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Keeps sending everyone on his contact list the same e mail 5 times a day .

Cleaned it out . Still had the issue . If you don't get the message mail sent it gets caught in a loop between the two servers

Called Comcast to delete all his e mail off the server . Forget about it !

The server from your ISP thinks it hasn't been sent, so it keeps trying to send it .

I gave the tech

Email client would be...

web based - GMail, Yahoocomputer based - Windows Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora,

and asked him to delete all e mails off that server.

He had no clue what i was talking about so he transferred me to the advanced tech who knew nothing about what i was talking about.

He said he had to talk to Paul. I told him Paul would give him a headache in 10 minutes.

He said so your brother is coming over in 10 minutes.

I told him to have a nice day.
Keeps sending everyone on his contact list the same e mail 5 times a day .

Cleaned it out . Still had the issue . If tou don't get the message mail sent it get caught in a loop between the two servers

Called Comcast to delete all his e mail off the server . Forget about it !

The server from your ISP thinks it hasn't been sent, so it keeps trying to send it .

I gave the tech

Email client would be...

web based - GMail, Yahoocomputer based - Windows Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora,

and asked him to delete all e mails off that server.

He had no clue what i was talking about so he transferred me to the advanced tech who knew nothing about what i was talking about.

He said he had to talk to Paul. I told him Paul would give him a headache in 10 minutes.

He said so your brother is coming over in 10 minutes.

I told him to have a nice day.

I deleted his comcast acct . case closed .
thunder thunder thunderstorm hoooooo.

Rained a lot today. I played with my brother's puppy and tried to get him to calm his tits, but he is the most hyper creature I've ever seen. He can't figure out how to fetch and he jumps up and wraps his front legs around my arm when I try to give him his toys.

If the weather gets to a point where it doesn't feel like a sauna, I might take him for a walk outside to get him some exercise so he won't be jumping all over me and scratching me up when I go to give my other dog her medicine.
Put a Gold Star next to their name in the book next to works , and plays well with others .:D

Remember that on your report card in grade school.
My brother and went to a concert tonight at the Casino. It was a group that does Eagles stuff. The show was called Hotel California, A salute to the Eagles. Not a long concert, but the group is pretty good.
I entertained the puppy for about an hour today. I've found that if I yelp loudly when he gnaws on my arm that he stops, but he still won't stop spazzing. He'll just start flailing his legs around and will even roll on his back and flail all while wagging his tail, then he tries to lick my face and neck, but he ends up gnawing on my chin. He's been destroying stuff in that room. My brother didn't play with him at all yesterday or the day before-- just left him locked up. He should be home from work by now but he's probably out playing Pokemon Go with friends-- or he might be consoling a friend who just had a death in the family. The lady that died was nice. I only met her twice-- first time was when my friend was in the hospital after a near fatal accident. She was trying to cheer everyone up by telling some amusing jokes and making funny comments.

Then I cut my foot on a piece of broken glass (but it was a very minor cut and doesn't even hurt now-- it only bled for a short while).

I dismantled and cleaned the flush valve assembly in the toilet and put it back together again. The inside of the tank is completely black now from the sediment.

I need to figure out how to clean it and if there is a way to filter the water going in to the tank to reduce the crud.
Get a container of Iron Out at Home Depot Z. Pout some of the powder in the tank, let it sit for a half hr , then use the toilet brush to remove it . Comes right off.

I have a well, It is what i use to clean my toilet to keep it white .

Good luck.
Been using it in the bowel for 3 years now . Haven't put it in the tank.

Can't give you a honest answer . Will look up the specks and get back.
My Bad Hav , It is called Iron out.

Product Overview

Super Iron Out is a superior solution to any rust stain. Cleans rust stains on toilet bowls, toilet tanks, white clothing, sinks, tubs, tile and showers, appliances -washers and dishwashers, water softeners, concrete and exterior walls. Super Iron Out chemically changes rust and iron into a clear, soluble state that easily rinses away without scrubbing. It does not contain harsh or abrasive chemicals and is safe for white clothes, fiberglass, porcelain, and acrylic finishes.

#1 brand rust stain remover in US because it works better on rust stains than any other product
Highly effective powder form allows user most flexibility for most uses
Effective, easy to use and safe on all surfaces
Eliminates iron build-up if water softener is on hard water
Note: product may vary by store
Portable classrooms------roughly 40'x23'

4 shots lengthwise of C&A existing to demo + base + furniture + walk off mats. Install NEW C&A-------same exact ****. ????

so around 400 s/y total

me, another journeyman and an apprentice.

push all the furniture to half of all 4 classrooms

the demo pulled up a lot of the plywood so we had to skim pretty much wall to wall

we nearly finished HALF of the 4 classrooms

tomorrow I go back with just the apprentice.

It won't be done but Wed will be an easy day.





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Ugh! I that sounds awful! I hope the infection clears up soon.

The guy we sold the tractor to came by today and bush-hogged for a few hours. He showed up around 9 or 10am and finished sometime after 1:30pm. I saw that he added a sun shade thingy to the top of the tractor, but it still probably didn't do much about the heat. It was like a friggin' sauna out there. I'll have to get him a card to thank him.
Part of the agreement when he bought the tractor was that he would come bushhog from time to time and he also helps with downed branches and other stuff because we were selling the tractor for half of what we could have gotten for it and we threw in extra accessories and the trailer to tow it (before he'd been having to borrow something from a friend to tow things). But, he's a really nice person who does labor intensive stuff for people for free and is always willing to help people out. So now he can use those things to help other people.

When the weather isn't so miserable, he's going to help us clear the young trees that took over the workshop yard.

Incognito, that looks like an interesting job.

Nick, I might try the Iron Out in the bowl. The stuff in the tank is black so I hope it isn't mold. I wonder if I can scrub the sides with toothpaste.

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