Job I'm going to complete on Thursday as three children. The girl is 10 she's actually pretty cool. Very laid back and not overly chatty. There are two boys. The youngest one talks in gibberish and I can only understand a word here and there. I just nod or say, "o really?"occupied changes the name of the game for me. Give me a brand new commercial building any day and I am happy as can be.
Speaking of which, my bad brain time sad face is apparently over and I am hella happy to be at work again. Weird how the mind works sometimes.
The other boy is in between those two. After 5 days on the job we left on Friday. As I was leaving I told the homeowner that we were on our way out and will be back on Monday. The little kid that talks in gibberish, ran over and gave me a hug on the leg. It was special reward at the end of the day.
The grandma made a note to tell me thank you for the way I dealt with the kids. Hey, they're kids.'s not like I can smack em. Somebody might see me.

It's actually the first time I've had to work with kids in the house for a long, long time. Typically, the homeowners at work and I have a key to get in. I just want to accomplish enough each day that something is complete and their life isn't totally and disarray. Customers are very accepting once they understand your game plan.
General contractors on a large job would not put up with my game plan.

....... That said, I wouldn't put up with theirs.