I meant to reply last night but wasn't feeling well.
Prices of lumber have really gone up where I live. Really sucks because I want to build myself a platform bed. My boxspring sucks & doesn't stop my mattress from sliding.
Yesterday early in the morning I felt fluttering in my chest like I get when I have arrhythmia. Pulse was all wonky. When I tried to sit up it looked like everything was spinning. I felt dizzy & nauseous. I went to the bathroom & got really dizzy & had to grab the cabinet to keep fro falling over when I bent down. If I tipped my head down/forward I got dizzy & nauseous. If I tipped it back I had the same thing. I went back to bed & got the same feeling when I tipped my head to the side. When I was lying down it got worse. I seem to have the best luck with sitting up.
Mom was insisting on going to Samsclub that day even though I told her I wasn't feeling well, but she can't lift the water cases herself. I was feeling so crappy that I let her drive-- which was stressful for both of us (she doesn't remember how to use cruise control, she doesn't pay attention to speed limit signs, & she kept missing turns). If I do any of that she screams at me.
I loaded up on cat food & water (I pulled the cases from up high & didn't bend far to put them in the cart). I kept laying my head down on the pile of cat food bags on the cart while waiting for my mother to finish shopping. At one point she asked me if I was ready to leave & I said "Yes". She then went down 10 more aisles & couldn't figure out why I was irritated. Fortunately, there was an employee out in the parking lot collecting carts so he offered to help load stuff in the truck. He got the heavy stuff for me.
Ordered food, got home, found out they screwed up on the order & gave me a bunch of wings & chicken breasts when I wanted thighs & drumsticks. There were only 3 thighs (my favorite out of the friend chicken selection). The dog ripped the box open and stole one of the thighs while I was getting something for my mom.
I still got dizzy today but didn't have the nausea. I'm getting waves of dizziness right now. I almost broke the toilet tank because I started to fall when I pushed the lever-- torqued my shoulder catching myself. Generally feel like garbage but I've felt worse. Very mild headache. I think it may be sinuses. Also very minor chest pain extending through to my spine-- probably gas.
I'm hoping this will pass soon. If I'm still having symptoms by Monday I'll call my doctor.
On the upside, I've been playing around with Sketchup. I like to plan and draw stuff when I can't do other stuff due to health reasons. When I stop being dizzy I'll work on my floor-- whether my shoulder is better or not. I'm planning a platform bed since my current bed frame sucks. I got the idea to use strong ties (which cost 43¢ each). 3dWarehouse didn't have any existing models so I made my own & added hex screws (I found the hex bolts online but they were the wrong size so I had to edit them).
These are the ones I drew (sans screws and then with screws)

I know measurements and angles are off-- I eyeballed the drawings and images to do my best approximation.