They used Covid as an excuse to delay court cases 2 to 3 years here-- even though the courts were closed less than 6 months. I hope you get your pension soon, Incognito.
I rested today. Left knee is not liking me and not cooperating much. I did some mild cleaning and cooked myself some grilled cheese sammiches. Fed kitties. Brought a case of water into the living room, and tried to get cats off my face. Attempted to install windows 10 upgrade but it wouldn't work. Tried about 3x. Transferred data from my laptop to a thumb drive so I can transfer it to my desktop.
I'm about to nap until Mom gets up and wants food. I'm looking around and I see Bethesda curled up on my computer, Itsy on a box, Mewlatto is next to me on a pillow, and Yasuke is also next to me but near my legs putting his paws on me. I think the dog, Princess, is hiding under the covers in the nest she made from blankets and pillows she stole from my bed.
I rested today. Left knee is not liking me and not cooperating much. I did some mild cleaning and cooked myself some grilled cheese sammiches. Fed kitties. Brought a case of water into the living room, and tried to get cats off my face. Attempted to install windows 10 upgrade but it wouldn't work. Tried about 3x. Transferred data from my laptop to a thumb drive so I can transfer it to my desktop.
I'm about to nap until Mom gets up and wants food. I'm looking around and I see Bethesda curled up on my computer, Itsy on a box, Mewlatto is next to me on a pillow, and Yasuke is also next to me but near my legs putting his paws on me. I think the dog, Princess, is hiding under the covers in the nest she made from blankets and pillows she stole from my bed.