No he took a few different things but not Ivermectin. Regeneron and Rendezvir.... Not sure if my spelling is correct on those. He was back at work in a couple of days.Didnt Mr Trump suggest some strange product in the early days of covid?
Here's the media at work and why you can't trust what they say.
Read through this article.
When you get down near the bottom the articles writer says:
"In April, he told listeners that young and healthy people don’t need to take the coronavirus vaccine, which earned stiff backlash from public officials and health experts who warned healthy people can still transmit Covid-19 to others."
The authors intent was to demonize Rogan. The paragraph above is total BS. It insinuated that if you were vaccinated you couldn't transmit covid. Total, and adulterated BS.
How come Google doesn't censor this article for "disinformation"
I forgot to mention, that Joe Rogan got a prescription from a doctor. He didn't get his Ivermectin through the black market or from a veterinarian.