CommercialFloorRep, Yikes! Sounds like it was a close one. Bleeding is not fun and ER trips are not fun at all. Glad they stopped the bleeding & hope you heal quickly. Very sorry to hear about your dad breaking his leg. Sending virtual hugs to both of you.
Rusty, could the ulcers be the source of the bleeding then? I haven't heard that it was a diabetic thing. I know it can be stress related. My dad use to get them and he wasn't diabetic. My best friend is also not diabetic but he gets them.
Got another chair for my room, two types I was considering I got at Habitat. The tan for 60, black for 200$, not exactly what I wanted but May stumble upon the man chair one day.
The $200 retailed for $399 at Samsclub a few years back. My friend had one (got it on a sale for discount) but his grandfather sat in it without a diaper and soaked it so it had to be thrown out.
Looks like it’s seen a fart or three.
A part of me finds it funny but then I see how the guy's back moves and I realize he could have gotten a back injury from that. Airbags have quite a lot of force. If someone did that to me, I'd probably be in traction.
Trying to finish cleaning my shop.Don't know why, I have nothing to build out there. Repaired furniture at one time, but have not had any for a couple years. Wood is too high to build anything. I do have one rocking chair that I made that is almost done. It has been sitting there for a couple years
Yeah, wood prices are still insane. I hope the prices go down. I also hope that the iron infusions help. I hear you on having stuff siting there unfinished. I have so much of that. I really need to focus on something and get things done.
This heat has not been helping. I have zero energy. Been sleeping all day. Been all achey the last few days & could barely move. Feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Took mom to 2 appointments Monday. Tuesday I could barely move but I eventually went to get groceries because mom was out of stuff. Today I had to go to the post office and popped in to see my friend but he wasn't home. Checked on the poor little kitten. His brother didn't make it so he's out there alone. His mother was nowhere to be found. He doesn't look like he's doing well. Friend's gf insisted poor kitten had to be tossed outside. He's not getting enough to eat and drink. I may end up having to bottlefeed him some kitten formula.
Friend's gf got home and parked behind my truck- making it harder for me to back out. She was in a bad mood. Friend's daughter is back from her trip. I asked her how it went and she said her brother bullied her the entire trip but then stopped when they got home. I feel bad for her. The mother just lets the boy abuse her & punishes her if she complains about it. A wasp got in to the house so I killed it. The little girl said I was her hero and thanked me. Had to leave to go make food for mom so I couldn't wait for my friend to get home.
Cleaned litterboxes and discovered there are blackberry bushes growing around the burn pile. Thorns got my fingers.
I need to try to force myself to do at least 1 productive thing per day. I've been letting too many days go by without getting something done. I just lack energy and motivation.
I forgot to mention that one of my teeth broke. Back molar on the bottom right side. Not sure why. I was eating eggs & bacon and then felt something sharp at the back of my mouth. Called the dentist & they can't see me until August 25. Other dentist didn't answer the phone and isn't open again until Friday. I'm hoping they can see me sooner and that the tooth can be salvaged.