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16 more squares and you'd have a pretty cool chess board!!

I saw a floor like that on a job once. 6"X6" squares. I didn't see them install it. I assumed they glued it all down. Had to take some time... The surface wasn't even close to flat. Counting on the finishers to sand it all down I guess. Looked pretty cool though.
16 more squares and you'd have a pretty cool chess board!!

I saw a floor like that on a job once. 6"X6" squares. I didn't see them install it. I assumed they glued it all down. Had to take some time... The surface wasn't even close to flat. Counting on the finishers to sand it all down I guess. Looked pretty cool though.
How about those floors with pennies on the top?
16 more squares and you'd have a pretty cool chess board!!

I would have liked to have made it a little bigger but it will do. Right now it’s 12.25” x 15.75” and will finish out about 2.5” thick. All end grain except the maple border. They were out of walnut blanks when I went shopping for wood otherwise there would have been one more color.
I remember the roosters crowing. I had one that sounded pretty weird bc his crow was different than the ones you hear in movies and such. Like, the emphasis was on a different syllable when this one crowed. And the male turkey would get into a competition and start gobbling and making a "cht cht" sound while stretching his wings down. I used to do halfway decent impressions of the chickens and turkey.

So, I did some cleaning, got really dizzy and somewhat nauseous. Was out for the rest of the day. Took my brother to a doctor's appointment yesterday and then to Walmart. I'd done some more cleaning and he actually helped me haul trash out without being asked. I grabbed a cheap (not in price but in quality) plastic drawer set for Mom. I cleared a spot for it in the living room and set it up for her so she could put some stuff from her desk in it. Her desk is a particle board piece of garbage that she's had for over 20 years and its falling apart. It has some nice features but she really needs something sturdier and new.

I need to get an appointment with my doctor and see if I can get a referral for physical therapy. He suggested I may need it so my shoulder isn't permanently borked. It's already been over a month and it keeps getting worse.

I'm about to eat and then see if I can get some more cleaning done. The whole one arm thing kind sucks. I can somewhat use the left arm but can't do too much lifting or reaching with it.
You ever misplace something so you look for it throughout the day only to find it when you empty your pockets after you get home?

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YES! And sometimes I've been lying down and was too lazy to take the pants off and keep feeling something poking into me and then find it.
Today my shoulder support pillow and shoulder exercise pulley thingy arrived. Pillow is great. I unboxed it in the truck and it inflated instantly (memory foam). It has a strap that goes over to the other side of my neck to hold it in place. Kept it comfortable in Walmart while I grabbed some stuff. Got myself a salad. One of the cashiers was asking me about it and was concerned. I told her I'm planning to see the doctor soon and see if that will help too but that for now the shoulder was somewhat frozen. She's a sweet lady. Tried the pulley thing and was disappointed it wasn't stronger and couldn't pull as much as I wanted. Handles needed different way of attaching I think. I might make some modifications to improve it. Thinking of wrapping the rope on one side around my wrist so I don't have to grip to get it pulled up. It did stretch more than it has been though. Just have to keep at it and see if I can get it moving more. I put it on my bathroom door (it's an over the door thingy) and sat in a shower seat. The stupid bicep and deltoid just won't seem to cooperate. I don't know if there is another muscle that counters the movement that is stopping it, but I feel strain down my side when I try to lift it.

Got a bed and mattress ordered for friend's kid and they should arrive next week. Gonna paint the bed whatever color the kid wants. She's been sleeping with my friend and his new gf. He joked she's stealing all the cuddles from the gf. She absolutely adores the gf. She's the first maternal figure in her life who doesn't hit her and yell at her. Even my friend's ex adores the new gf. I think the gf is teaching her how to sew. The only one not accepting it is the gf's ex. He's still trying to sabotage the relationship. Awhile back my friend confided in him about how he felt about his (ex)gf cheating on him with the exgf's current bf. Apparently the new gf's ex quoted it to her verbatim but saying it was how he felt about her and my friend being together. He just won't get that the world does not revolve around him. She spent 9 years walking on eggshells and putting up with his bs. Only reason he didn't cheat on her was bc no other woman wanted him. No one had low enough self esteem to put up with him. The gf only got w/ him to escape an abusive home and stayed w/ him bc she didn't know where else to go.

I'm talking to my friend about renovations. The carpet in the poor girl's room is ruined (by my friend's incontinent grandfather-- who also destroyed the girl's mattress). We're thinking some waterproof vinyl plank in the room and in the new hallway. Doesn't need to be fancy, just needs to not reek of urine and be easy to clean.

Also just e-mailed my uncle to ask advice on the rotator cuff issue since he had rotator cuff surgery not too long ago.
JPfloor, that happens to me. I can never find my tools and will buy replacements. And then I can't find the replacements! I have bought so many adjustable wrenches and I can't find a single one of them whenever I need them.

Took my allergy meds and my vitamins. It's chilly so I'm resting more. The shoulder support pillow helped me get a better sleep last night. I'm using it now to help support my shoulder more while I type.
Somewhere in my tool box, I have a great kit containing about 18 various sizes of hole saw bits. I needed to drill a simple 1 1/2" hole last week, and my hole saw kit was nowhere to be found. Yeah, it may be buried deep in my tool box, but for the life of me, I can't find it. After borrowing my neighbor's hole saw to cut this one hole, I got pissed and just spent $72 for a deluxe hole saw kit by Milwaukee Brand, with the understanding that once I have it, I will go back into my tool box and I'm certain I will find it. If not, I will keep it.

As I am writing this, it just donned on me that the last place I saw my hole saw was when I took it to the lake house. That is exactly where I last saw it! Oh well, it would take $100 in gas to drive out to pick up the hole saw, so spending $72 on the hole saw just saved me $23!
Somewhere in my tool box, I have a great kit containing about 18 various sizes of hole saw bits. I needed to drill a simple 1 1/2" hole last week, and my hole saw kit was nowhere to be found. Yeah, it may be buried deep in my tool box, but for the life of me, I can't find it. After borrowing my neighbor's hole saw to cut this one hole, I got pissed and just spent $72 for a deluxe hole saw kit by Milwaukee Brand, with the understanding that once I have it, I will go back into my tool box and I'm certain I will find it. If not, I will keep it.

As I am writing this, it just donned on me that the last place I saw my hole saw was when I took it to the lake house. That is exactly where I last saw it! Oh well, it would take $100 in gas to drive out to pick up the hole saw, so spending $72 on the hole saw just saved me $23!
Its always good to have a back up. You can never have to many hole saws🤣
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Oh, I've done the looking for remote while it was in my other hand. Mom has looked for her glasses while they were on top of her head.

Yesterday I picked up my brother's RX, got some groceries, helped my friend with assembling the loft bed for his daughter, and cooked for mom.

There was a point where one of the posts on the bed wouldn't go down and I noticed that the shelf unit was blocking it. He didn't see it at first but I showed him so he had to pry the board past the shelf to get the last leg to go down far enough around the shelf unit to lock it in place. Floor is unlevel as hell. Has pits in it and stuff and is pretty awful underneath that carpet. I will bring over leveling mix to patch it so he can put down vinyl plank in the room. The carpet is disgusting. Carpet pad and carpet got soaked with his incontinent grandfather's urine.

Looking at getting some cheap vinyl plank from Walmart bc he's not picky and then putting down a washable area rug. His daughter is ecstatic about the new bed. The mattress has been delayed until Tuesday but she has a computer and desk setup under the loft bed now and she was happy that she can use the shelves for storage. Her room is shrinking drastically but she will have her TV and bed. Gonna have to move the TV to the new wall though. Also need to get her a much smaller ceiling fan or ditch it completely so it won't hit her when spinning.

As an aside, the ceiling tiles in my kitchen are falling down in the dining area. Not sure why. Could be gravity as some had been sagging for years, others had already fallen, but the other day a tile dropped and then last night the wooden trim dropped. You can see it hanging over the fridge in this video.

I detect a faint dead animal smell but am not sure if its from the attic or the trash. I'm hoping its just years of gravity and nothing wrong with the structure. The horizontal beams on either side of this room are loadbearing.
It’s raining today so I went into the shop and finished up a project I’ve been working on.

I found some really cool wood to use to make the cutting board I’ve been working on a little bigger than it was with just the maple wrap. Don’t know what kind of wood it is but it’s cool lookin and I’m sure it has an expensive name😝 so I wrapped the outside with it. The cutting board finishes out at 13.75” x 17.25” x 2.625” thick. It’s more of a cutting block than a cutting board. Wonder what shipping will cost. 😳

Got to use my new router sled with dust collection hooked up to it. I’ve got a few peeves to fine tune with the sled itself but it worked great for its maiden voyage.

I smeared 5 minute epoxy over the whole thing as a filler then sanded it smooth. Mineral oil and wax really bring out a richness to the wood. Throw in a quality chefs knife and that’s a house warming gift.

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