Don, I hate MDF. As an aside, a lot of products that say "Made in USA" are now made by prison labor. They don't really care about quality. Also, if something is made in Saipan sweat shops they will still say "Made in USA". But, it could possibly be from China. Wouldn't be surprised if they got materials there and assembled it in prisons.
As much as I enjoyed Disneyland as a kid, my theme park days are behind me. My heart condition won't permit me to go on rollercoasters. I would love to see some of the new Star Wars stuff and the Harry Potter world stuff (I think that is at Universal). My mother griped about Universal. She got special tickets to get to the front of rides and go on more rides or something-- not sure what but discovered that most of the rides weren't wide enough to fit her. As a teen she was called "hippo hips". She always had big hips even before she got fat and she's so wide she can't use the controls on a bidet seat attachment. So she got up and tried to fit and they told her she couldn't ride. She was embarrassed and angry about it.
Tile Tom, Yikes. Hope you get feeling better soon. I had Covid symptoms before Covid actually hit the US (as in 2019). I was coughing nonstop, exhausted, & started hallucinating. Also lost my sense of smell. No one else in my family got it then and I have no idea what the hell I had or how I got it. I was barely able to eat. My hallucinations were bizarre. I was disoriented & didn't know where I was and even though I was in my bed in daylight I felt cold & like I was in a dark oubliette. Then when I was stumbling my way to the bathroom I could see the hallway but the walls had an overlay of animatronic dolls with a series of ropes, gears, and pulleys and were guiding me toward the bathroom.
Looks good, Highup!
CJ, I should mention the wheelchair thing to my mom if she ever needs to fly again. It helped her get on rides faster at DisneyWorld. Her mom went to Disneyland & was getting tired. Aunt said "Get a wheelchair!" Grandma said "But what would people say? I'm not disabled!" Aunt: "Mother, you're EIGHTY!" She apparently went on all the rollercoasters she could and had a blast.
And now: Tales of Redneck Drama!
First we have the lazy/stupid security guard at my brother's workplace who doesn't understand what his job is. Bro was carrying some 60lb boxes of tickets for the arcade. Security guard mouthed at him and beckoned him over as if it was urgent. Bro went over and asked what he said. Dude said "I didn't say anything yet" and had an attitude. He then bitched about some kids misbehaving inside & that they were play-slapping each other and "That's a big No No" (as if the dude was 5-yrs old or something). Bro said "You could have waited for me to put these down first". Guard just bitched some more & bro said "Next time just call security". Bc it's literally the security guard's job to deal with those situations but he was complaining to other employees about it instead. Dude was apparently super pissed. Bro told the guy he didn't have time to deal with the dude's bs and was walking away.
Then, ultra ultra redneck drama: My friend's gf was over at her brother's place getting her hair done by her bro's common law wife. I'm not clear on the exact details but the bro was drunk and started sexting his own sister. Saying something about wanting to f* the bush off her p* and other nasty stuff. She got upset and told him he was gross. He started arguing with her. She rushed to her car, drove home, and ran crying to my friend and showed him the messages. He messaged the bro to STFU and leave his pregnant sister alone. So, this drunk mofo decides he's going to storm over to my friend's house to try to fight him. He was yelling at friend's gf. His two kids (15f & 11m) rushed after him to try to stop him. He violently shoved his daughter, at which point my friend stepped out and told him to stop. Dude jumped on him and started scratching the hell out of his neck. The boy was begging my friend not to beat the hell out of his dad so my friend just pinned him down. While he had him pinned, the drunk idiot was screaming "You think you're stronger than me?" Not sure how it ended but the drunkard went back home & had a violent rage. He headbutted his wife in the forehead and busted her eyebrow open, threw and smashed all of their dishes, broke the TVs and the wifi router. Friend said he would have knocked the jerk out if he'd known he was going to go home and do that. But, it now means the kids are going to be at his house to use his wifi constantly. And nobody called the cops. I told him he should have called the cops and the wife should have called the cops. The drunk dude has bipolar disorder & schizophrenia. The latter doesn't usually lead to violence but the former does. He's on disability bc of his mental disorders.
I'm planning to go to Walmart today for groceries. Went to samsclub the other day but they were out of almost everything on the list.