Went to a clients home yesterday to see how my unorthodox Drop-N-Done plank installation is holding up. It might have been Easyplank, I don't recall.
This is the 1/4 inch plank flooring that has no tongue and groove. It's recommended installation that is to just lay the pieces in place and fit them tight to the wall and tight to the cabinets and tight everything so they can't move.
This was a mobile home installation a year ago. The floor was soft and bouncy particle board. I cut 14, 12 inch wide openings in the floor between joists to add additional cross supports. Weirdest installation I've ever done.
...........after being 3X over my estimate, he asked:
Can you put that flooring on a wall?

.....absolutely, I replied.

...ok, ......I didn't say that.
It did happen, and it is possible tho.
Anyway, I spent 3 hrs passing the BS with Bob and flooring looks like I installed it yesterday.
I have an installation coming up for a 35 year loyal customer.
I wanted to see Bob's year old installation to see if all was well (no issues). It was all well, so I plan to do this new install the same way, with the same products as I used on Bobs job.
A side note:
A month ago Bob called me in a semi angry tone and said the planks I installed were curling up on the ends.
I replied:
"Go F@#k yourself, Bob"
He laughed so hard

The floor was fine, he just called to update me on his health issues.
I worked off and on there for almost 3 months installing his flooring, between measuring installs for the shop.
Bob is in his late 80s. We've become relatives in a way. He worked for a plywood mill in his earlier years. He had the #1 job at the mill, operating the peeler. At the same time, he also had a ceramic business and raised and sold exotic birds. Even Amazon's for quite a few years.
He's been selling some special parakeets for many years now. One, is his own personal breed. He's sold these to dealers all over the US and beyond ...even Egypt.
Very interesting fella with unending stories. I'm betting not many installers are lucky enough to have a customer relationship like this.
He's an old codger and he'd laugh if I called him that.
Here's a handful of his latest hatch.
Last year, they raised over 150.
When he gets 5 to 9 mating pairs sold, he and his partner will drive 5 hours to Portland, and put them on a plane. Less than 24 hours later, one pair of birds will arrive in New Mexico, another pair in Florida, another in South Dakota......or wherever. He sells breeding pairs to dealers, not the public. Very interesting fella. Late 80's and has lived on the same property his entire life.