One of these days I will learn how to properly use a router. What size shank does that bit have?
I went with my brother to put gas in the CRV he's using. He still can't use his own $ because of the bank screwup. Mistakenly took the truck at first and had to turn around and go back and switch vehicles. LOL. Went to walmart to grab some stuff.
Got home and napped. Went to cook for mom but she wanted my brother to cook for her. He was mad about it but she's paying for everything for him & letting him use her car. She wanted curry rice and I don't know how to make it. He griped but he made it and I made the chicken and cut it up for her. I watched him making the curry to figure out how but I missed some of the process. I know he added coconut water, heavy cream, and two different spices. Not sure what they were. I think tumeric and something else.
He went to work & discovered he wasn't supposed to work that day but they messed up on the schedule posting & it turned out they needed him anyway.
I woke up around 3am to a cat trying to do chinups from my wall-mount monitor arm. She was trying to get on top of the monitor but it pivots. I was afraid she was going to break it. Tried to push her away but she was clinging to it and flailing her back legs. Had to grab my monitor to support it and then had to grab her by the scruff of the neck and forcibly yank her off (she wouldn't let go) and then chucked her across the room (she landed on something soft). I hope she will learn not to do that ever again. But I have to leave a pillow under my monitor when I'm not in the room just in case they knock it down.