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Unvaccinated, working every day without a mask in a building with +/- 100 people.

Its really just a matter of time, but that time has not come yet.

Covid was funny, some clients were very mask-centric and I respected that but I found the vast majority, when I got to the door with a mask on would frantically look for one and put it on. The we would kind of stare at each other sideways for a second and out would come the "im doing it for you" followed by a "...and im doing it for you" then usually a simultaneous "to hell with this"

It was a strange time to be alive.
Unvaccinated, working every day without a mask in a building with +/- 100 people.

Its really just a matter of time, but that time has not come yet.

Covid was funny, some clients were very mask-centric and I respected that but I found the vast majority, when I got to the door with a mask on would frantically look for one and put it on. The we would kind of stare at each other sideways for a second and out would come the "im doing it for you" followed by a "...and im doing it for you" then usually a simultaneous "to hell with this"

It was a strange time to be alive.
Most who get really sick and/or die from covid have underlying health problems. I am vaccinated because I have several health issues. Also, I did not want to get anyone else sick.
I am just apathetic. I am in fact a pro vaccine/medicine kinda guy just not entirely sure about something so new. We have rushed a lot of wonder drugs to market as a peoples and I really do not want to sign on for service just yet. I will say I am terrible glad that they are available, help a vast, vast majority of people and have yet to be seen very low levels of adverse affects on the population. Still I remain skeptical.

For anyone that cares to know, the information in my brain does not come from FaceBook, Youtube or the like... just a general distrust of all things. Nothing in particular. Hell every time I am introduced to a new adhesive I am skeptical.
I ask because I turned down a job next week because the customer wants me to wear a mask. Nope. I’ll pass. I’ve had my shot. They’re old so I’m pretty sure they’ve had their shot. It’s 100+ here and I’m not workin all week wearing a damn mask. I’m not some prima donna but if someone is that concerned then they need to leave while I’m working there or just maybe this isn’t the time to be having work done on your house. Am I wrong? I mean seriously, what’s the point of getting the shot if you still have to mask up. It’s not like I’m going to a motley crew concert. And if this really is biohazard level 5 then why am I putting floors in your house. Where is Susan Powter now? Stop the insanity!
Yeah mate, my poor little brain is having such a hard time trying to make sense of sense right now. I support and fully understand masking, distancing, limiting gather, vaccinations, communicable diseases, fear... but at some point things just stop making sense to me.

Like vaccine passports. Ok, they do not not make sense, they make perfect sense, but not for the reasons that we are told. It isnt like having a large group of anyone, vaccinated or not, is a good idea right now (we are taking this argument from the point that Covid-19 is a serious threat to humanity, if we do not then the whole argument is moot). However it has been proven and shown that while vaccination does limit the disease and reduce spread, there is still a likelihood that while vaccinated one can transmit the virus. Ok, I am following, so seeing as the vaccinated can transmit, then how is it acceptable to be hosting indoor sport events, banquets, weddings, meetings, fitness... just because we all got the shot. Those vectors for transmission are almost more dangerous seeing as the likelihood of symptomatic infection is lower. This in turn would allow more avenues for a virus to mutate....

Ok, now that is out of the way, let us continue.... by introducing vaccine passports, it is as thought the government is saying this is ok. I do not even disagree with them, however there is a part of me that would just come out and say "its ok" but see the thing is, there is a segment of the population we are hoping that we can coerce into doing something we cannot be seen to be "forcing". I am even ok with that and let us remember that I am unvaccinated... I just wish they had the stones to say it instead of pretending that somehow any of that will keep anyone any safer.

Masks... safety
Distancing... safety
Vaccines... safety
Limits on gatherings... safety
Passports... punishment.

I think I got that right?
Yeah mate, my poor little brain is having such a hard time trying to make sense of sense right now. I support and fully understand masking, distancing, limiting gather, vaccinations, communicable diseases, fear... but at some point things just stop making sense to me.

Like vaccine passports. Ok, they do not not make sense, they make perfect sense, but not for the reasons that we are told. It isnt like having a large group of anyone, vaccinated or not, is a good idea right now (we are taking this argument from the point that Covid-19 is a serious threat to humanity, if we do not then the whole argument is moot). However it has been proven and shown that while vaccination does limit the disease and reduce spread, there is still a likelihood that while vaccinated one can transmit the virus. Ok, I am following, so seeing as the vaccinated can transmit, then how is it acceptable to be hosting indoor sport events, banquets, weddings, meetings, fitness... just because we all got the shot. Those vectors for transmission are almost more dangerous seeing as the likelihood of symptomatic infection is lower. This in turn would allow more avenues for a virus to mutate....

Ok, now that is out of the way, let us continue.... by introducing vaccine passports, it is as thought the government is saying this is ok. I do not even disagree with them, however there is a part of me that would just come out and say "its ok" but see the thing is, there is a segment of the population we are hoping that we can coerce into doing something we cannot be seen to be "forcing". I am even ok with that and let us remember that I am unvaccinated... I just wish they had the stones to say it instead of pretending that somehow any of that will keep anyone any safer.

Masks... safety
Distancing... safety
Vaccines... safety
Limits on gatherings... safety
Passports... punishment.

I think I got that right?
I have worn a mask on one job for a week and a half. Miserable!
Customers both wore masks even tho the remained at least 25 feet from the beginning of the hallway. The hallway was over 30 feet long. Was always at least. 40 or more feet away from them.
Every trip to grab a tool, carpet, pad etc meant at least a 75 foot trip.... each way...... for most of the job it was a 200 foot round trip.
No, I did not ware the mask outdoors. Mask on, mask off, mask on mask off,ask on, mask off....
F#@k off.
One other customer wanted me masked up, but that was just for an inspection.
I will wear one if the customer wants me to....
...it isn't my house.
This thing will go away when it wants to. If a 70%vaccination rate isn't stopping it, a 100% vaccination rate won't either because it keeps mutating. When it mutates into less invasive, less destructive, less contagious form....
...we will go back to having a traditional flu season
Thats my story and not worrying about it. What was that Bobby McFerrin song again? Don't worry, be careful.
About a year ago a shop asked me to do a job. First they asked me to go look at the job to see if I could find a way to make the material layout better. It's a large living room with a hallway and three bedrooms. As you enter the hallway, it has an angle that continues to the master and spare bedrooms. The shop was looking for my advice on whether to honor the carpet the same direction throughout the house and how to deal with the angle. Thick fuzzy carpet wouldn't have been an issue.
It would have had tons of waste and make the installation much more difficult had the carpet all run the same direction. I also thought it wouldn't look good.
I suggested to the owner, maybe making a miter where the hall makes its change.
He liked the idea. I mocked up a mitered seam from some scrap material and took it up for him to look at. He liked it, plus the idea of making the rows parallel with the walls in the two bedrooms.
The job was too big for me because of it being an occupied home..... furniture R&R including a piano. I didn't want my slow poke self to disrupt these people's lives for an extended period.
Long story short, the first shop couldn't find an installer worthy enough to tackle this one.
The second shop did, but the installer changed the carpet direction in the bedroom doorways instead ofotering the hall like I had originally suggested. 😞
Customer was not happy 😱
A new piece of carpet was ordered and I began the hall replacement this afternoon. It's just one piece, but there are two butt seams, the mitre seam, a laundry and bathroom doorway.
I latexed the hell on my mitre seam edges, let them dry, then lightly thermosealed them so the wouldn't behave like contact cement while I was positioning and seaming them.
I discovered late in the afternoon the customers are going to be gone for a week, so I'll finish this a week from Friday.
got the mitre done and one doorway trimmed and sealed. Surgery looks to be promising so far.
I cut the carpet and started taking seams apart before I started filming. Here's before.


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Here's the angle scene put together. Not nearly as distracting as a bedroom doorway seems being at an angle. I think this was the best choice.


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I have quite a few friends who are nurses and they are very frustrated with people who won't wear masks or get vaccinated. It doesn't stop the spread, but it can boost your immune system to fight it and have a higher chance of survival (or of having less dangerous symptoms). Vaccinated people are less likely to end up in the hospital. That is one of the key factors. The most frustrating thing to my nurse friends is that there are so many Covid patients in the hospital that other patients are getting turned away and some are even dying. One nurse friend was saying that she had a patient last night with a fever of 105 who needed to be in ICU but they didn't have any beds and she was having to send him to ED (I think Emergency Department) but there was a long wait. One of her oncology patients was sent to ED, waited for 7 hours before giving up, went home, got worse and had to be brought back in an ambulance in critical condition. She reported that all of the patients in ED and ICU with Covid are not vaccinated.

I'm not in favor of government mandates, but there is precedent for the vaccine mandates from 1905. People were dying of measles so the govt finally made it mandatory. Supreme Court backed it up saying it was for public health. But, I do understand the concerns since the vaccine seems to have come so fast-- but keep in mind that we've had people working on developing vaccines for decades and that this particular virus is similar to other viruses that were studied in the past so it's not like there was zero to go on.

I am fully vaccinated but I still wear masks, make sure not to touch my eyes, I wash my hands thoroughly and use hand sanitizer. I try not to touch things that I don't need to touch. One of the major problems is people touching their eyes, rubbing their noses under their masks, rubbing their mouths, not wearing masks over their noses (or just wearing them on their chins) coughing, sneezing, etc and spreading airborne particles. Masks keep me from touching my mouth and nose directly so I have less of a chance to spread anything or pick up anything if I touch something and then touch my face.

Anyway, tomorrow a tropical storm is supposed to pass over my area. Fun times. Flash flooding, probably power outages etc. Schools are shutting down. Post office will probably be closed.
We work in a 40 foot square room with 8 people in it. We’re spaced 10 feet apart. Campus rules say we only have to mask if we are moving about campus or if we go to a gathering/meeting. As to masks, some are very tough to breathe in. But I found the Amazon basic black mask to be comfortable and easy to breathe through. Cheap too.
New job with a view. Has a partial view of the ports working dock facility. People work on their fishing boats there.
Neat location, neat house, neat customers. I did this home when it was new in 2001 or thereabouts.
I'm just doing the livingroom this time. Here's 3 shots from the front porch to the livingroom view.


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It's nonna be fun with 30 feet of tile to tuck to.
While I was there, I had to see how the waves were rolling in.
This is actually a 15 minute drive from home, but haven't been to the beach for 6 or 8 months. Shame on me. 🥴
The view of the jetty is from the coast guard tower location. I was hoping for a ship in the image, but it was 20+ miles offshore waiting for another ship to finish loading with logs.


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