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Jon, did you get to stop off to visit Singapore? Have you ever been there? I lived there for four years back in the 90s. I really miss it, but I imagine there have been some changes. I really miss the food.

Nick, I'm in central Louisiana. I live out in the woods with unpaved roads outside of a small town. The town doesn't even have powered crosswalks and only has a few sidewalks. The only sidewalks seem to be in the middle of town near the post office. The rest of the place you just have to take your chances. No public transportation here either. There are school buses, but no public buses and no taxis.

We have one grocery store aside from the SuperWalmart and the only reason the former is still open is because it got some revenue from being on Extreme Couponers and it sells better meat.

I really think toll roads without a way to turn around to get off them or some sort of thing to make sure you know you are on one should not be legal. I don't think they exist in my state. Hell, my state currently doesn't even have a Costco-- although I think they were saying they might build one over in Lafayette-- which is a few hours away. I'd rather go to Texas though-- lower sales tax. Sales tax where I live is 11% and in the larger town where I go to Sam's Club it's 10%.
Town of 8,000 here. 23,000 in the whole county. Town has been here since 1855. One supermarket and a Supercenter. 3 fast food joints. We drive to a truck stop about 10 miles out to eat breakfast, a complete meal, eggs, meat, hashbrowns and coffee is about $5. Country bands play on the town square every Thursday night all summer. One murder in the last seven years.
Town of 8,000 here. 23,000 in the whole county. Town has been here since 1855. One supermarket and a Supercenter. 3 fast food joints. We drive to a truck stop about 10 miles out to eat breakfast, a complete meal, eggs, meat, hashbrowns and coffee is about $5. Country bands play on the town square every Thursday night all summer. One murder in the last seven years.

I was born and dragged up in South Phila.
There were at least 4 muggings, 3 - 4 robbery's, 1-2 knife stabbings a day , and that was just in my house . :D
I did that as well. I was headed to Laguna Beach, made the wrong turn, and it cost me $6 to turn around. My dad, before he got too old to drive, took the pay lanes to LA and a month later, he received a bill for $400 for failure to pay the tolls. I called them up, explained he was old and unaware of the fast pass, and they removed all the fines. They will let one oops happen before they hit you hard.

My wife's incidents both happened to and from Laguna Beach. That's obviously not a coincidence. One we paid and the other we argued and got relief.
The closest toll road to me is 100 miles. They are not allowed in Missouri.

Personally I think toll roads are some real communist BS and ought to be abolished nationwide. It's hard to imagine anything more inefficient, sinister, corrupt and obscene than the GOVERNMENT selling the rights to our highways out to the corporations who then charge us for driving to and from work. Makes me want to puke.
26 cartons of VCT
prepped by others
sand, sweep and install------mostly scribe fit
it was all me today
about 4 hours sanding and sweeping and about 4 hours installing
tomorrow I should finish the VCT ----about 33 cartons left










My town has less than 8k people and the crime rate is pretty high. A lot of property theft and damage. Violent crime is fairly high. We've had a few murders over the years, but a lot of things don't get reported as statistics because a few of the murders were ruled as suicides or accidents and a lot of the property theft and damage is not reported because the cops don't care and don't really do much.

Allegedly, someone high up in the police force is actually selling drugs and only busts people who sell drugs without going through him or who buy drugs from one of his competitors.

They also randomly pull over vehicles for no traffic violations at all if they suspect the drivers are black. Had a friend who kept getting pulled over and as soon as they saw he was white they would say "nevermind" and finally one of them actually admitted they pulled him over because they assumed from the truck that he was black.

Although, I think it's better than a neighborhood where my mom shopped for a house in New Mexico. We were getting dirty looks from the locals as we drove through and as we went around a corner where there was trash (including a mattress) dumped on the side of the road, I commented that it looked like a dump site for a body. Apparently I wasn't alone in thinking that. A month later I saw in the news that they found the body of a teenage boy under that very same mattress. oh, and that neighborhood had TWO Mexican cartels and more registered sex offenders than cops. So, we decided we didn't want to live there.
I agree that the government should no outsource certain things to companies-- anything where they can penalize people like with the roads or with prisons, should not be allowed. Especially since they profit from keeping people incarcerated & do all sorts of underhanded things-- like when people owe a fine and instead of the government handling it, a company then charges a fee for the fine and gets poor people on a payment plan where the fees keep recurring and none of the money paid is counted toward the actual fine and if the people can't pay they end up going to jail.

Ooh, nice looking job on that VCT!
Jon, did you get to stop off to visit Singapore? Have you ever been there? I lived there for four years back in the 90s. I really miss it, but I imagine there have been some changes. I really miss the food.
I .

zannej we visited Singapore a few years ago as a free ride using up our AIRNZ Airpoints before they fell off and enjoyed it
We are flying in a couple of days before the cruise giving the airline a chance to get our suitcases to us if they get left behind somewhere. Malaysia Airlines didn't put my suitcase onto the plane when we were leaving London coming home last trip. Took 4 days to get to me
zannej I don't think I would like to live were you live. Doesn't friendly
We also have vans parked on the sides of our road catching people who speed
I haven't had a ticket for a while though
No, have to keep some of them . I only got a Driver , and 6 Irons .

I was getting a extra 40 yds out of them . The full set was almost $3,000.00
I want to know what set of clubs you purchased Nick?

Im spending the next 3 hours at the local DMV office because my new license misspelled my street name incorrectly with one additional letter.
Cobra , Custom made for me . special shaft, grips. [etc].

Was there about two hours getting fitted .

I'll have them in two weeks . They have to be made .

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