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Wild time for the local cops last night. Started with a hit and run about 4 30 pm. After a car chase he wrecked and got away on foot. Then he stole a car and the chase resumed. He wrecked again and stole another car, got away again and wrecked again and was finally caught on foot. He shot at the cops at least twice. This was in a very sparsely populated area. At the end, he had deputies from 3 counties, one city cop and the MHP chasing him. They restrained and did not shoot him. After the chase some of the officers stopped at the truck stop where my stepson works. He would not let them pay for coffee.
Charged today, no bond

• Assault 1st degree
• Two counts of Armed Criminal Action
• Two counts of Unlawful Use of a Weapon
• Two counts of Assault 2nd degree
• Unlawful Possession of a Firearm
• Receiving Stolen Property
• Two counts of Tampering with a Motor Vehicle
• Trafficking Drugs or Attempt 1st Degree
• Resisting Arrest
From what I remember of sociology & psychology classes-- as well as from personal observation-- people who grow up in abusive homes are more likely to end up in abusive relationships. It's not just the women either. My friend with the TBI keeps getting with women who are abusive to him. I'm fairly certain my cousin's ex-husband was violent with her when they were together and that may have been where her daughter saw it and seemed to think it was OK. From all accounts, she had TBI from the incident that landed her in the hospital. People tend to be more afraid of the unknown than the known so they stay in bad situations because they fear leaving. Or they have such low self esteem they somehow think its OK. Or they believe the lies that it will never happen again.

Last night was colder than usual. It was supposed to get down to freezing. I don't know the temp it got to, but I know the cats AND dogs piled on last night. I had to pull every pillow I could reach as well as some sweaters, blankets, and sheets over to make a nest. I was worried Rupert might be outside in the cold so I called him and he came running in and jumped into my arms. He curled up under the covers with me. They kept me warm but I could not move when I got up because they were all on top of me. LOL. Itsy just came in and is licking my face right now.

I need to locate the battery for my auger because I ordered this for my friend: Robot or human? when it was 50% off. His back yard is large and empty. It's supposed to be arriving tomorrow. His ex's kid is not allowed in his yard so only his daughter will get to play on it & his gf's son may get to if he doesn't darwin himself out before he's big enough to use it.
Cited and released.....
...Must have pleaded with the officer. Said he'd get fired if he wasn't able to make his next run to Oregon on time. 🫣
Yes it's legal in Oregon but you still have to play by the rules. This traveled across how many state lines?
The tags were from Texas but the guy was from Cali. Maybe just crossed the one state line if that? Coulda been a short haul from the farm?

I know I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this stuff but why would they still smuggle it? To Oregon of all places? Just to beat paying tax and sell it cheaper? Can't they pretty much just grow it anywhere now a days with hydroponics and other new technology?
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From what I remember of sociology & psychology classes-- as well as from personal observation-- people who grow up in abusive homes are more likely to end up in abusive relationships. It's not just the women either. My friend with the TBI keeps getting with women who are abusive to him. I'm fairly certain my cousin's ex-husband was violent with her when they were together and that may have been where her daughter saw it and seemed to think it was OK. From all accounts, she had TBI from the incident that landed her in the hospital. People tend to be more afraid of the unknown than the known so they stay in bad situations because they fear leaving. Or they have such low self esteem they somehow think its OK. Or they believe the lies that it will never happen again.

Last night was colder than usual. It was supposed to get down to freezing. I don't know the temp it got to, but I know the cats AND dogs piled on last night. I had to pull every pillow I could reach as well as some sweaters, blankets, and sheets over to make a nest. I was worried Rupert might be outside in the cold so I called him and he came running in and jumped into my arms. He curled up under the covers with me. They kept me warm but I could not move when I got up because they were all on top of me. LOL. Itsy just came in and is licking my face right now.

I need to locate the battery for my auger because I ordered this for my friend: Robot or human? when it was 50% off. His back yard is large and empty. It's supposed to be arriving tomorrow. His ex's kid is not allowed in his yard so only his daughter will get to play on it & his gf's son may get to if he doesn't darwin himself out before he's big enough to use it.
Some people are just that way. My inlaws were two of the sweetest people. My SIL has been in trouble her whole life. She has threatened to kill my wife more than once. If she ever pulled in our driveway, she would not make it to the house.
The tags were from Texas but the guy was from Cali. Maybe just crossed the one state line if that? Coulda been a short haul from the farm?

I know I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this stuff but why would they still smuggle it? To Oregon of all places? Just to beat paying tax and sell it cheaper? Can't they pretty much just grow it anywhere now a days with hydroponics and other new technology?
Alcohol, tobacco and firearms are strictly regulated so we can rest assured weed is going to be in line. Therefore evading the regulations and taxes would create windfall profits or savings. So it's going to be another black market for sure unless they make it 100% legal. That just won't happen.
Yea I get that but the story here kind of implies they brought it from Texas or maybe even Mexico. Why risk the smuggling part? Why not just grow it local? Or close to local?

But I guess if all he got was a citation what’s the diff…🧐
If memory serves me correctly, if you get caught growing marijuana illegally your property becomes subject of civil asset forfeiture. This is why my neighbors grew their marijuana in our yard instead of their own while we were overseas. If it ever got detected by the cops/DEA, they could blame it on us & we would have lost our property & theirs would have been safe. The fact that we were overseas wouldn't have mattered bc they would have gotten cops to lie for them & we were stuck overseas where we wouldn't have been able to challenge it. They still wanted to grow on our property after we got back but didn't want us to know what they were growing. They were extremely angry when we refused to let them use our back fields & put a lock on the gate. They ended up cutting the fence to get in and steal stuff, put nails/screws in our driveway, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. But since they were buddy buddy with chief of police, they got away with it.
It's entirely possible the person didn't have enough land or skill to grow marijuana. I understand people make "grow houses" and that it takes sun lamps and a bunch of stuff. I don't know what it entails, but not everyone is up to gardening. Some people suck at it. So, those are two reasons I can think of.

I went over to my friend's house when he got off work and helped with assembling the playset we ordered. His daughter was very excited. Unfortunately it got dark, mosquitoes came out, & the battery ran out in the cordless drill. Friend says he'll finish up tomorrow and I'll bring some tools over. I need to get some wood filler since I don't like where some missing knots were on structural parts and I want to fill in any holes and would like to paint it to give it better protection. The swings came with thin ropes that I don't like so I'm getting chains with 660lb capacity that are plastic coated to and won't pinch hands. Also getting a toddler swing to put in place of one of the larger swings until the toddler is old enough to use the regular swing. I'm debating what color to paint the wood. I'm thinking a red barn exterior paint might be good. It would look better than white. Right now it is a stained wood with green and yellow plastic parts. Toddler bucket seat will be green with yellow chains. New chains will be yellow.

I wanted to get pics but my phone crapped out on me.
Yea I get that but the story here kind of implies they brought it from Texas or maybe even Mexico. Why risk the smuggling part? Why not just grow it local? Or close to local?

But I guess if all he got was a citation what’s the diff…🧐
I'm sure for that much we're talking a fair amount of jail time....
...but is he gonna show? 😁
.....uuh, not a chance in hell.
He just got a never go to jail card.
I need to do 12 feet of vinyl base installation.
A few months ago I was asked to himself or I'm in a bathroom in a rental for a realtor that I know.
I've been turning too much measuring for the shop and all this kind of stuff gets put on the back shelf. Measuring comes first because, if the store doesn't get jobs estimated then they don't get income, so basically for me, measures come first.
After a couple months of waiting, here's the end result a job I was asked to do.
The bathroom was empty, not even a tub.
They were patient with me but had to get this done so they could rent a place out.
The flooring is a Drop N Done plank floor product. Google XL flooring and you'll see what this product is.
Since a quarter inch thick plank type flooring with no locking mechanism. It can be fit tight or it can be glued.
Oh lord, I wish I could have found time to do this tiny bathroom.
The distance from the bathtub to the wall behind the toilet is like 4 ft 10 in maybe
The planks are 4 ft long.
From the door to the back wall in about seven and a half feet
With the planks being 4 ft long and the distance being 5 ft ....ish,
How a living hell can a quarter inch plank be this far out of alignment?
I'm boggled. 😱
Yes, I think the same guy did the sheetrock finishing too, in this bare to the studs bathroom remodel.
Scary? How does one lay down a 4 foot plank and lay the second plank nearly 8" out-O-whack?


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If you zoom in close on the third picture, you will notice my car key inserted into the gap, that's actually how wide it is. How can you screw up this much in 2 ft and not attempt correcting it. 😖😖😖
Looks like he used cut ends for his butt joints too. I’d guess someone with no experience, no skills, and didn’t even have time to watch a YouTube video… Boss said put the floor down so he did… Probably thought it looked good when he was done…🤓
Looks like he used cut ends for his butt joints too. I’d guess someone with no experience, no skills, and didn’t even have time to watch a YouTube video… Boss said put the floor down so he did… Probably thought it looked good when he was done…🤓

Guys like that keep me busy. I don't even feel bad when I'm getting the sob story from someone that had to pay twice for the same job.
And we all know that I'm way more expensive than the schmuck that sold them on that the first time!
They've been tryin to get me to do this bathroom for a couple of months, but I've been too busy. The bathroom needed new plywood before the tub was put in and the floor needed prep before that was done. Expense was not the issue, they just wanted the floor done. I think their handyman did it. I can tell from the way it looks. I'm not sure what he's handy at, maybe he's just handy at being there.
Yup, those are cut ends. If you were running short, you could probably get away with something like that but..... It would help to have a sharp knife ...and make the cuts perfectly square ...and butt the ends together instead of leaving a gap. 🫣
If I need a perfectly square/ clean butt end I’ll use my miter saw to cut the plank because score n snap doesn’t always leave an acceptable edge for a butt joint. Now all you have to do is to replicate maybe 6” of a micro bevel and nobody will ever know the job was short.

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