Looks like something a resort would use to shuttle people back and forth between their hotel and the beach.
Did you put that together order to come off in one piece? Is that stuck together with cyanoacrylate glue ? To watch a lot of videos and woodworkers are using that stuff now like nobody's business.First time I actually approve of corner pieces. The corner pieces and the base are the same size and profile so they actually look like it was meant to be that way instead of hack work. Maybe it looks like hack work that was meant to be that way???
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Did you put that together order to come off in one piece? Is that stuck together with cyanoacrylate glue ? To watch a lot of videos and woodworkers are using that stuff now like nobody's business.
It's not like it would take more than a dab or two of acrylic caulk to hold it in place.Goes up as one piece but I’m pretty sure it will break apart if you pry it off the wall next time the floor gets replaced. CA glue and activator is where it’s at now. Looks so much better than nailing up each piece individually. The corners are solid wood and the base is MDF so they aren’t the same thickness. If I preassemble my corners prior to nailing, everything comes out flush and looking good. I already hate corner pieces because they make it look like a kid installed your base but that’s the way it is here. They also install the base before floor covering here. WTF.
Why do that when it wouldn't take very long to use a forstner bit to make a recess to install some magnets to attach it to the metal corner. You lazy or what? Can you imagine how difficult that's going to be to remove in 20 years? Sheesh, people just don't care anymore.I shoot a couple nails in it, one or two per stud depending. Somebody else gets to caulk the top. After that it’s not going anywhere until next time.
I love the case that you made for the super glue and putty.You can see how the base is set before the floors are done. Crazy. Bout 2/3 done with this job. Today I finished up trimming out what I installed this week. Got the master BR/ bath and WIC left to go.
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