As a contractor if you don't bid that right , You can loose your shirt .
Union shops don't do prevailing wage projects "on the cheap". So that's a BIG 10 4 Roger on that one Nick. You really have to know your historical range of costs for this sort of BS. I started working here in 1987 with the grandpa of the gal who's my salesperson/boss. All I have to do is mention her Grandpa's name and tell some Good Old Stories and her heart melts to butter. My sons as very young boys were invited to her birthday parties. We were over there on Christmas and Thanksgiving---------when things were Hunky-Dory. You know, it's not ALL about business, right?
I know roundabouts where we're at, demo, prep, install, mats, transitions, cove base.
This job will come in at a decent profit margin. Nobody is getting rich on this one.
Maybe the next one. We leave the client HAPPY. That's the big picture.
But you know all that. (Ya tu sabes)
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