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Well, she bought her way out of the charges. She stole several thousand dollars.

165 s/y demo glue down cpt
2 journeyman
major floor prep
install 2'x2' carpet tile
240' linear 6" Johnsonite cove base
one big room 6 doors
carpet glued down over original 3/16" asphalt asbestos tile
"look the other way" if more than 100 square feet are disturbed during demo
roundabout 100 square feet did come up on the back of the carpet
no problemo
175 miles driving round trip

left home 5:30AM got home 6:30PM

pictures---- ganz verboten
I hope you have a fun and safe trip, Jon.

Rusty, I hope that there is still a chance to sue to get more money back. Only $230 restitution for stealing thousands of dollars is ridiculous.

Today I found that getting out of EZpass violation fees was easier than I'd imagined. I think last month or the month before I went out to Texas to visit my cousin for her daughter's graduation. In order to get there, I had to pass a toll road. On the way there, I was able to drive parallel to the toll road and there were signs at every entrance to it saying it was a toll road and you needed to have an EZpass and so forth. I'd never heard of an EZpass before and had no idea how it worked. I just assumed it was a card or something that you would show at a toll booth (I assumed the roads had toll booths).

Unfortunately, on the way back, things weren't as easy. It was late and dark and my brother and I were trying to find a place with a bathroom (we ended up driving for two hours before finding a gas station that was open). On the way, I was driving parallel to the toll road but then the road was closed due to construction and I was forced on to the only available path-- which happened to be the toll road. Only it didn't have all of the warning signs that the other way had so I didn't know I was on a toll road (also because I mistakenly assumed it would have toll booths). Turns out they just have cameras that take pictures of the license plate and I have no idea how the EZpass thing works (is it put in a window or something?)

Anyway, we got the mail and there was a letter from EZpass with photos of my car saying there were violation fines for using the road without having the pass and that I owed fees for using the road. I called them up today and explained the situation and said I was willing to pay the fees for using the road but wanted the violation fees removed. The woman checked to confirm that the adjacent road was closed and then came back and said the violation fees were waved. So, it ended up being only $3 instead of $23. Apparently the longer you are on the road the more it charges you or something. Weird.

Does anyone else have toll roads like that near them? It was a completely alien thing to me-- which I also explained to the woman. She was actually very nice, upbeat, and friendly.
Just out of curiosity Jon, have you ever tallied up how many miles you've traveled in the past 20 years?
What did I do today? Patched in carpet where someone removed a baseboard heater.
.......tomorrow's job gonna be a pisser. :D
Z we have them on al the toll roads here in Joisey. Just got one for $100.00 for doing 64 in a 50 mph.

They had them in the towns if you went through a light before if was totally green. They banned them last year . they were not accurate .

If i may ask , where are you from that you never herd of them ?
Here in SoCal the toll roads are all policed with cameras that log your onramp and exits via the license plates. You have to register on their website to pay. You can pre-pay with an account and credit card, they deduct the money from the account as you log the miles. For single, non-account users you have a certain amount of time to pay the basic rate or it goes to a fine which I don't recall but it's very punitive-----$$$$$$

It's quite easy to accidentally wind up on the toll roads. My wife did it twice and I did it once recently. I went a few exits and had to pay something like $3-4.
I did that as well. I was headed to Laguna Beach, made the wrong turn, and it cost me $6 to turn around. My dad, before he got too old to drive, took the pay lanes to LA and a month later, he received a bill for $400 for failure to pay the tolls. I called them up, explained he was old and unaware of the fast pass, and they removed all the fines. They will let one oops happen before they hit you hard.
Z we have them on al the toll roads here in Joisey. Just got one for $100.00 for doing 64 in a 50 mph.

They had them in the towns if you went through a light before if was totally green. They banned them last year . they were not accurate .

If i may ask , where are you from that you never herd of them ?

If I saw a sign that said EZpay, I'd have no clue what it meant.

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