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I just checked back on an old thread I posted on Houzz discussing vinyl plank. Someone told me that since my house is on stilts I'm supposed to use moisture barrier on the underside of the house or it will void the warranty on vinyl plank or something like that. Is that actually true?

I'd never heard anything about that before.

Yesterday I finally got around to burying my cat that died last October. Had his body in a bag in the freezer. I'd been putting it off but finally decided it needed to be done and it was cloudy so I thought it wouldn't be so hot. Turns out I was wrong, but I still got the poor thing buried. I put a plastic tub over the spot in the hopes my dogs won't try to dig him up. I might go put some more dirt on top-- I wussed out and was having trouble breathing so I'm not satisfied with the covering.
Saw an old customer this morning. He wanted to know who could install some carpet for him. Told him I would. Guy at the local cash & carry has been telling people that I and another installer are retired and setting customers up with his son. I have seen his son's work and it is horrible. Guy pisses me off.
I just checked back on an old thread I posted on Houzz discussing vinyl plank. Someone told me that since my house is on stilts I'm supposed to use moisture barrier on the underside of the house or it will void the warranty on vinyl plank or something like that. Is that actually true?

I'd never heard anything about that before.

Zannej, here are the installation guidelines for the one I just installed. Note the ventilation recommendations.

Was at a restaurant tonight, and the 3 ladies next to us suddenly had their phones all go off on some alert. I freaked because my phone was quiet, so I asked what the alert was about. it seems all 3 ladies were visiting from Oklahoma, and they were having tornadoes touching down. Sucks to be them.
Was at a restaurant tonight, and the 3 ladies next to us suddenly had their phones all go off on some alert. I freaked because my phone was quiet, so I asked what the alert was about. it seems all 3 ladies were visiting from Oklahoma, and they were having tornadoes touching down. Sucks to be them.

Tornados all over the area. I am not far from Oklahoma.
Finished moving my friends from old Home A to other home B. In six weeks they will move into new home C...... he swears he's never moving again. I believe him. :D
When they move into new home C, everything from home B and the two large storage units will be moved one last time. That's a lot of stuff, most of it heavy or "fragile" My body mind and soul are tired of heavy stuff, loading ramps, hand trucks and dollys.
......that said, given enough Ibuprofen, I'd do it all over again for these good friends.
Finished moving my friends from old Home A to other home B. In six weeks they will move into new home C...... he swears he's never moving again. I believe him. :D
When they move into new home C, everything from home B and the two large storage units will be moved one last time. That's a lot of stuff, most of it heavy or "fragile" My body mind and soul are tired of heavy stuff, loading ramps, hand trucks and dollys.
......that said, given enough Ibuprofen, I'd do it all over again for these good friends.
It's very sweet of you to help them out. I'm sure they appreciate it. I have a friend who would give someone the shirt off his back but has the worst luck, so we try to help him out as much as possible. Hopefully home C will be their forever home.

Worse yet, I can't believe mobile homes aren't outlawed there. Seems them tornadoes are attracted to them things.
Yeah, when I heard there was a tornado in town weeks back, the first thing I did was check on my friends in the trailer park. I invited them to come stay with me so they wouldn't be in a damn trailer during tornado watches/warnings.
A tree came down and took out my minivan last night. I can't win.

So sorry to hear this. I know how much it sucks to lose a vehicle that way. I love trees, but it really really sucks when they fall or drop branches.
We were installing v-grove pine ceilings in our house. My wife was staining boards all day yesterday, while I was working.
I worked on the ceiling until 10 pm.
I put all the remaining boards back
In the garage.
Apparently my wife threw the paint brush and a bunch of rags she wiped stain off the boards in a trash can with papers and other trash.
I guess it spontaneously combusted.
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This morning we had a man beeping his horn in our driveway and then pounding on our door.
I ran out to find black smoke pouring out of the garage. I used a garden hose until the fire trucks got here (obviously it didn't do much).
The garage and all it contents are a total loss. Tools, flooring, sundries, tractor, snowblower, lawnmower, leaf blower, ladders, kayak,bikes, drum set, you name it .

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Not a great day

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