I got me a 25' tall flag pole. Dug a hole 18" deep, inserted the sleeve, and buried two bags of concrete. Tomorrow I will set up the rollers and rope, and hang the flag of the good ol' US of A.
You can do that in Kommiefornia?I got me a 25' tall flag pole. Dug a hole 18" deep, inserted the sleeve, and buried two bags of concrete. Tomorrow I will set up the rollers and rope, and hang the flag of the good ol' US of A.
I've been disccovering in the last 6 months to a year that everything that was heavily is now heavier.Got 6 sheets of drywall. Heavy stuff! My friend brought it over. Stood up 3 sheets against wall and 3 on 2 x4’s over saw horses. Too hot in garage so I opened the door to the house to cool things off.
I somehow missed his post on that. I'd almost think he might get arrested.You can do that in Kommiefornia?
There's a YouTube channel called video leak police that shows what cops really go through when things get tough. If the news would show these videos instead of the anti/negative cop stories, a lot of people would change their mind and appreciate the police for things that can happen when the cops are called to a crime or a scene.I went to Walmart with my brother to get groceries. Felt exhausted the entire time. Could still barely bend or move. Fortunately, he did most of the bending and lifting. Went home and cooked for mom. Took a nap until mom wanted food again. Got back up and cooked again, then changed the AC filter. It was getting way too warm at night. Now it's nice and chilly.
Watched some TV with mom (I figured out what was wrong-- power strip was burned out so I swapped it out & mom watched tv). There was a show about cop bodycams showing stuff happening. I didn't see the whole thing but gist was a cop pulled a woman over for some traffic violation and while dealing with her, some idiot in a Honda CR-V was cruising at 117mph and ran in to the back of a Ford Windstar. Lady in the Windstar had just refueled & the sparks from the metal started a fire. Looked like there was an explosion. Cop grabbed a fire extinguisher, rushed over, sprayed the woman and front seat with the extinguisher, undid her seatbelt, and dragged her out. He had already called in for backup and had cops move her farther away from the burning wreckage. Paramedics showed up and were going to treat the woman who caused the accident but the cop yelled that the other woman was the priority. He then had to go back to the lady who he pulled over to ask for her info & promised not to give her a ticket-- said he just needed her as a witness to what happened and said he was glad she didn't get hurt by any of the debris. Lady was asking him if he was OK and saying she was worried and how brave he was to rush over to a burning car like that. Lady in the CRV survived and was prosecuted. Lady in the Windstar had a broken back, punctured lung, broken ribs, injured spleen, 2nd & 3rd degree burns. A couple months after she'd already had 16 surgeries and still needed more. She'd apparently been unconscious in the hospital for 3 weeks after the wreck. All she remembered was sitting at the red light and then waking up in the hospital.
It was nice to see something about good cops.
Thursday I'm making plans with my friend to go have a Loki marathon at his house. I'll bring food and we can hang out and watch. I hope I can get my mom to come over too. She might if she gets to hold the baby.
Next I'll put my "thin blue line" flag up there and watch my liberal neighbor's heads explode!You can do that in Kommiefornia?
Next I'll put my "thin blue line" flag up there and watch my liberal neighbor's heads explode!
Don’t forget your Trump 2024 flag
Chris read this box and tell me your thoughts on the two claims. Advance flex technologies & Hides most subfloor imperfections. I told a GC’s employee after I grinded floor saying it wasn’t too flat, he replied the new Core Tec is supposed to be ok, “is what “they” claim. He got the “claim” part right.
I wasn’t sure about if they were improving it somehow so the joints wouldn’t disconnect. From what I grind I try to take out some humps, but dam, slabs are like swells in the ocean.