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What version of Mr Coffee? Mine's a $5 used one from the thrift store. I think it was made shortly after the invention of wall outlets. 😁

Nothing special, it’s a plane Jane $30 Mr. Coffee from Walmart. It makes coffee. You can’t get too nice of anything for the shop because it’s gonna get covered with dust and might get broken. I was gonna get the Amazon coffee maker for $27 or whatever it is, it was slightly less than $30. The Amazon one comes with one of those reusable filter thingies, that’s what I really want. Those things are nice. Rinse it and be done with it until tomorrow. Now I’m going to have to get some decent flavored coffee.
We used to do the whole Keurig thing but them damn K cups add up $$$. I’m not even bringing a grinder into work. Store bought grounds it is and you’ll like it. I say this now but gimmie a couple weeks and there will be a grinder and some whole beans here.
I hear ya. I’m in northern NY and Tim hortons is king. When we go down south for vacation I bring a box of Tim’s k cups so I don’t have to slum it with Dunkin’ 😂.

I’m a pretty easy going guy. The only thing I take seriously is my morning coffee & my dinner. Efff everything else. 😂. Also drink my coffee black. Can’t have old or burnt cup of beans. Got to be fresh!
Coffee is more important dinner. 😁
I've worked for a local cop since he moved here almost 20 years ago. He's the police chief now.
He and his wife bought a small coffee making business and built a shop at their last new home and that's where they roasted and package their coffee. I finished. That house a week before Christmas, about 4 or 5 years ago. I left with a $400 tip and 4 bags of beans. Fred Meyer had a 5 lb bag of dark roasted beans in their discount area. It was marked down to $37.50 but also had a 50%off tag. That was some gooooood stuff. A few months after that ran out, another customer gave me a 2 lb bag of beans and another bag of ground coffee. They just bought a Keurig things and didn't want the bags. I was in heaven for quite a while.
Fired up the pizza oven today. Digornio for lunch!

Sure as heck beats wasting your lunch break driving around and eating your fast food in a hurry so you can make it back to work in time. I know it’s only pizza but I had a couple pieces and now I’ve got my feet up, kickin back relaxing. No traffic, no messed up drive thru orders, no worries.
Mama is making stuffed bell peppers for dinner tonight. I politely told her (which actually are tasteless) that we need to spice them up a bit more. She will be adding a packet of onion dip mix, so we will see if tonight;s dinner will have more flavor than hamburger meat and rice, thrown into a halved bell pepper.
Mama is making stuffed bell peppers for dinner tonight. I politely told her (which actually are tasteless) that we need to spice them up a bit more. She will be adding a packet of onion dip mix, so we will see if tonight;s dinner will have more flavor than hamburger meat and rice, thrown into a halved bell pepper.
Needs jalapeno.
We had stuffed cabbage rolls the other night that were kind of blah. Told the wife that the flavor will go through them when we reheated them. It did we finished them off tonight. She did though open them up and spooned the juice over them when heating them.
........after just discussing coffee, this morning I remembered what I forgot at the store last night. 🙄
Only enough for two weak cups this morning.
I'm heading to Freddie's so we don't have to re-use the grounds from this morning tomorrow. 😱😱😱😱😱😱 😁.
........after just discussing coffee, this morning I remembered what I forgot at the store last night. 🙄
Only enough for two weak cups this morning.
I'm heading to Freddie's so we don't have to re-use the grounds from this morning tomorrow. 😱😱😱😱😱😱 😁.

Treat it like it’s sourdough and keep the pot going. You’ll start some new trend.
Beans, beans the magical fruit......
Only one place in town that sells coffee beans. None at Safeway.... They took out dispensers 5 years ago, none at WallyWorld, and Fred Meyers (Kroger) made theirs go by by a couple of years ago. Only a local store has them. They have 11 stores up and down the Oregon coast. The store started where I live. The store I shop at is the #1, the place where it began.
Nice people, the owner and the employees.

...I'm back in beans, so I'll find out in the morning if I messed up my 3 bean combo dump.