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The second floor had me more confused. The unit on the left was a simple rectangle but one on the right didn't mimic the footprint below. On the right of the stairway or the words "open to below", I assume meaning a vaulted roof design. They weren't enough itemized measurements in the master bedroom upstairs to give me all the wall dimensions, so I guessed, comparing those measurements to other dimensions at the bottom of this page. It was a fairly accurate guess. I just drew the room up into cubes and added those measurements together.


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After I gave my figures to the shop, we skedaddled off to work to see how much progress we can make on my uncle's place.
This morning I looked over my figures again to be sure and then I noticed this in the upper right hand corner of the pages. 😖
I estimated 70 ft too much but I don't know if the cutouts from the counters, bathtubs and walls would equal enough to do the risers on the stairs, probably it would.
Nothing is mentioned if the area under the stairways our small closets or extend back under most of the stairway to make the most of the usable space. That right there could be 50 to 80 Sq ft.


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The second floor had me more confused. The unit on the left was a simple rectangle but one on the right didn't mimic the footprint below. On the right of the stairway or the words "open to below", I assume meaning a vaulted roof design. They weren't enough itemized measurements in the master bedroom upstairs to give me all the wall dimensions, so I guessed, comparing those measurements to other dimensions at the bottom of this page. It was a fairly accurate guess. I just drew the room up into cubes and added those measurements together.
They really should have given you a full sized drawing to scale. :rolleyes: That would make it so easy...
They really should have given you a full sized drawing to scale. :rolleyes: That would make it so easy...
They said they needed a bid like, right now, so they don't want to make it easy. They want you to screw up bad hurrying to get a bid in.
Like I showed in the last image, it actually showed the square footage. I'm certainly going to remember that but I'm probably never going to see another set of blueprints either. What a crappy way to learn. Like I said I was off by 70 square feet the way I did it and that was 70 ft more than what the architect had written out.
That said the stairs are going to be covered too and they have risers so I'd have to add that on to the square footage. So right there's an additional 24 risers. It wasn't shown how far underneath the stairs on the lower floor, the flooring was supposed to go either.
If it went all the way under then I would do the square footage as shown by the architect and then add the stairs and the risers.
That's what happens when you don't have someone to talk to that knows about the project. I have questions, there are no answers.
If I subtract a portion of the cabinetry, and the bathtubs and then I add on additional for the risers and stairs, then I'm just 32 sq feet over.
I called the shop and went over this with them so all is good. It's not like things can't be refigured once the structure exists. Regardless, we're good with the numbers.
I agree, I should have been looking at a full sized blueprint with the flooring schedule. I have no business knowing the window dimensions and openings on the two garages. That's probably what you get on your blueprints online instead of having a real architect locally.
Daris, the horse image out of carpet is awesome! It reminds me a little of some stuff Mom used to make with yarn where she would use short pieces of yarn and follow a pattern and make images. She used to be into crafts a lot.

I hate when you can barely read stuff on blueprints. I like Sketchup for doing layouts although I wish adding writing to it was easier. I saw a home design game for like $15 that I want to get to play around with.

Went to Samsclub and my arm was not functioning so my brother powered through and did all the heavy lifting. Normally we stop at the Chinese place but we were exhausted so we grabbed takeout from Wendy's and headed home. Got some stuff unloaded (the cold stuff) and will get the rest later. Today I had to take him to get his blood drawn for bloodwork for a doctor's appointment on Monday. They got it on the first try this time. In the past they once had to stick him 16x and had to bring in different people until they got it.

My stomach hates me today. I ate a full rack of ribs from sams over a two day period. I did share a little with the dogs but even the dog decided she didn't want any more. I chewed up a bit of the meat to feed to my toothless cat. Whenever I give him table scraps I have to chew it for him. He appreciated it. He also decided to tell me where a mouse hole in my wall was. He sniffed at the hole and then turned around and sprayed the wall above the hole. He's neutered so territory marking isn't common with him. Fortunately I saw it so I cleaned it up immediately. Good thing I have that mop and the floor cleaner in there.

My friend was upset earlier because his property taxes were due by Dec 31. He tried to pay in December but they said their procedures have changed and he could not pay until they sent him something in the mail and that he could no longer pay at local City Hall and had to drive all the way to Oberlin to pay. So, he went to Oberlin because he didn't get the paperwork and they told him that he owed late fees for not paying on time and that he owed for last year's taxes and late fees for 12 months. Now, I looked it up and they aren't supposed to be able to charge more than 1% late fee per month and even with 2x the property tax and 13 months of late fees, it should have been no more than $115. They wanted $385. He couldn't find the receipt so I reminded him he took a photo of it AND recorded audio of them confirming he paid the taxes. He brought that with him & they told him "not to worry about it". I'm still worried they will try to screw him over.

I just took some Pepto Bismol Ultra and plan to try to get some sleep now. Hope everyone else has a good night.
I agree, I should have been looking at a full sized blueprint with the flooring schedule. I have no business knowing the window dimensions and openings on the two garages.

For Commercial bids they would always send us full size, full sets of plans (framing to finish). Electrical, plumbing, the works. Sometimes 50 or more pages. Don’t know why. Seemed very wasteful. As a flooring company we only needed the finish schedule.
Put an old man light on my bench yesterday. We must be like moths cus everybody gathers around the light when they’re trying to do something. Might have to get another one if this works out well.

When you get my age you need the light with the magnyfing glass in it.

I just stepped up to progressive contact lenses and that’s helped out a lot with seeing things up close, reading labels and all that kinda jazz.

Another thing that has helped is we got a new kind of safety glasses and I love em. Inexpensive, yes, maybe $10, but they’re bad ass. Very functional. Unobstructed view and they’re clear and I do mean clear. By far the best safety glasses I’ve used so far. They do have a tinted version that would be perfect for sunglasses.

I definitely need to get something with a magnifying glass. I also need to find some reading glasses that I can carry with me that won't break or scratch too easily because I have such a hard time reading the small print on things. I can't read the instructions on packaging anymore. I also need computer glasses. But one eye is worse than the other so it complicates things.

I slept almost all day yesterday. Just felt completely exhausted. Internet went out for several hours due to severe thunderstorms. Mom's computer wouldn't turn on so I had to see what was wrong. Pushed the plug in tighter and held the power button on and it finally came on.

The cats have been aggravated and sniping at each other. I don't know if its the weather, the season, or what. But Senator Snugglebum is not getting along with any of his brothers. Yasuke screams anytime he even looks in his general direction or gets within 5' of him. The little dog, Fippy, decided it was time to go get in between them and snarl at them to get them separated because it was annoying him.

Meanwhile, my friend's ex now knows he has a new gf and is pretending she's ok with it but he could see in her eyes she was freaking out. She'd been lying to the new gf pretending that she was the one who ended the relationship. Said she left him but the truth is he had to threaten to call the cops on her to make her leave. Anytime she has the toddler the poor kid is miserable. She likes to use the little ones as props for her instagram photos and posted one of the kid on her lap screaming his head off bc he was unhappy. The new gf has held that kid more in the past few weeks than the bio mom held him in 2 years. She was complaining about him wanting to be held. Ah, drama.

I haven't heard back from the ex who called me and tried to get me on his side. The fact that he claimed he was giving her space but then said he was messaging her every day (and she said it was multiple times per day-- like 70x per day) shows he wasn't. I told him that and he got upset. But, he must think I told her what he said now bc I haven't heard a peep out of him.

Hopefully once we get the cat and any other remaining stuff she wants we won't have to deal with his drama anymore.
I definitely need to get something with a magnifying glass. I also need to find some reading glasses that I can carry with me that won't break or scratch too easily because I have such a hard time reading the small print on things. I can't read the instructions on packaging anymore. I also need computer glasses. But one eye is worse than the other so it complicates things.

I slept almost all day yesterday. Just felt completely exhausted. Internet went out for several hours due to severe thunderstorms. Mom's computer wouldn't turn on so I had to see what was wrong. Pushed the plug in tighter and held the power button on and it finally came on.

The cats have been aggravated and sniping at each other. I don't know if its the weather, the season, or what. But Senator Snugglebum is not getting along with any of his brothers. Yasuke screams anytime he even looks in his general direction or gets within 5' of him. The little dog, Fippy, decided it was time to go get in between them and snarl at them to get them separated because it was annoying him.

Meanwhile, my friend's ex now knows he has a new gf and is pretending she's ok with it but he could see in her eyes she was freaking out. She'd been lying to the new gf pretending that she was the one who ended the relationship. Said she left him but the truth is he had to threaten to call the cops on her to make her leave. Anytime she has the toddler the poor kid is miserable. She likes to use the little ones as props for her instagram photos and posted one of the kid on her lap screaming his head off bc he was unhappy. The new gf has held that kid more in the past few weeks than the bio mom held him in 2 years. She was complaining about him wanting to be held. Ah, drama.

I haven't heard back from the ex who called me and tried to get me on his side. The fact that he claimed he was giving her space but then said he was messaging her every day (and she said it was multiple times per day-- like 70x per day) shows he wasn't. I told him that and he got upset. But, he must think I told her what he said now bc I haven't heard a peep out of him.

Hopefully once we get the cat and any other remaining stuff she wants we won't have to deal with his drama anymore.
Never can find computer glasses. I have tried several made just for a computer and they did not work.
For my mother she uses different strength reading glasses as computer glasses. Doesn't always work for me. And I always lose them. I've had prescription glasses twice and both times they didn't work for me. Just gave me a headache instead.

I'm waiting for my brother to stop playing computer games long enough to go to the grocery store with me. I'm having trouble even pushing a shopping cart with my borked arm. I had to put my hand on the wall and move in such a way that I could get my arm up just enough to see how bad the rash is. Looks like its mostly on the perimeter but I put the cream in the entire armpit just in case.

I need to go get the cat food out of the truck bc the cats are hollering at each other right now and the dog is growling about it. I think my oldest cat is about to slap one of the other cats to make them shut up.
My brother got the cat food out for me. We went to the store and visited our friends.
Now both exes know that the friends are together. Male friend's ex is saying she's ok with it. Female friend's ex is not taking it well. He was mad that I wouldn't confirm it for him so he lied and told them I told him-- to try to get them mad at me. It didn't work. He accused his ex of stealing his best friend, got on his knees crying and begged her to take him back. When she refused he said that all his efforts to improve himself were for nothing and tried to guilt-trip her. It only reinforced her decision to be done with him. He manipulated her for far too long and she's not letting him do it anymore. So, now my friend is cool with his ex's bf now. Only person who is not cool with it is the narcissist dude who refuses to let go after I repeatedly told him she would never take him back.

Now I need to make myself do some cleaning if my arm will cooperate.
I've been into a antique clock repair lately. Yes, I use my Harbor Freight magnified glasses, with a swivel built in loop, for micro viewing, and with 4 lights on it, in order to lube and adjust the fine gears and springs. I still have another 120 year old mantle clock somewhere here that I want to work on, if I can just find it!


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I've been into a antique clock repair lately. Yes, I use my Harbor Freight magnified glasses, with a swivel built in loop, for micro viewing, and with 4 lights on it, in order to lube and adjust the fine gears and springs. I still have another 120 year old mantle clock somewhere here that I want to work on, if I can just find it!
Nice. I repaired furniture for a few years. Most stuff now is not worth fixing. Don't really have room anyway.
Got into a $1500 recliner once. It was all framed with pressed wood.
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I just stepped up to progressive contact lenses and that’s helped out a lot with seeing things up close, reading labels and all that kinda jazz.

Another thing that has helped is we got a new kind of safety glasses and I love em. Inexpensive, yes, maybe $10, but they’re bad ass. Very functional. Unobstructed view and they’re clear and I do mean clear. By far the best safety glasses I’ve used so far. They do have a tinted version that would be perfect for sunglasses.

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I’ve seen pictures of cool lookin floors like that but damn that would take a lot of time to do. I put cabin grade hardwood floors in my house thinkin I would fill the knot holes with epoxy and how cool it would look. Gotta test it out on my countertops first. I used the same hardwood for my countertops and filled a few knots with epoxy and damn if you couldn’t hardly tell so I busted a move with black filler and was done with it. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

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