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It doesn't look that bad. I could live with it.
We don't have hurricanes, tornados and 100 degree days with 75% humidity. The only major snows we've ever had were in 1969 and 1989. 24 inches in 68 and it all came down in a day. It crippled the entire state. In 1989 we had 11 inches overnight, then got down to 9 degrees. It didn't get above 32 degrees for a week. 12 or so years ago, we were the high for the state at 101.
So right here on the coast is the coldest and hottest places I've ever been.
Here you go Randy,

I heard Porkland, Oregon laid off 200 police officers when they quasi-defunded the police department. Now that they are making the vaccine mandatory, I heard another 300 officers have put in their noticed to quit. Portland will be come a lawless city soon.
I got my slightly out of town job done finally. Just 25 miles away, but anymore that's far enough.
It was just a 56 foot roll, but the layout wasn't user friendly for a loop pile. If it was fuzzy stuff, I could have given the carpet a 1/4 turn and put seams in different places. The stairs determined the carpet direction. 13 stairs and two landings. Glad its done. I billed out almost $1100 bucks and they tossed in another $50 with instructions to use it for a meal at a new restaurant they had just visited for the first time.

highup it looks pretty good to me
You should be able to get a carpet laying job somewhere with a bit more practice :)
I heard Porkland, Oregon laid off 200 police officers when they quasi-defunded the police department. Now that they are making the vaccine mandatory, I heard another 300 officers have put in their noticed to quit. Portland will be come a lawless city soon.
I don't know how many got laid off but I think $150 of them quit. I think they're offering them higher pay and they won't come back. There's a slight chance Portland will learn from their idiocy. Maybe, but I'm not going to count on it. I'm happy living 250 mi away from hell.
highup it looks pretty good to me
You should be able to get a carpet laying job somewhere with a bit more practice :)
No I don't have a chance I'm going to stay in this town. I'm going to keep looking for jobs that don't have stairs. I'm going to keep looking for jobs that has fuzzy carpet instead of looped low profile patterned carpet.
I live in reality, so I'm probably just going to look for those kind of jobs in my dreams.
This customer gave me a $50 tip to go have dinner and they may have overpaid me. I think I have enough for cab fare. 😁The restaurant is called Seven Devils. They have a bar in town called the Seven Devils brewery. My brother and I can probably go down there in a taxi, have burgers and beer and get a ride home for 50 bucks. I love my customers.
I've been watching a few different metal cleaning methods including electrolysis and vinegar. Then I saw some guys using muriatic acid.
No way would I be cleaning metal with that concoction.
I slept most of the day. Just felt absolutely exhausted & my coordination was garbage. When I went to open a box for my mother, I couldn't get it to open and ended up just ripping it in a very weird way. She wanted me to cook something that required coordination but I said it wasn't a good idea so I got her a tv dinner. I felt bad about it, but considering I couldn't even open the tv dinner properly it's safe to say I would have messed up trying to cook on the stove. I was stumbling and almost fell over. Some days when I wake up my body doesn't want to cooperate at all. After another nap I saw I was losing sunlight and I wanted to get the wood to mount my monitor sanded. So I grabbed what I needed, drilled some pilot holes where I marked for hitting studs (since I realized sanding might remove my pencil marks completely). I then sanded the hell out of the boards. Took all the grit off of one side of the sanding block. Lost daylight and porch light is dead so I had to go back inside. I'll see if I can find the sandpaper for my sanding attachment (since I did it by hand) and give it a go. If not, I can look around the house and workshop for sanding tools.

But, that will be after I take a couple cats to the vet. Itsy has a swollen sore lump on her lower jaw and Nightmeow's eye infection is worse. I'm somewhat miffed at my friend's gf. The kitten is supposed to stay inside and she didn't know I was watching and knew her bf couldn't see her so she literally kicked the kitten out of the house. I saw her swing her foot and punt him while shouting "GET!" at him. He ran back in so she grabbed him and threw him out the door. I told my friend what just happened but he didn't go confront her about it. A bit later her nephew accidentally kicked her baby in the face. Friend's gf went over and baby cried (not even loud) because his mouth hurt and her reaction was to cover her ears and run away. She stood here hunched over with her ears covered until the baby got quiet. It wasn't high-pitched. It wasn't loud or even annoying-sounding. And I find baby cries to be extremely annoying usually. He just fussed a little and she couldn't handle it. I am very worried for that baby because she has no empathy for him whatsoever. She was complaining that she doesn't understand why he follows her around, wants to be held, or wants attention from her. She's too stupid to get it through her head that she's supposed to give him attention and hold him. And this chick wants to be a nurse. If she can manage to get her GED and manage to make it through nursing school, she will be a terrible nurse because she has zero patience for people and doesn't like people wanting her to take care of them or do things for them.

Sorry, venting. LOL.
That sucks, Rusty. I hope you don't get sick.

I got a call from the place where I ordered the laptop for Mom. They canceled the order because of some IP address conflict & wanted me to re-order (but the same deal isn't on so I would lose $50 on it). Mom got on the phone and started yelling about it and saying she didn't want to re-order. Ended up deciding to wait until another sale is on maybe.

I got up early this morning to take my cat Itsy in to the vet. Picked up Nightmeow from my friend's. They had to scrub his ruptured eyeball and clean his face up. Poor baby did not like that at all. They had to sedate Itsy and lance her chin to drain an abscess. Fortunately it was just pus and not cancer. I don't know if it was a full on cyst with a sac, but I hope not. She was already trying to steal my food when we got home. She found that once I opened the box the food wasn't as appetizing, but she also kept trying to open the treat jar so I gave her some and she wolfed them down.

I got my friend's gf's people to agree to remind my friend to use eye medicine on the kitten 2x daily. The meds might make it so the eyeball will just be absorbed into the system and he might not need surgery.
Well I may have been exposed to covid....... grandson was negative. probably got some bad hooch. He is 16.

You going to get tested? You’ve had your shot, right. Hopefully you’ll be just fine and your body won’t even be phased. Got my fingers crossed for you.

Those of you out there still installing, how many of you have had your shot? Of those that have had their shot, how many of you wear a mask in the customers house? How many of you wear a mask period? I’ll be honest, I don’t wear a mask unless it’s required somewhere and even then I’ll go somewhere else if I can help it.

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