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Making progress hanging drywall in garage. Outlet cuts are still a little off but better than my first one. Idiot builder could have paid a little more attention to the measuring tape when he studded the wall. Studs are 16 1/4 on center. Ran out of stud after 2 panels. I have one panel left on this wall. Then I need to drywall around door and a 3 foot wide piece on first wall.
I can safely say one thing. I’m glad I became a computer technician rather than a drywall hanger!


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Got 6 sheets of drywall. Heavy stuff! My friend brought it over. Stood up 3 sheets against wall and 3 on 2 x4’s over saw horses. Too hot in garage so I opened the door to the house to cool things off.
I've been disccovering in the last 6 months to a year that everything that was heavily is now heavier.
I'm pretty sure it's just me and the stuff is actually the same way that used to be. Because of that I think that two people are better than one in a lot of instances.
Got me a hill crescent wrench today at the habitat store.
300 cents bought me this 10-in beauty. The jaws are much wider than any crescent wrench I have seen. Though it seemed some use the jaws move as fine as a Swiss watch. This was back in the day when they actually made a nice wrench. I'd rather own this one than a brand new one at the same size.


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I went to Walmart with my brother to get groceries. Felt exhausted the entire time. Could still barely bend or move. Fortunately, he did most of the bending and lifting. Went home and cooked for mom. Took a nap until mom wanted food again. Got back up and cooked again, then changed the AC filter. It was getting way too warm at night. Now it's nice and chilly.

Watched some TV with mom (I figured out what was wrong-- power strip was burned out so I swapped it out & mom watched tv). There was a show about cop bodycams showing stuff happening. I didn't see the whole thing but gist was a cop pulled a woman over for some traffic violation and while dealing with her, some idiot in a Honda CR-V was cruising at 117mph and ran in to the back of a Ford Windstar. Lady in the Windstar had just refueled & the sparks from the metal started a fire. Looked like there was an explosion. Cop grabbed a fire extinguisher, rushed over, sprayed the woman and front seat with the extinguisher, undid her seatbelt, and dragged her out. He had already called in for backup and had cops move her farther away from the burning wreckage. Paramedics showed up and were going to treat the woman who caused the accident but the cop yelled that the other woman was the priority. He then had to go back to the lady who he pulled over to ask for her info & promised not to give her a ticket-- said he just needed her as a witness to what happened and said he was glad she didn't get hurt by any of the debris. Lady was asking him if he was OK and saying she was worried and how brave he was to rush over to a burning car like that. Lady in the CRV survived and was prosecuted. Lady in the Windstar had a broken back, punctured lung, broken ribs, injured spleen, 2nd & 3rd degree burns. A couple months after she'd already had 16 surgeries and still needed more. She'd apparently been unconscious in the hospital for 3 weeks after the wreck. All she remembered was sitting at the red light and then waking up in the hospital.

It was nice to see something about good cops.

Thursday I'm making plans with my friend to go have a Loki marathon at his house. I'll bring food and we can hang out and watch. I hope I can get my mom to come over too. She might if she gets to hold the baby.
I went to Walmart with my brother to get groceries. Felt exhausted the entire time. Could still barely bend or move. Fortunately, he did most of the bending and lifting. Went home and cooked for mom. Took a nap until mom wanted food again. Got back up and cooked again, then changed the AC filter. It was getting way too warm at night. Now it's nice and chilly.

Watched some TV with mom (I figured out what was wrong-- power strip was burned out so I swapped it out & mom watched tv). There was a show about cop bodycams showing stuff happening. I didn't see the whole thing but gist was a cop pulled a woman over for some traffic violation and while dealing with her, some idiot in a Honda CR-V was cruising at 117mph and ran in to the back of a Ford Windstar. Lady in the Windstar had just refueled & the sparks from the metal started a fire. Looked like there was an explosion. Cop grabbed a fire extinguisher, rushed over, sprayed the woman and front seat with the extinguisher, undid her seatbelt, and dragged her out. He had already called in for backup and had cops move her farther away from the burning wreckage. Paramedics showed up and were going to treat the woman who caused the accident but the cop yelled that the other woman was the priority. He then had to go back to the lady who he pulled over to ask for her info & promised not to give her a ticket-- said he just needed her as a witness to what happened and said he was glad she didn't get hurt by any of the debris. Lady was asking him if he was OK and saying she was worried and how brave he was to rush over to a burning car like that. Lady in the CRV survived and was prosecuted. Lady in the Windstar had a broken back, punctured lung, broken ribs, injured spleen, 2nd & 3rd degree burns. A couple months after she'd already had 16 surgeries and still needed more. She'd apparently been unconscious in the hospital for 3 weeks after the wreck. All she remembered was sitting at the red light and then waking up in the hospital.

It was nice to see something about good cops.

Thursday I'm making plans with my friend to go have a Loki marathon at his house. I'll bring food and we can hang out and watch. I hope I can get my mom to come over too. She might if she gets to hold the baby.
There's a YouTube channel called video leak police that shows what cops really go through when things get tough. If the news would show these videos instead of the anti/negative cop stories, a lot of people would change their mind and appreciate the police for things that can happen when the cops are called to a crime or a scene.
Next I'll put my "thin blue line" flag up there and watch my liberal neighbor's heads explode!

That’s the **** that just baffles me. I was talkin to an obviously liberal customer a couple weeks ago and was mentioning how in Portland they would steal your Trump signs n ******** like that. She gave the thumbs up like that was perfectly acceptable. I asked her what she would do if I came into her yard and started stealing ****, you would pull a gun on me, that’s what you would do. So why is it acceptable for them to do that **** to someone else. We all have differing opinions. I don’t have to agree with you but I also don’t have to be disrespectful about it and break the law just because I don’t agree with you. How about you just shut up and stay on your side of the fence. She didn’t like that answer and I didn’t care. We agreed to disagree and life went on. Funny how that works.

The other thing is people losing their **** over a rebel flag. You can step over homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk like it’s no big deal but a rebel flag, that obviously means something different to those who have family members who fought in the civil war, just makes you go nuts? If you can ignore the human trash that’s littering cities across America then clearly you can ignore a flag on someone’s front porch in the boonies. For a group of people that go around telling us to celebrate diversity, they sure do seem a bit intolerant of those that are different than them.
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Chris read this box and tell me your thoughts on the two claims. Advance flex technologies & Hides most subfloor imperfections. I told a GC’s employee after I grinded floor saying it wasn’t too flat, he replied the new Core Tec is supposed to be ok, “is what “they” claim. He got the “claim” part right.


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Here’s where I cut tile to different rooms where hardwood is going in. 1/4” inside the door line to allow the lip of a T mold on top of tile, transition under door, When door closed. Today’s homeowners flagpole, US, Marine,POW, he said his son is in “military”


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Chris read this box and tell me your thoughts on the two claims. Advance flex technologies & Hides most subfloor imperfections. I told a GC’s employee after I grinded floor saying it wasn’t too flat, he replied the new Core Tec is supposed to be ok, “is what “they” claim. He got the “claim” part right.

What the box says is just a bunch of jibba jab meant to help sell product to those that either don’t know any better or don’t care. It’s called normalized deviation. People have been pushing the limits and straight up breaking the rules so much that it’s considered normal anymore. It’s like driving on the freeway in Charlotte, if you’re not speeding, you’re pissing people off. Doesn’t mean you’ll get a ticket but if you do it’s gonna cost you.

Funny thing is people complain that there is no pride or craftsmanship anymore. How can there be when the very product you’re getting paid to install straight up says rules don’t matter on the box. That’s some Ron Popeil ******** right there, just click it and forget it.

And for the record that ProCore stuff has a very fragile drop n lock butt joint that likes to break under ideal conditions. You’re just asking for problems if the floor isn’t flat. The plank itself may flex but the butt joints will pop open until the end of time.
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I wasn’t sure about if they were improving it somehow so the joints wouldn’t disconnect. From what I grind I try to take out some humps, but dam, slabs are like swells in the ocean.
I see people who post signs in their yards that I find stupid- some are even offensive. But it's their property so I leave it alone. I wouldn't want someone vandalizing/stealing my property so I won't do it to others. Taking someone's signs only makes them feel even more justified in their hatred. I've had my property both vandalized & stolen (by my criminal neighbors bc they are a-holes) so I know how crappy it feels.

I'll stay out of political stuff in this thread.

As for cops, I think it does depend on where they are and how much training/what sort of training they have. There are a couple of good cops around (in my area) a whole bunch of mediocre to useless ones, and some outright horrid ones. Ones who go around harassing minorities and threatening people. One of the local cops is a drug dealer who plants drugs on people he doesn't like. But the cops here won't police themselves. Although, former chief of police did get busted & have to resign. Sadly, the bad cops ruin it for the good cops and then cops who used to be good sort of slide in to mediocrity because there is little motivation to do good. Plus the cops who do the right thing when other cops are doing wrong are the ones who get screwed over. We need a much better system with better training. We also need to have cops who are trained to respond to violence as well as ones who are trained in social work/psychology so they can de-escalate. So many of the videos I've seen show failure to de-escalate. Some go straight to escalation and I think it's poor screening and poor training. But, like teachers, they need proper funding for the screening and training. And they don't always have enough good candidates. There are some people who became cops that have no business wearing a badge or having a weapon-- just as there are people who became teachers who have no business being within 100ft of children.

I went back to the grocery store to grab a few more things. Got a fridge thermometer to see if my fridge is as cold as it's supposed to be because my milk keeps spoiling prematurely. It went sour an entire week before expiration date last time.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to help someone on another forum with his design for a metal covertec style clip. He's trying to make it out of aluminium and wants to have a spring clip part but it's not working. I don't think aluminium has the right properties to spring back the way he wants-- at least not repeatedly without breaking. His prototype for it was a failure. I've been suggesting using stainless steel but he wants to keep trying with the aluminium.
I wasn’t sure about if they were improving it somehow so the joints wouldn’t disconnect. From what I grind I try to take out some humps, but dam, slabs are like swells in the ocean.

Some products can handle slight dips and humps. Humps better than dips. Dips will trampoline unless you have a really good product that has excellent drape characteristics. The drop n lock products, even if the planks themselves will flex and contour, will have a tendency for the butt joints to pop open because they aren’t actually locked into each other. So if you have some sort of lip or hump right at the butt joint, that thing is gonna split after a few times of being walked on if not immediately. You can super glue the joint but that stress is still there and it’s just a matter of time until that joint has had enough and breaks.

I get that floating floors meet America’s obsession with faster and cheaper but at a certain point you gotta realize that you can’t reinvent the wheel. First it was laminate but that had its short comings with moisture. Then LVP came along and that stuff blew up in sun light. Next came WPC. Not bad, things are improving but people got cocky and over confident with breaking the rules so SPC/ rigid core came along and was supposed to fix the ‘I don’t have to prep the subfloor’ BS. But that stuff was so stiff that it rocked on rocks, lips and whatever else people think it could just be laid over. Now we are back to flexible planks. How about we quit reinventing the floating floor and just go back to a properly prepped substrate and telling people NO when a floating floor just isn’t a good fit for their situation. I know, I know, that doesn’t put dollars in somebody’s pocket but dang, when does it end. I’m tired of being made out to be the ******* because I told you so but I told you so. Rant over.

The ol man is doing better and is comin home on Sunday so I’m flyin back to NC tomorrow so we can drive one of the cars out here to Phoenix. Got a buddy that will live in our house so it’s lived in and taken care of since were gonna be here for a while. Not really looking forward to competing with cheap labor again so I’ve got a plan to work the rich old lady circuit in Scottsdale. Those broads always have a list of stuff that needs doin and they all gab to each other at the salon. You know they do and I speak fluent rich old lady. Hey baby, you need some aspirin for your heart. Besides, I need a sugar (grand)mama.

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