Alright, which one is mine?

The one on the right. It has a larger cooling fan and it looks used.
Don't know how much you know about mountain lions, but I lived for about 10 years where we saw one occasionally. I saw one walk through my back yard about 3 years ago, here. A couple days ago one was spotted about 1/2 mile from my house. Then I found out today that some idiot had been feeding it. Once one of them is fed by a human, , they associate people with food. It makes them extremely dangerous. .
Its actually printed directly on to the wall panel rather than put up with some sort of paper. I guess a laminated wood type thing made back in the 60s or 70s. I used to hate it but it has grown on me.That blue striped wallpaper is growing on me.
Rusty, try to bring him to the forum as a guest speaker, we need to know his secretsSaw an old installer, 81, who is still putting in rug. Told me that he had 100 yards on his van. He does it because he likes to do it.
It matches my blue sink and tub.That blue striped wallpaper is growing on me.
Those colors are in demand, don't let anything happen to them, like blowing them up when......It matches my blue sink and tub.
God bless him!!Saw an old installer, 81, who is still putting in rug. Told me that he had 100 yards on his van. He does it because he likes to do it.
Karen and I went out to eat last night and when bill time came she handed me the bill. I said sorry wrong person, and then she said she had put the bill in the center of the table between him and her and he went off on her that it was closer to the gal and didn't leave a tip at all.Previous people at our table didn't leave a tip for the poor waitress. I took the paper that gets left on the table, and wrote "Thank You" and drew a little elephant under it. Then handed it to her with the tip so no one would steal her tip.
If I pay before I leave the tip on the table or hand it to the server personally. I've seen someone from a nearby table snatch the tip left for a server before. Also saw other waitstaff snatch the tip. Sadly, the churchgoing crowds on Sundays are notorious for not only refusing to leave tips, but for stealing tips that were left off of the tables. Happened all the time at the local Pizza Hut. The people would come out of church, pile in, let their kids run amok, yell at waitstaff, make huge messes, and if they saw a tip left on a table they would snatch it.Karen and I went out to eat last night and when bill time came she handed me the bill. I said sorry wrong person, and then she said she had put the bill in the center of the table between him and her and he went off on her that it was closer to the gal and didn't leave a tip at all.
Guess what? We forgot to leave one also and Karen realized it when we got home, so old Daris took the tip back up to her and handed it to her personally and apoligize. She thanked me profusely. Good thing the restraunt is about a mile from our house.
Very, very coolKaren and I went out to eat last night and when bill time came she handed me the bill. I said sorry wrong person, and then she said she had put the bill in the center of the table between him and her and he went off on her that it was closer to the gal and didn't leave a tip at all.
Guess what? We forgot to leave one also and Karen realized it when we got home, so old Daris took the tip back up to her and handed it to her personally and apoligize. She thanked me profusely. Good thing the restraunt is about a mile from our house.
One time after a long two weeks I was worn a bit ragged. Came home tired about 3:00, layed down and woke up about 7:30(pm).If I pay before I leave the tip on the table or hand it to the server personally. I've seen someone from a nearby table snatch the tip left for a server before. Also saw other waitstaff snatch the tip. Sadly, the churchgoing crowds on Sundays are notorious for not only refusing to leave tips, but for stealing tips that were left off of the tables. Happened all the time at the local Pizza Hut. The people would come out of church, pile in, let their kids run amok, yell at waitstaff, make huge messes, and if they saw a tip left on a table they would snatch it.
If I pay after eating I leave the tip on the bill because I don't carry much cash with me.
The only times I don't tip are when the servers are extremely rude.
Thunderstorms are kicking up today.
I went to sleep last night and didn't wake up until late afternoon. I thought it was still morning. Nope. LOL.
Got a little more work done on the trim. I cut a scrap piece of the 5-1/2" board into three 1/4" strips, cut off the bevels on the tops & bottoms, glued them together, and then glued them to the side of the strip that will go on the wall. Fills the gap a bit better. Stapled them on once I was happy with the fit. I can use some paintable caulk & touch-up paint to hide seams.
Still need to get my tablesaw together and get out the correct nail gun and the air compressor.