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The garage is all exposed insulation so in order to hang blinds, I don’t have much choice. Bot it’s actually going pretty quick. The area around the door is exposed, including around light switch.
need new multitool and a new stationary sander. Might see if Harbor Freight or look at Ryobi. I like the Hercules brand.
Not having my pick up working has cost me a week's worth of work. Decided to work yesterday to get a start on a carpet job in a duplex. I did one unit about a year ago and this one is a reverse floor plan. The first unit was remodeled then the tenant moved into that one and this is nearing completion of being remodeled. The handyman that installed the vinyl plank in the first unit did a terrible job. I was told someone else will be doing this second unit....... Nope, same guy did this one. 😲


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Not having my pick up working has cost me a week's worth of work. Decided to work yesterday to get a start on a carpet job in a duplex. I did one unit about a year ago and this one is a reverse floor plan. The first unit was remodeled then the tenant moved into that one and this is nearing completion of being remodeled. The handyman that installed the vinyl plank in the first unit did a terrible job. I was told someone else will be doing this second unit....... Nope, same guy did this one. 😲
I made the same mistake on the stairs threshold from landing to lower set of stairs. Put 3 nails in. Should have used PL Premium. After I realized what I did, went shopping for a new piece. $60. I’ll live with it.
Stopped at the store to get the proper lunch a little bit 'o. Couple pieces of cheese a pint of chocolate milk and five nature valley protein bars.
I don't know if five is the usual number of bars in each box for this company. I open it up and something looked wrong so I looked on the front. Im guessing that an employee said hey you want to make an extra 20% on this product and someone OK'd the idea.
I think I'll write them a letter. There's still room in there for a toy.


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Man I feel for ya, @highup. I’ve gotten to the point that if my van is in the shop I just take the day(s) off. Not worth the headache of transferring tools and trying to make the job work cus you know you always forget something or some other ********. I had to borrow my girlfriends mini van one time for a side job when my van was down and I felt like a tweaker with carpet and pad sticking out the back of a beat up Ford Aerostar. Ain’t never doin that again.
Removing base, took up carpet(put in garage for donation) and they’re asking to demo shower. I just like? Removing floors bonded to substrates,


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The job that I'm on is about 4 mi away. My next job is a new house and it's 50 mi away but travel time is going to be about an hour and 20 minutes because it's not all on the highway. I was lucky enough to have a friend offer me use of his van while my truck was down. I wasn't even going to ask him because my neighbor could shuffle me around town to get to O'Reilly's for a few days. He just said "hey, why don't you take my blue van until you get done"
Friends don't get any better than that. It's a blue, short Chevy van and it looks a hell of a lot better than anything I own. It was really nice having the transportation. I needed it a lot more than I thought I would.
Rusty, I hope everything will be OK with you.

Highup, man, the guy that did that "work" really did a sloppy job.

Today I got up early & went to Samsclub to grab more water & stuff. Got some battery backups for the phone, mom's cpap, and the modem/router. Picked up mail, got home and went to set up the backups & the power went out. Was out a few hours and then came back on but TV is not working. Not sure if it came unplugged or what, but the light in that room doesn't work and I can't see worth crap even with the little lantern. Plus mom has been throwing trash on the floor again instead of in the trash bag I gave her. So now I have to go clean up the mess again to get to the TV. Will look at it in daylight. If I can't figure it out, my friend will come out to take a look.

At least I remembered to take my medicines today.

I made a run in to McDonalds since we couldn't cook with the power out. My cat, Predicate, missed me so he's sitting on my shoulder rubbing his face against mine and purring in my ear.
We didn't have any for quite awhile but have been getting them almost once per week. I think it's 3 weeks in a row now.
After about 5 tries until demo day I tried to push off a shower demo to the tile guy. Half tiled wall, angled glass door, top glass wall, 2nd day my brother demo’d it, we did floor tile, carpet, tack strip, base removal.


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Today I finally got my oversized 360A alternator installed. It was a gigantic pain in the ass because the diameter is about 0.5 inches larger than the last one so I had to remove the brackets from the engine block, install a set back plate, guess what size belt I needed and then proceed to swear for about 5 hours to make all of that work but now, now it works like a hot damn and I could not be happier with it.

This weekend the stereo goes back in and it will be the first time that I would be able to power it without voltage/power drop so we will see how that works. I know I am jacked.

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