up mail and went home. I did grab a Borden's chocolate milk to chug when I got back to the truck so I could chill out. I was in a bad mood & wanted to put myself in a better mood before getting home.

Vet refused to approve the rx for Fippy's heartworm meds. Called to find out why & they said he has to get his vaccines or they won't approve it. We don't like getting the rabies vaccine bc it can cause cancer but it's mandatory. Ugh. So, I will have to take him in for his shots and pick up mom's rx sometime this week.
Got mom out of the house to take Fippy to the vet. I wanted her to exercise & also knew it would be easier to get Fippy to cooperate if she came along. She took so long to get ready that they were closed for lunch so we went to Walmart. I sat in the truck with Fippy for awhile then went to get gas. I walked Fippy over to the grass while the truck filled up. When it was done I got him back inside & parked back at Walmart in a handicap spot to make it easier for Mom to get back in. She took almost an hour in there so I took Fippy for another walk. He started out nearly dragging me all excited. I made sure to keep him away from children (he doesn't like them) and let him pee on some small trees. We walked back and forth in front of the store a couple times. He started to wear down and I started to overheat so we went back to the truck. A couple of people commented on how cute he is-- especially in his little Batman harness.

Vet was happy to see my Mom since she hadn't seen her in a long time. She asked about some of our pets & I informed her they had died of cancer. She reminisced about the create names we have for our pets and some of her favorites were Kunta Kitteh and Prince Fuzzynuts. She was also fond of Senator Snugglebum. She hadn't remembered Chairman Meow (which was a friend's cat we named).

As an aside, I saw on social media some people were upset about a news station where they had the Caturday cat of the day & there was a cat with a Hitler mustache pattern named Kitler. The weather lady had to issue a formal apology for it showing during her segment. So many people were offended. Funny thing is, a Jewish friend of mine had a cat named Kitler who had the mustache like that.

While in the waiting area, I introduced myself to the new office cat, Fred. He has his own bench off to the side & they said he's not friendly with many people (I was told this after he climbed in my lap). I let him sniff my hand & he nuzzled me. I petted him gently & then sat down next to him. He was fascinated by the scents of other cats, dogs, and cows on me. He climbed all over me sniffing my cardigan, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, etc. Then he climbed in my lap to be petted. The vet was shocked. She said I was lucky he even let me sit on his bench & he normally doesn't tolerate that, but there he was cuddling with me. LOL. I told her I let him sniff my hand first & waited until he gave approval. Fippy got his 1year heartworm shot so we don't have to fight with him monthly on the pill-- he keeps spitting it out and clamped his teeth down when I tried to put the pill down his throat. Can't blame him really-- it smells disgusting so I imagine it doesn't taste good at all. He got his other vaccines as well. We'll probably have to take Princess in soon.

Had to go back to Walmart since Mom hadn't felt like waiting in line for her RX. I went back in & there was no line & all of the windows were open for a change so I was able to get her meds quickly.

We grabbed food from Burger King & she gave half her whopper to Fippy to make up for him getting shots.
When my dad went back to Vietnam for work (processing applications from potential immigrants), he had an interpreter. He would point to a random animal and ask for the recipe & she would tell him. There were recipes for bats, spiders, rats, & all sorts of critters.

Went to walmart to pick up mom's RX that was supposed to be filled last week. Stood in line about 10min (only 1 counter was open) & was told it wasn't ready yet & they would fill it in 30 to 45 minutes if I would wait in the store. They are normally wrong about that-- takes longer. So I wandered around the store bored as hell for 50 minutes and then got back in line. Got up there & was told it still wasn't ready and if I waited in one of the chairs they would tell me when it was ready. Sat there for another 35+ minutes. Phone ran out of battery & I started to get cranky. I got back in line again & got up there. Told the clerk "Round 3. If it's not ready this time I don't have time & have to go". She looked very disappointed & apologized after checking with the others. Still wasn't filled. She apologized again as I was leaving but I told her it wasn't her fault & I'd have to come back another day. I had some cold groceries and needed to get them home. Also needed to stop by the post office to get mail and if I waited longer, the post office would be closed. Picked up mail and went home. I did grab a Borden's chocolate milk to chug when I got back to the truck so I could chill out. I was in a bad mood & wanted to put myself in a better mood before getting home.

Vet refused to approve the rx for Fippy's heartworm meds. Called to find out why & they said he has to get his vaccines or they won't approve it. We don't like getting the rabies vaccine bc it can cause cancer but it's mandatory. Ugh. So, I will have to take him in for his shots and pick up mom's rx sometime this week.

Went to China a few years ago as we were in the area to see the Great Wall Of China staying in a reasonable hotel
We didnt like the look of the buffet so decided to have a look in the big underground supermarket over the road
Everything they had there looked at you so I can understand what you are saying about Vietnam zannej
Had Peking Duck one night and even that looked at you. We gave our meals to our driver and guide
We left with nothing, didnt even trust what was in a Big Mac Cat, Dog, Rat etc etc
I tried to get to bed at a decent hour. Foiled again by Mom. She woke me up after midnight because she was hungry. Kidney stone was acting up but I still dragged myself out & got her food-- but that wasn't good enough for her. She made me wait for her to finish in case she wanted something else. She did, but I had wanted to go lie down. She knew if I went back to bed it would be harder to wake me. So, between being woken up, the kidney stone, and the heat (it was too warm in the house) I tossed & turned and woke up sweating. Cats were (and still are) hogging the bed. LOL. They pestered me last night for food when their bowls are not empty. I refuse to feed them in the middle of the night so they don't get accustomed to it. Now it seems they aren't hungry so they are content to sit on me.

Jon, I would be wary of food in China because I know they don't have the same hygiene standards & they don't really care about human life that much-- well, many of the people do, but the government doesn't.

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