If a high performance battery for Ford Mach-E is $20,000, what's the cost to replace a 710hp V8 in a gas model Mustang?
Regardless, unless the US goes nuclear, there is no way we will ever come REMOTELY close to having enough electric power to charge all these electric cars.
Politicians and environmental extremists don't understand reality, math....
...or VOLTS!
North and slightly south of me, a shipping map has shown 4 to 6 unidentified ships, vessels or "boueys" for the past few of months.
Most vessels information has the ships name, flag, length, width, speed, destination, arrival time, where they came from.
Not these gray ones. Every bit of info on THESE vessels is locked except for the speed.
They're planning for offshore windmills here.

After 6 months of seeing these mysterious vessels hanging out off southern Oregon's mid and southern shoreline.....
We just got a notice of some "town halls" to be held in various coastal cities about this idiocy.
They say this is being held for input from coastal residents.
......no, it's for the feds to tell us that they're shoving this project down our throats.
They aren't asking for approval.

The "town hall" BS is them, showing us, pretending that they care about our viewpoints...
They don't. They have untold millions in this survey/research project.
Prediction. They will go ahead with their pie in the sky plan regardless of what we think.
Come to the Oregon coast folks and take memorable sunset photos with offshore windmills in each and every shot. Yay!