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Even if you messed off those paint chipped areas really really good, and use spray paint it would produce an extremely thin layer once it cures out. Those little bottles of touch up paint with the brush in the cap might work. You might be able to pour it inside the chipped areas and carefully smoosh it around with the brush to the edges of where is chipped and with some luck it'll flow itself out flat if it's poured on thick enough.
Has the truck ever been repainted?
If so, some shops use an epoxy primer and if it dries too long it needs to be sanded before the finish coat goes on. That might explain the peeling paint.
If is factory paint then sometimes the manufacturers had some "bad years" when they changed over to a different type of paint. GM had a lot of clear coat problems back in the '80s or '90s.
I confess, I want to Habitat ReStore today. I've had a Sandvik hand saw for 25 years and it still works fairly well. It had a Teflon coated blade that made it glide through wood with ease. I used it for cutting door jambs.
Anyway this has piranha teeth similar to the Sandvik the teeth have a little bit more set in them.
These teeth feel like they've never touched a piece of wood, they're so sharp. There's a little bit of blades clear coating is missing but other than that it's like a brand new saw. The price was right.
For another $4, I got a 1-in Lennox hole saw. It was still in the original package.


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A young fellow stopped in at the store while I was printing some flooring layouts. The store is closed today but I can get in.
He was looking for some white schluter edge molding.
I was about done and I told him he can follow me down to the warehouse and look through the tubes of miscellaneous or returned stock to see if there was something that would work.
The Young Guy's mom work for laticrete and his dad worked for Makita and I guess this guy knows how to install tile. He's currently a golf caddy. A large percentage of the golfers that come here are those terrible 1 percenters but he said that a lot of them are the 1/10th of 1 percenters. One guy he regular caddies for told him he sold his business. The kid asked him how much a hundred million?
The guy put his thumb in the air shaking it upwards.
The kid said 200 million.
Again the guy shook his thumb up in the air.
500 million he asked.
The guy said no, 2 billion. 😱
The kids said, so I'm guessing you're retired now and can do whatever you want.
He said no I'm working at the place that I sold and I'll be working there for another 3 years and they're paying me.....
...... 10 million per year.

I don't know about the rest of the body on the truck, but the bumper was replaced and the hood was fixed and painted by a really crappy body shop. You could see the difference in the paint job close up and they didn't paint the whole hood. But they are out of business now. Those are the guys that spilled paint thinner inside my truck on the arm rests and ruined them. And didn't secure the tie rod. I had to take it straight to a repair shop right after picking it up to get the tie rod secured.

I've since been told by the Ridgeline community that the white paint that Honda used was absolute garbage and is known to have all sorts of problems. None of the other vehicles have this problem and we have all Hondas. My brother's Nimbus Gray Ridgeline doesn't have it & the Sierra Blue CR-V doesn't have it. I've been told I should probably just get a vinyl wrap on the truck. It not all over, at least on the hood and top. Problem with the top is that there's a moon roof. The window in the top moves. I really don't like it and never use it though. If I could redesign the truck it would have a roof rack instead.

I used to paint rocks with nail polish (never wore nail polish but 40 years ago I loved to paint rocks with it). I suppose I could start with the tiny spot in the front of the hood and worst case I can wipe it off. I'm thinking of getting a piece of white carbon fiber vinyl decal and putting it on to cover the damage and making it look sort of like a big fat stripe or something. Or just having the whole hood wrapped. The left fender and the front bumper had to be replaced. Although I noticed that the ****** repair guy didn't replace the plastic that broke along the front under the hood.

This is what the crud looks like on the roof of the truck:

The paint that peeled and was sticking up on the hood is gone now. The rainstorm last night washed it off.

I took a brief video of part of the last leg of my drive home on my road about halfway down and almost to my front gate. Free undercarriage wash. LOL.

It rained almost all day. I managed to get into the truck to drive into town while the rain was lighter. Grabbed some shower supplies from Walmart. I have bought like 4 deodorant sticks but they keep disappearing. I think my brother might have taken some of them since we both use men's deodorant. We use the same body wash too. I found that I like the smell of men's products better and you get more for less $. They upcharge women's products and put smaller amounts in. At least the shampoo he got is different. He got Old Spice scent and I got Tea Tree Oil.

I briefly talked to the pharmacist about trying to find out if my brother's insurance will cover a Dexcom G6 blood sugar meter bc he's having trouble with the regular meters not reading the test strips. He'll call back later.

Took a shower at my friend's house and sat for a bit waiting for the rain to let up enough to not get re-soaked on my way to the truck.

Mom is sick today though so I just had to bring her a bowl to barf in. She might have to cancel her appointment tomorrow.
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A friend of mine brought a late model Toyota pickup from a local dealer. Not long after, the paint started having issues.
It was Toyotas problem and they did a complete repaint...... We're talking removing the seats and interior panels. A local shop painted it. .....over $16,000 I think.
My brother bought a chevy from some idiot who bought it from a dealership that ripped people off. Knowingly sold a lemon. It was a 1500 but someone had put the rear of an S10 on it so the u-bolts on the drive shaft kept breaking. It was a complete hunk of garbage. The dealership went out of business thankfully, but my brother wasted too much $ on that junker. He sold it to a "friend" who never paid him for it. Did I mention that it was painted with house paint?

Saw the sad news on the terrylove forums that Terry passed away on Jan 20.

Ended up having to take Mom to the ER. Her bp spiked way too high, she couldn't keep anything down, and her sugar was over 400. They kept her a few hours with IV fluids and anti-nausea meds. Had to give her something to lower her bp as well. She felt nauseous again as we were leaving but I don't think she's thrown up again. she was exhausted and I helped her back to her room so she could sleep. But now I can't get to sleep. Got a headache that won't go away. The diagnosis was food poisoning. My brother and I got a little sick after eating food from the local place but we both had chicken and mom had the fish. She said it tasted too fishy but we didn't think much of it.

I need to eat something in a bit when I can motivate myself to get up.
Walked the dog. 16 degrees 5 wind chill
You win, this was supposed to be the cold day of our to day cold snap. AccuWeather said 16 but we got down to 26. My morning routine includes putting out some bird seed on the railing for the chickadees and the juncos.
I'm also in charge of protecting them with my 1911 Airsoft.
The blue jays come in and eat it all up real quick if I don't keep an eye out.
Got some red gum chunks as well as a chunk of pine to play with. Anybody ever work with red gum? That **** is hard as a rock. No idea what to do with it yet.

The chiefs- some kind of sports team I'm guessing. I think Havasu mentioned them on the plumbing forums. I don't even know what sport they play. LOL. Saw something online about a guy who was so mad about some team losing that he smashed his big screen TV. I will never understand that sort of rage over a game.

CJ, I wish I had some ideas but I'm drawing a blank.

Mom was able to keep food down today but still feels bad. I still feel cruddy and tired. We all got hit with the food poisoning but my brother and I got it very mild. Trying to figure out the right way to bring it up to the place that served the bad food.

I also realize I desperately need to clean this house up. My friend has volunteered to help on his days off. It's tough bc I'm a bit of a hoarder and I can't stand to see things get thrown away if I think they can be donated or used still. He joked that he would blindfold me when stuff goes in the burn pile. I showed his new gf the sketchup drawings of the kitchen plans and she loves them.

Had some drama with her ex. I was supposed to get the baker's rack today but he refused. Said something about he's going to drop it off at the other friend's house and then tried to guilt-trip me and be a jerk. Complained that I haven't tried to talk to him in years. He hasn't tried to talk to me in years either. Whenever I went over to visit he'd ignore me and play computer games. He can be a big baby about things and its his loss. I was going to give him some PEX pipe and help him fix up the plumbing, paint the walls, paint the cabinets, and seal the butcherblock. Now his stuff will probably rot instead bc I doubt he'll do it himself. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

The air fryer arrived and I had to get my brother to carry it in because my shoulder isn't recovered enough for holding a box that wide. It's wider than the old air fryer but not as tall. I had to move the microwave over. I also had to take stuff off the counter to do that. I asked my brother for help with putting things in the upper cabinets but he just went back to his room. So, I don't care if he can't find his coffee supplies later. LOL. I need to figure out a solution to keep the cats off the top of it. There is enough room for a cat to climb on top. It says not to leave anything on top while cooking. I don't know if it gets hot or if its bc it has a vent. For now I have stuff on top but not over the vents.
I've heard of red gum tree before but don't remember anything other than the name.

Last night Mom woke me up just before 3:30am by paging me on the phone intercom and slurring gibberish into it. I went to see her to figure out what was going on. She kept going on about how I woke her up calling her on the phone and saying something took the silver off the buns. She kept asking "what buns have silver and what took the silver off them?" and she was getting mad that I didn't have a clue wtf she was talking about. I explained to her that she either had a weird dream or she was hallucinating. The latter could be caused by high blood sugar or her anti-nausea meds. She just kept insisting that I had called her and that she had only called me back. Finally got her to check her blood sugar. It was 380 so she took some insulin. I could not get back to sleep until after 9am. I had to check on her every half hour until I was too exhausted & racked out. She wanted food but we are out of eggs (which is what she wanted) so I made her some oatmeal. She wasn't able to finish it though. It's too late for curbside pickup and I'm too exhausted to drive in to the store. Although, I suppose if I get awake enough before the store closes I can go grab some stuff.

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