My 2 cents: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the concept of limited oil supply and reserves. Eventually, not our lifetimes, but the supply and or capacity to locate and extract this oil will become cost prohibitive and or obsolete. However ! To abandon its use and our creativity to locate and extract, just like our current EV creativity and technological innovations, would be foolish. Someone has to be the pioneer’s, and make small or even large mistakes in order to find improvement….mind as well be the West !
Here's how free market works.oil companies know oil will become hard to get some day down the road....20 years 40, 67?
They know about when that decade will occur. Not wanting to go broke, they (some) have invested in alternative energy sources. They, not government mandates will insure we will have electricity and transportation. They, the free market (greedy oil companies) will point us where we need to go. If they are sure that there's at least 50 years or more before oil for fuel begins to slow ......then there's not a lot of incentive to spend tens of billions and jump on the windmill bandwagon.... ...not yet.
Government mandates are about "saving the planet", not about reality.
Governments like the drama of scaring people to death, then showing us how much they care about us by saving us.
They create a non existent problem, convince us (some of us) "the earths on fire and were all going to die soon"
They propose green energy, then mandate green energy and a small percentage bark and clap like trained seals..... all so thankful that the government cares and loves them so much.

How do they think they can command a company to build and sell vehicles...... When there aren't enough buyers.
I make 15% of my 500,000 vehicles next year electric as per government requirements.
I only sell 4.5% of those vehicles......because people refuse to buy them. I invested 15 billion developing the technology, the manufacturing facilities only to find tha nobody wants them.... Oh, then we have a recall.
Two years later the government tells me I have to up production to 16%.
This is what's happening.
Here's reality. Convince people to buy EVs.
When people demand EVs, the manufacturers will voluntarily make them.
You cannot make EV demands if the infrastructure isn't there. It might begin to work if there were an excessive number of fast charging stations..... Meaning every parking lot, hundreds at athletic stadiums, hundreds at Walmart Superstores, stations everywhere just like gas stations.
We are no where near ready...... Not even 10 years from now.
There are currently 13,000 electric semi trucks in the US ......out of 12 million.
If we converted all 12 million semi trucks to Electric, how long would it take to cool the earth by .01 degrees f?
I'm guessing 24,000 years.
The mandates crush business, small and large for ZERO gain..... Except for the hugs and kisses inside the state capitol buildings in liberal states.
.....ahhh, 'smatter O fact, I do feel better now.. it's certainly not going to be a FEDERAL mandate any time soon.