Overthinking things and accumulating lots of stuff and having trouble letting go are two of my main issues. If I know it will get used by someone it isn't so bad, but I hate throwing things away.
Felt like crap today. I think I overdid it yesterday. It was also cold so my lungs felt bad. Kept coughing. Didn't go for a walk because it was too cold. Friend has decided Sunday is the day to work on my shower so I have to get all the stuff ordered ahead of time.
Tomorrow I will go over the full list with him of things we need and go over the plan. I have almost everything figured out but still need to figure out what thinset to get. I was hoping for pre-mixed but can't find any modified thinset that fits the right standards for cement board application in my area. If I have to do the powder, I'm hoping to not get a heavy bag. Anyone have recommendations? I need something that will set in 30min to an hour. Don't want it setting too fast, but also want to be able to move on with stuff and not have to wait too long.
I cleared out half of my bathtub in preparation. Lifting the dresser had me winded so I'm resting.
Felt like crap today. I think I overdid it yesterday. It was also cold so my lungs felt bad. Kept coughing. Didn't go for a walk because it was too cold. Friend has decided Sunday is the day to work on my shower so I have to get all the stuff ordered ahead of time.
Tomorrow I will go over the full list with him of things we need and go over the plan. I have almost everything figured out but still need to figure out what thinset to get. I was hoping for pre-mixed but can't find any modified thinset that fits the right standards for cement board application in my area. If I have to do the powder, I'm hoping to not get a heavy bag. Anyone have recommendations? I need something that will set in 30min to an hour. Don't want it setting too fast, but also want to be able to move on with stuff and not have to wait too long.
I cleared out half of my bathtub in preparation. Lifting the dresser had me winded so I'm resting.