The reason we're doing the online ordering and curbside pickup is because I'm tired of looking for things THAT AREN'T THERE. I'm a simple kind of guy. The things I like are usually there. My wife's shopping list is literally the most expensive stuff in the store per ounce to eat. Because her tastes are so rich we're not finding her stuff on the shelves as Walmart discontinues her froufrou items. I always tell her no one else who shops at Walmart can afford her tastes so they can't keep the product in stock.
I believe what I'm hearing from economic reports that the consumer is trading down in quality and probably quantity to spend the same amount per grocery cart by passing on the luxury or frills like name brands rather than store brands (generics)
Used to be they put the high margin items at the checkout to catch the "IMPULSE" buyer. I went in yesterday to buy an inner tube and noticed at the checkout area------rice and beans, tortillas, and almost all very basic staples.