Gained a little bit today. Got the first room stretched in but not trimmed. Between the pattern and where I wanted the lines to land by the tile and the outside wall did not work out as originally planned. I wanted to start with a big pattern square next to the tile and eliminating the closest line to it. Have I done that there might have been a full row or line parallel with the opposite end of the room. I didn't want to chance having part of the line in the room so now there's a line that's 3.5 inches out from the wall at one end and 3 in away from the metal edge by the tile.
There appears to be a skew of about an inch and a quarter or more but I was able to deal with that and make it straight or parallel to the wall.
It sure is a lengthy process going back and forth to get things just right, but just knowing it's possible makes the rest of the job easier to think about. For sayin', a little bit less stressed now. Now I need to show the other installer what I did to make it turn out right. I hope I can instill some patience in him so we won't try to rush this thing. You can't fix woven carpets like you can normal carpet...... And I don't want to do no fixin'
I stretched parallel to the fireplace one direction and then turned around and stretched it back the opposite direction, then I made relief cuts to fold the carpet into the right and left sides of the fireplace. That's the starting point. Once you have it stretched into the fireplace and both sides of the fireplace and your lines are straight, everything else is just straight walls except for the tile area. I'm hoping the tile is very close to being straight or parallel to the exterior glass wall in all 24 of the rooms........ well, I guess it's 23 now.

I like stretching away from difficult. And I often take an 8' or 10' 4x4 to build a wall around surfaces I can't stretch off of.
The 8-footer was not long enough for this, my 12-footer is longer than I wanted to work with, but my 10-footer is no more.
I built some stands and ramps to support the front or back of my truck for doing oil changes and stuff.......
In the process I chopped up my 10 footer to make up part of the supports. That was long before they were $95 a piece.

Oh well this is going to work just fine.
I'm a wall builder. I love making walls. Walls solve all kinds of problems.