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So far I've finished all the PCH+ games for the day and am slowly working on the PCH games. Potential prize is a $200 gift card. I won't win it, but it's fun to play the little games.
Dentist called to remind me of tomorrow's appointment tomorrow. I went and brushed my teeth right after.

My friend said that the casino's clinic is claiming that his gf's doctor never sent the test results showing she was positive for Covid. I asked if they could be lying. He thought I meant that the doctor could be lying about a positive result, but I meant that the clinic might be lying about receiving the info. I said when she's out of quarantine she will have to go to the doctor and demand the records so she can take them to the clinic. However, he thinks the casino already fired her because of it. If it's because the doctor refused to send the test results, maybe she can sue them. But, they undo firings when they get new info sometimes so she might just need to bring the paperwork in as she can't get hired at Walmart- they require high school diploma or GED. Her adopted mom pulled her out of school in 8th grade & was supposed to home-school her but still hadn't finished when she was 19. It was a ploy to keep her dependent and at home since the adopted parents were collecting her social security (without her knowledge).

I found one of my saw attachments I thought I'd lost. I need to find a couple more tools and then go get the board I want to mount to my wall for my monitor mount and cut it to size. I need to span studs that are 32" apart (with one in the middle) but will cut the board to 36" so I can put screws in 2" in from the edges. I'm thinking of using sticky tape on the back of the board to help hold it in place before I screw it down. The mount arm isn't as long as I want it to be so I will need to build up where I want it to mount to bump it out further. I'll need to figure out what to put on it to keep cats from climbing on it though. I may also need to attach something to the back of my desk so I can fit my subwoofer behind my keyboard shelf.
This is the keyboard shelf (well, monitor stand) that I got
I put my keyboard under it so the cats can't sit on it and mess stuff up when I'm not using my computer. I think the subwoofer is too long to fit on top of it and it would make me have to raise my monitor even higher. I'm hoping it won't be too high already.
I saw they sell clip on desk extensions but they are expensive. I wish I could find just the clips and make my own.
But I would have it extend behind the desk (since it's a tiny desk). I'm also thinking of putting pool noodles on top of stuff in case my monitor mount gets knocked down and the monitor falls, I want it to hit something soft to reduce chance of damage.

Meanwhile, I really like one of the bard songs from ESO and am trying to learn it. Reminds me of Celtic songs a bit. Lyrics are kinda dumb but I like the tune.

I had it running in a loop last night to help me sleep.
Z, you can use some wall anchors, mollies, in between the studs for more support. Prolly a little more permanent than booger tape.

Talked to the boss last night and told him I was making good time on my job. He told me to pace myself which is code for next week is slow. No problem. It’s 11 and I’m taking my first lunch. Prolly take my second lunch bout 12:30. The warehouse guy is delivering my base today bout 1 so guess I’m leaving right after that. Suppose to be 106 today so I got another date with the pool this afternoon.
Z, you can use some wall anchors, mollies, in between the studs for more support. Prolly a little more permanent than booger tape.

Talked to the boss last night and told him I was making good time on my job. He told me to pace myself which is code for next week is slow. No problem. It’s 11 and I’m taking my first lunch. Prolly take my second lunch bout 12:30. The warehouse guy is delivering my base today bout 1 so guess I’m leaving right after that. Suppose to be 106 today so I got another date with the pool this afternoon.
I could handle that life right about now. I delivered 11 full rolls of safetyfloor on site Monday... and Friday im going back to get 8 more :(
I could handle that life right about now. I delivered 11 full rolls of safetyfloor on site Monday... and Friday im going back to get 8 more :(

I might be able to get you a job here. When I got hired the old man told me he was lookin for another cracker. I would have to clarify if albino falls into the cracker category😁
Mark we arent allowed to only go out if its essential, the police are randomly stopping cars, especially if there is a family in it, as their is meant to be only one person from each family to go to supermarkets etc
I would love to go to work just to fill in my day. Have been pretty quiet over the last few months, couple of half days a week, as I do not do jobs much over 10m Vinyl too heavy for old fellas who work on their own. I have been known to turn up on larger jobs every now and then with another layer but he is too rough for me, throw it down go home then go back later to repair it
throw it down go home then go back later to repair it

That’s just how it is at a lot of places now. Sad thing is the new guys coming in are learning that that is how you do things. Some never even learn to do things correctly because all they know is some white dude (could be any color but you know what I mean) goes behind them cleaning up their mess.
Mark we arent allowed to only go out if its essential, the police are randomly stopping cars, especially if there is a family in it, as their is meant to be only one person from each family to go to supermarkets etc
I would love to go to work just to fill in my day. Have been pretty quiet over the last few months, couple of half days a week, as I do not do jobs much over 10m Vinyl too heavy for old fellas who work on their own. I have been known to turn up on larger jobs every now and then with another layer but he is too rough for me, throw it down go home then go back later to repair it
This is essential!
Z, you can use some wall anchors, mollies, in between the studs for more support. Prolly a little more permanent than booger tape.

Talked to the boss last night and told him I was making good time on my job. He told me to pace myself which is code for next week is slow. No problem. It’s 11 and I’m taking my first lunch. Prolly take my second lunch bout 12:30. The warehouse guy is delivering my base today bout 1 so guess I’m leaving right after that. Suppose to be 106 today so I got another date with the pool this afternoon.
To clarify, the "booger tape" is only to help keep the board from sliding out of alignment when I am trying to attach it to the wall since I won't have any help to put it up and it's in an awkward spot I will then screw it in to the studs. I don't have drywall and I don't think toggle bolts would hold in these thin wall panels. Might just rip right through them.

I ended up not feeling up to going down to the workshop in this heat.

I heard from my friend's gf and she's really upset because they are firing her for having to be out with Covid. She was officially exposed on the 4th and has been quarantining since then. The clinic told her to quarantine for 14 days. She started feeling sick toward the end of it. Her employer is claiming she should have only quarantined for 10 days. This is the message she got:
Note, that would only have given her 8 days of quarantine, not 10 because these stupid mofos can't do math.
Also, she has made every effort to get her doctor to send the Covid positive test and notes about her having symptoms for a few days prior to her going to get tested for a 2nd time. So, basically they are making it so that she had 5 days of missed work prior to her test results coming in. Which gives her the 5 points they need to fire her.

She's desperately trying to find another job before her car note is due next month. Walmart won't hire her because she doesn't have a GED, Sonic won't hire her bc several years ago she worked there & they didn't bother to train her and supervisor fired her on her 2nd day without even telling her why. They won't hire her at a few other places because there are some people who know her and don't like her. She's trying to see if McDonalds will hire her back-- they sort of fired her after she had a seizure and fell & hit her head bc they told her to keep working when she told them she felt dizzy. They didn't even call an ambulance. I wish I could help her but my mom can't stand her. Poor kid is really trying.

If her test comes back negative for Covid I may see if I can go with her to talk to her doctor's office to get her records printed out as well as get a note saying she was advised to stay out for 14 days. Her boyfriend tested positive for Covid within that time period so, IMO, it could have reset the timer on her quarantine. But they are being major jerks.

So, I have been fighting with my instrument cluster in my 92 civic engine swap for about... oh I dont know, since the day I put the engine in?? Well earlier this year I got the Tac, the fuel and the temp. Those are of vital importance. Then a little while back after driving in the pitch black of my interior for 400 km after 12 pm I decided to sort out why the instrument cluster lights did not work. All this while I have had no speedo, none what so ever, which really is ok since I can equate the speed to the tac and that is that. Thank you GPS speedometers.

Well, tonight gentlemen I finally got it to work. Figured I would go out there and give it the old collage try, so to speak. Tested the voltages on the speed sensor in the transmission, I know for a fact my ECU reads it because the car will throttle down when it sits stationary, but one never knows. Then I got to thinking that there must be a break in the wire somewhere between the VSS and the cluster.... I couldn't find it. When you cannot find something, the next best thing is to run a new one, so that is what I did. Just ran a 12 gauge wire between the VSS and my Speedometer and lo and behold, BOOM BABY. I can now officially tell the cops, yes, I do know how fast I was going.

I understand for some people this might not be as exciting as it is for this person, however I began this journey with 0 automotive experience so every new discovery is monumental.

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