Worst of the Worst

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ripped off a staircase today that was the absolute worst upholstery job either of us had ever seen. When I walked in, I started to giggle, and anybody who knows me knows that I don't giggle (in public).

The guy had prepped for waterfall, but couldn't make up his mind whether to continue with waterfall, or try to french cap them once he had done the bullnose, of course, properly fitted. Neverthless, he didn't use a stairtool at the crotch of the steps and the closest he could get his staplegun to under the nosing was about mid-way up the risers. The very old carpet had to be an inch thick; we told the homeowner that we were transforming her staircase from a mumu to a designer suit.

What is the worst that you have seen? (And I know that there are quite a number of seasoned installers here, so this thread should be very interesting.)

OK, went out to do a repair, the customer complained that the seam was hard. The "installer" either did not know how to use an iron or did not own one. Where the seam should be was a double row of tack strip. It was about 3' from a wall. He apparently rubbed the 2 factory edges down on the strip and kicked away from them.
Apartment below grade + Sewer backup + Unoccupied rental unit over the course of 6 weeks + 4' up the walls throughout + GC's needed to battering-ram door to get it open due to pressure of waste holding it shut. GCs cleaned it up n cut the walls up 6' or so. I still have nightmares about this job though. XD

Nuff said?
OK, went out to do a repair, the customer complained that the seam was hard. The "installer" either did not know how to use an iron or did not own one. Where the seam should be was a double row of tack strip. It was about 3' from a wall. He apparently rubbed the 2 factory edges down on the strip and kicked away from them.

Knew a installer years ago use to double stick and electric gun all his seams . Never got a complaint . :confused:
Now, I am not certain who said what or who called who on this job, but clearly, this floor should not have been installed. I feel the pain of the installer when the largest oldest laminate manufacturer sends out this kinda krap, he needs his days pay and no one is going to re-imburse him for it.

Just wonder how the lady of the house who was home at installation did not say something untill the next day.

FYI, there were three unopened boxes left over. Total 30+ planks installed had this manufacturing defect.

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Quality control? That is supposedly up to the installers according to the man.What do you want from a box store? Perfection? Lifetime warranty? Lowest price? Ya cannot have all three.
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I might have a better one on a laminate inspection I did last week. The "contractor" was there, can't find his license listed on the ROC website but, when asked what vapor retarder he used he said............"The one attached to the back of the laminate" Hmmmm Guy and his crew also does roofing and well, just about everything. I hope better than they do laminate. Oh yea, 1/16 in gap at closet, grouted up to laminate planks edge, undercut doorcasing trim was a half inch higher than the floor and no expansion there.

Complaint was, end of laminate lifting.

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