O-Boy ! ….we have a situation. The Democrats are resisting the methods of the new administration. Oh boy, we have a situation 
that’s why it’s important for any and all opposition to respectfully address their counterpoints fears. if we steam roll over these fears because of righteous judgment, then this is what we get in return. this has been going on for quite some time in our government and it has just become elevated to this magnitude by a person who is the most valuable player when it comes to bull Horning or advertising the opponents weakness’s at a scale never seen before.
Rather than bull horning and advertising our opponents weakness , it’s important for us to take responsibility to bullhorn and advertise only our strengths. This way, you’re proving a point rather than proving the blame on others. If we want to get back to some sort of civility, someone is going to need to step up and shine a light on the importance to address each other’s fears. The intentions of the new administration could be pure and valid but if the methods are disrespectful, like a steamroller, not addressing the oppositions fears, then we just perpetuate conflict back-and-forth with no resolutions. God we need you to bless us in America
As a side note: Darn ! Some of these Democrats are really fired up. I had to mute the television because it’s just too much anxiety. Please call your republican representatives and ask them to have Donald address the opposition’s fears in a respectful way. He is our leader for four years and we need him to step up to the plate and do what’s good for the country not just for one party. Thank you.

that’s why it’s important for any and all opposition to respectfully address their counterpoints fears. if we steam roll over these fears because of righteous judgment, then this is what we get in return. this has been going on for quite some time in our government and it has just become elevated to this magnitude by a person who is the most valuable player when it comes to bull Horning or advertising the opponents weakness’s at a scale never seen before.
Rather than bull horning and advertising our opponents weakness , it’s important for us to take responsibility to bullhorn and advertise only our strengths. This way, you’re proving a point rather than proving the blame on others. If we want to get back to some sort of civility, someone is going to need to step up and shine a light on the importance to address each other’s fears. The intentions of the new administration could be pure and valid but if the methods are disrespectful, like a steamroller, not addressing the oppositions fears, then we just perpetuate conflict back-and-forth with no resolutions. God we need you to bless us in America

As a side note: Darn ! Some of these Democrats are really fired up. I had to mute the television because it’s just too much anxiety. Please call your republican representatives and ask them to have Donald address the opposition’s fears in a respectful way. He is our leader for four years and we need him to step up to the plate and do what’s good for the country not just for one party. Thank you.