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O-Boy ! ….we have a situation. The Democrats are resisting the methods of the new administration. Oh boy, we have a situation 😱

that’s why it’s important for any and all opposition to respectfully address their counterpoints fears. if we steam roll over these fears because of righteous judgment, then this is what we get in return. this has been going on for quite some time in our government and it has just become elevated to this magnitude by a person who is the most valuable player when it comes to bull Horning or advertising the opponents weakness’s at a scale never seen before.

Rather than bull horning and advertising our opponents weakness , it’s important for us to take responsibility to bullhorn and advertise only our strengths. This way, you’re proving a point rather than proving the blame on others. If we want to get back to some sort of civility, someone is going to need to step up and shine a light on the importance to address each other’s fears. The intentions of the new administration could be pure and valid but if the methods are disrespectful, like a steamroller, not addressing the oppositions fears, then we just perpetuate conflict back-and-forth with no resolutions. God we need you to bless us in America 🇺🇸 please 🙏

As a side note: Darn ! Some of these Democrats are really fired up. I had to mute the television because it’s just too much anxiety. Please call your republican representatives and ask them to have Donald address the opposition’s fears in a respectful way. He is our leader for four years and we need him to step up to the plate and do what’s good for the country not just for one party. Thank you.
The editing department usually has more than one person on staff 😜

Just because he’s collecting cash, doesn’t mean the other side did anything other than their normal run in the mill jobs. Lawsuit’s settlements, or Rewards ! are not about Knowing all the Facts correctly, it’s about Understanding how the process works. Sure! I bet there are lawsuits that get it right, and the victim is justified to collect. However, we all know someone like myself, where our car insurance company without our approval, decides to settle with a group of criminals who play the system.

Chris Cuomo did some reporting on what you’re talking about and it was plain and simple EDITING, portrayed as being something more than it was. If we didn’t have such strong emotions fueled through the lens of ‘ Good vs Evil ‘ then maybe 🤔 we could be Reasonable and understand how both sides got us to this point.

Everyone carries the burden of responsibility for NOT ! allowing external stimulus to enter into our internal sanctuary, where all goodness comes from. If we are blaming defending, ridiculing, playing the victim, or even the opposite scale of boasting, we are living life from an External space where we take things too personal for our own, and our neighbors own good 🤔
How about they leave all of Kamalas embarrassing comments and word salads in tact, then spend the entire campaign season talking about how good Trump's deportation plan is and how Trump's plan to stop supporting the Paris climate accords and how eliminating the EV mandates would be a good idea because we're a couple of decades away from being ready for electric cars.
Trump also ran on elimination the Department of Education, returning decisions to each state, this saving tens of billions.
So how about if they bragged up a storm on all of Trump's proposals and talk negatively about Kamala as our AWOL Border Czar.
Late night hosts could have devoted their 20 minute monologues to making fun of Kamala's word salads, and hyena like laugh, they could have devoted time to the assault on men being allowed to play in women's sports.
The media has an extremely large roll in electing the president that THEY like.
Trump would have received 10 or 20% more votes had they done a 180 and attacked Kamala instead. They could have attacked her and Joe non stop for 4 straight years.... but they didn't. There was plenty of ammo. Joe has in 4 years, never done a 30 minute press conference. Trump does10 per week.

Trump even won the election with the deck stacked against him in every way conceivable.
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How about they leave all of Kamalas embarrassing comments and word salads in tact, then spend the entire campaign season talking about how good Trump's deportation plan is and how Trump's plan to stop supporting the Paris climate accords and how eliminating the EV mandates would be a good idea because we're a couple of decades away from being ready for electric cars.
Trump also ran on elimination the Department of Education, returning decisions to each state, this saving tens of billions.
So how about if they bragged up a storm on all of Trump's proposals and talk negatively about Kamala as our AWOL Border Czar.
Late night hosts could have devoted their 20 minute monologues to making fun of Kamala's word salads, and hyena like laugh, they could have devoted time to the assault on men being allowed to play in women's sports.
The media has an extremely large roll in electing the president that THEY like.
Trump would have received 10 or 20% more votes had they done a 180 and attacked Kamala instead. They could have attacked her and Joe non stop for 4 straight years.... but they didn't. There was plenty of ammo. Joe has in 4 years, never done a 30 minute press conference. Trump does10 per week.

Trump even won the election with the deck stacked against him in every way conceivable.
I think my analogy about oppositions living together, like parallel lines is in the
‘ thought topic’ check it out.

However, I’ll try to sum up here, because your last post is absolutely a perfect example for why we could/need to live parallel with opposition. Now what does that mean? That means I’m driving on the right side of the road (Republicans ) and Democrats on the left side of the road with the freedom of speech double yellow line barrier in the middle 😜….we can wave to each other , stop and allow someone to cross in front of us, or we could give the other side, the, finger. whatever but we’re both living our lives without judging each other or having expectations for the left to come over to the right or the right to come over to the left because that’s not going to happen and the more you try to make it happen the more the other side controls you. The left is not going to report about any accomplishments on the right side because they want to do it differently. So we have to practice living together without expecting the other side to think like we do. So check out the post on the Thought Topic as I’m feeling a little sluggish right now, but that post in my humble opinion was a home run or just barely made it over the fence, 😜 so check it out And then give me a reply whether you like it or not 🤷🏻‍♂️…..I’m on the left side on Monday, Wednesday Friday and I’m on the right side Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday I take the day off ….Peace !

Here’s a screenshot of my conclusion, from the thought topic, enjoy.


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The problem is I can't and know one can, mentor 75 million people.
When it comes to the masses, you dominate, then let them watch you. If they see that you aren't as bad as they (the media) told you, then they will see that they've been lied to. Trump won, he's doing exactly what he told voters he was going to do, he's getting his promises done and his ratings are unusually high for a dictator.
Trump winning three major election lawsuits $$$ against the media is a demonstration of how corrupt and powerful the media is (was).
The major news opinion type shows have lost viewers in huge numbers, they've let ho hundreds of employees, dropped the salaries of their major money making shows.
What's happening is we're coming back to center after almost capsizing.
If the correction goes to far, the next election will change that. We'll have to wait and see. Being nice, having compassion doesn't work when dealing with the masses..... there are too many people talking and not listening.
Did you see Maxine Watters mouthing off to the guy that was guarding the doors after they announced closing the Department of Education?
He didn't do anything. He is no different than a waitress that brought you the undercooked burger.
....yet she picked on any taunted him like a bully ..she, years ago instructed a mob of constituents on the street, to literally harass people (Republicans) wherever you see em, in a restaurant , on the street, in a store..... and people did just as she asked.
Can you imagine trying to rationalize with her, calm her down and get her to behave kindly? Not gonna ever happen. She's ba nasty person.
Very few people can be convinced to drastically change who they are, so in a nutshell, that's why God created winners and losers.
Here's what happens when you win.
The problem is I can't and know one can, mentor 75 million people.
He has had many opportunities to mentor large groups with what assertiveness
looks like ( to stand up for your ideals, while at the same time respecting others who differ) but unfortunately, his chosen misguided style, along with many others is mentoring aggressiveness. 😢

If they see that you aren't as bad as they (the media) told you, then they will see that they've been lied to.

Our eyes and our ears have seen and heard his own actions and words. All the media did was put it out there and provided some colorful commentary….
No lies were necessary….. However ! I understand, but ! definitely not fully why your eyes and ears interpret his actions and words completely different and that’s why it’s hard for you to understand the oppositions interpretation and that’s why it feels like a lie, when it is not.
Trump winning three major election lawsuits $$$ against the media is a demonstration of how corrupt and powerful the media is
Stop and take the time to investigate what is actually going on. In other words, do a deep dive into the nitty-gritty, and find what’s hiding in plain view 😉….. It’s classic pay to play tactics, by the ones who are holding all the cards. The country is in the grips of the art of the deal.

Some of us Americans think this is a good thing, that it’s necessary, but others think it’s extortion. Does that make any sense, and is there any part of that which can be given some understanding ? … a short answer would be nice, rather than another rant festival 😜
Did you see Maxine Watters mouthing off to the guy that was guarding the doors after they announced closing the Department of Education?
Can you blame her ? no seriously ! this really should be an easy one to understand. Put yourself in her high heels 😜 and think like a Liberal for three seconds. Now wasn’t that easy to give her understanding ? …. Now ! how do you feel after giving her that understanding ?I bet the emotional reaction has just gotten weaker and do you want to know why? It’s because when we give someone understanding we are thinking internally rather than externally. The more we do it the easier it becomes, and when I say easier, that means life also. Life can be so improved for ourself and others, if we would only apply this strategy.

I’ll finish more counterpoints later it’s sleepy, sleepy time 🤣
If the correction goes to far, the next election will change that. We'll have to wait and see. Being nice, having compassion doesn't work when dealing with the masses..... there are too many people talking and not listening.
Okay! How did everyone sleep last night? I’m housesitting again for the third year in a row and I actually slept through the night without needing to pee 🤣It’ my first breakfast overlooking a winter wonderland of snow covered evergreen 🌲’s 😁

Okay back at it for point counterpoint discussion:

I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of swinging right and left, it’s making me a little queasy 😜 It sure would be nice to stop swinging and to maintain some function between 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock 🙏 So ! Sorry Highup I disagree that we are coming back towards center. 😢

Center to me means being respectful of the opposition while carrying out an intended direction or plan. As for the comment about too many people speaking and not enough people listening, it’s my belief that the burden of communication is on the speaker. So! If we want people to listen, we need to change the way we speak, me included. It’s a process where we fail and then try again differently, more failure and more different trying. Does anyone agree that Trump speaks in a way that turns some ears off especially on the other side of the aisle, and also on our side of the aisle ?
Can you imagine trying to rationalize with her, calm her down and get her to behave kindly? Not gonna ever happen. She's ba nasty person.
Very few people can be convinced to drastically change who they are, so in a nutshell, that's why God created winners and losers.
Thanks for engaging in this conversation like you do. It allows us to see the strong convictions. It also provides us with clues to possible counterpoint debates that could perhaps provide a new perspective for both of us. Let’s face it we are one big mother fudging social experiment 😜🤣

Back on point, to your question :

Can you imagine Trying to rationalize with Maxine waters? By trying to calm her down to get her to behave kindly?…. Yes !
And that’s the difference between thinking internally and thinking externally. We already know that external thinkers will never understand until they change to a more internal thinking process. So ! This is an example of how an internal thinker would handle that situation.

Hi Maxine Watters, I feel your pain and frustration with me being a representative of the Trump executive order to block the department of education door. Please forgive me for carrying out this job, and I hope a resolution can be found that respects both sides in short order. I want you to know that if you choose to continue yelling, screaming, and even using disrespectful words towards me as the representative of the executive orders that I understand your pain, and I will not retaliate with any violent reaction.

Okay! How did that sound ? 🤞😉 …. I’m not expecting external thinkers to come 100% on board with this internal thinking, but would it be something you would consider?
Hi Maxine Watters, I feel your pain and frustration with me being a representative of the Trump executive order to block the department of education door. Please forgive me for carrying out this job, and I hope a resolution can be found that respects both sides in short order. I want you to know that if you choose to continue yelling, screaming, and even using disrespectful words towards me as the representative of the executive orders that I understand your pain, and I will not retaliate with any violent reaction.
I did this similar with our House Representative Judy Chu, when Trump won the 2016 election. She came out saying he refused to attend the inauguration of Trump, and was boasting that she refused to accept him as our president. I politely said that since she was MY representative, I would expect her to attend the inauguration since he was her boss. I went on to say that as a former police officer, to not attend this important ceremony, I would expect to lose my job, so why shouldn't she just suck it up.

She responded that she represents only her supporters, she doesn't work for me, and obviously we will never see eye to eye. Essentially telling me to go pound sand.

That revealed her true face, so I have no qualms showing my true face. What is good goes both ways, right?
I did this similar with our House Representative Judy Chu, when Trump won the 2016 election. She came out saying he refused to attend the inauguration of Trump, and was boasting that she refused to accept him as our president. I politely said that since she was MY representative, I would expect her to attend the inauguration since he was her boss. I went on to say that as a former police officer, to not attend this important ceremony, I would expect to lose my job, so why shouldn't she just suck it up.

She responded that she represents only her supporters, she doesn't work for me, and obviously we will never see eye to eye. Essentially telling me to go pound sand.

That revealed her true face, so I have no qualms showing my true face. What is good goes both ways, right?
Sorry 😢 according to the safe program it is my humble opinion that this type of thinking will only continue conflict between oppositional thinkers, Let me explain.

Did you read the post using a Clock as an analogy for functionality. 12 o’clock would be pure function where the radical aggressive left decides to give understanding to the
Reasonable and aggressive right. and the reasonable aggressive right decides to give understanding to the radical aggressive left anything short of that continues the conflict.

Both sides have fears and concerns that make us over react, and since this type of program is not universally accepted, we continue with dysfunctional function, 😜 …If we continue trying to dominate each other, with a winner and loser philosophy, we all lose. 🤔

Just because one side is being more aggressive (winning ) over the other side, doesn’t give them a free hall pass to continue being aggressive as a long term solution. Yes, it is a natural reaction to do so and that’s why we are where we are. However, according to the safe program, there is another way to find function in the center. And if you want to learn about that style, listen to the program podcast and give it consideration and then post back your concerns so we can work through it together.

If I didn’t address your question properly, please ask it again, and I will try to specifically answer that question. As best as I can.
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Sorry 😢 according to the safe program it is my humble opinion that this type of thinking will only continue conflict between oppositional thinkers, Let me explain.

Did you read the post using a Clock as an analogy for functionality. 12 o’clock would be pure function where the radical aggressive left decides to give understanding to the
Reasonable and aggressive right. and the reasonable aggressive right decides to give understanding to the radical aggressive left anything short of that continues the conflict.

Both sides have fears and concerns that make us over react, and since this type of program is not universally accepted, we continue with dysfunctional function, 😜 …If we continue trying to dominate each other, with a winner and loser philosophy, we all lose. 🤔

Just because one side is being more aggressive (winning ) over the other side, doesn’t give them a free hall pass to continue being aggressive as a long term solution. Yes, it is a natural reaction to do so and that’s why we are where we are. However, according to the safe program, there is another way to find function in the center. And if you want to learn about that style, listen to the program podcast and give it consideration and then post back your concerns so we can work through it together.

If I didn’t address your question properly, please ask it again, and I will try to specifically answer that question. As best as I can.
Why are you so afraid to stand up for any belief? Sometimes you have to side with good over evil. If you don't, evil will win. From your statements, I cannot even imagine you protecting family.
Why are you so afraid to stand up for any belief? Sometimes you have to side with good over evil. If you don't, evil will win. From your statements, I cannot even imagine you protecting family.
This is not about me. This is about humanity, and the tools for creating function around any, and all conflicts. Not only will the safe program provide more protection for my family, but it will also provide protection for your family and your children’s children. You’re welcome. ! ☺️😉

Think of it this way the safe program tools are like a security system for your home. A criminal ( figuratively ) enters your property ( challenges, you’re thinking with conflict ) and notices the security system ( your assertiveness, ) and stops ! ….they reconsider their plan, and hopefully learn something from your modeling. If we do this skill on a daily basis with each other and our conflicts, we can negotiate with each other and find peace before war. It’s pretty plain and simple, but we grew up in a culture of winners and losers this concept of balance between winning and losing is missing in our psyche, but that can change if we choose to learn a new skill.

If They see empowerment behind those walls and your eyes and your words , they start to understand that you have convictions, fortified armor, an impenetrable energy, and this makes them think twice about messing with you. That is the ultimate goal, to model that behavior, so that what you want from others is actually returned to you by the pupil……. If we model intolerance, we get intolerance back. If we model aggression, we get aggression back. If we model in consideration, we get in consideration back. However, if we model RUACAT THEN CHANCES, ARE WE GET RUACAT BACK….. if it is to be then, it is up to me.

Had the German population been exposed to this type of psychology and self empowerment they would have never followed that horrible leader and he would have faded off into the shadows, dying in a ditch from a drug overdose.

Listen to John Anthony Bochnowicz’s
Podcast please 🙏
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Okay! How did everyone sleep last night? I’m housesitting again for the third year in a row and I actually slept through the night without needing to pee 🤣It’ my first breakfast overlooking a winter wonderland of snow covered evergreen 🌲’s 😁

Okay back at it for point counterpoint discussion:

I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of swinging right and left, it’s making me a little queasy 😜 It sure would be nice to stop swinging and to maintain some function between 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock 🙏 So ! Sorry Highup I disagree that we are coming back towards center. 😢

Center to me means being respectful of the opposition while carrying out an intended direction or plan. As for the comment about too many people speaking and not enough people listening, it’s my belief that the burden of communication is on the speaker. So! If we want people to listen, we need to change the way we speak, me included. It’s a process where we fail and then try again differently, more failure and more different trying. Does anyone agree that Trump speaks in a way that turns some ears off especially on the other side of the aisle, and also on our side of the aisle ?
Here you go... Try to disagree with what is being shown here.
This is what it means to be coming back to center.

Democrat Governors and Mayors need jail time. Hopefully they will get it for allowing rape and murder to happen.
When you hide known criminals.... ILLEGAL ALIEN criminals from ICE.... You are an accessory to any and EVERY crime they commit once you hand them a get out of jail free card.
Governors, Mayors, city councilmen and women all need to be held to account. I hope they will get a dose of reality and get jail time for being accessories to rape, murder and whatever else they allowed to happen..... There is no fine. There is no penalty or fine large enough.
10 years mandatory for each count wouldn't bother me one bit if it stops other people in power like Letitia from protecting violent criminals and hiding them from ICE.
The people protecting these illegal alien criminals and letting them go free so ICE can't 'get em' ...... they are criminals.
I'm not spending one fraction of a fraction of one second trying to understand them. I'm a brick wall. There is no bending. I'm right. They are wrong.
It's that simple.
Rant over.
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Okay! How did everyone sleep last night? I’m housesitting again for the third year in a row and I actually slept through the night without needing to pee 🤣It’ my first breakfast overlooking a winter wonderland of snow covered evergreen 🌲’s 😁

Okay back at it for point counterpoint discussion:

I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of swinging right and left, it’s making me a little queasy 😜 It sure would be nice to stop swinging and to maintain some function between 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock 🙏 So ! Sorry Highup I disagree that we are coming back towards center. 😢

Center to me means being respectful of the opposition while carrying out an intended direction or plan. As for the comment about too many people speaking and not enough people listening, it’s my belief that the burden of communication is on the speaker. So! If we want people to listen, we need to change the way we speak, me included. It’s a process where we fail and then try again differently, more failure and more different trying. Does anyone agree that Trump speaks in a way that turns some ears off especially on the other side of the aisle, and also on our side of the aisle ?
Center doesn't respect the opposition. Center means the left and right need to respect center. The extremes right and left are the ones that need to get their act together. Center is the direction the opposition needs to strive for. The center doesn't take sides..... It has none.
There is no bending. I'm right. They are wrong.
It's that simple.
Rant over.
Yep 👍 that line of thinking is right and I agree.

Rapists and murderers need to be excluded from any types of sanctuary. And if the liberal thinkers took the time to understand the conservative thinkers fears a little more than maybe the conservative thinkers would be more willing to negotiate compromises towards the center.
immigrant rape victims or family members of murder victims, who are fleeing their land for a better life …..maybe they need to be included for sanctuary. 🤷🏻‍♂️ And if the conservative thinkers took the time to understand the liberal thinkers fears a little more, than maybe the liberal thinkers would be more willing to negotiate compromise towards the center.

Can you see how understanding the opposition’s viewpoints is the Cartlidge and the caulking in between the divide allowing flexibility into the structure. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Had we both been doing our understanding due diligence towards each other for the past 50 years we would be in a completely different place today. A place that is more centered and less opposites.

Pam Bundy hast to do what she has to do in order to struggle through the opposite process and Maxine waters and Chuck Schumer have to do what they have to do in order to struggle through the process of opposites …..because all three of them are not aware of the concept of understanding the opposition, in order to allow the process of a combination of conservative and liberal thinking to exist.

In conclusion: no one on either side wants this amount of dysfunction in our country. so wouldn’t it be nice to have the tools of understanding ready to go as needed?
When both sides are brave enough, confident enough and respectful enough towards each other, to direct the opposition with an understanding viewpoint. Then the oppositions ears will start to listen. …..It’s a combination of firm and respect. so the next time we talk or write a point / counterpoint to the opposition, ask your self am I being reasonable ? If you are not being reasonable, then you have not taken the time to understand the opposition’s point of view.
Yep 👍 that line of thinking is right and I agree.

Rapists and murderers need to be excluded from any types of sanctuary. And if the liberal thinkers took the time to understand the conservative thinkers fears a little more than maybe the conservative thinkers would be more willing to negotiate compromises towards the center.
immigrant rape victims or family members of murder victims, who are fleeing their land for a better life …..maybe they need to be included for sanctuary. 🤷🏻‍♂️ And if the conservative thinkers took the time to understand the liberal thinkers fears a little more, than maybe the liberal thinkers would be more willing to negotiate compromise towards the center.

Can you see how understanding the opposition’s viewpoints is the Cartlidge and the caulking in between the divide allowing flexibility into the structure. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Had we both been doing our understanding due diligence towards each other for the past 50 years we would be in a completely different place today. A place that is more centered and less opposites.

Pam Bundy hast to do what she has to do in order to struggle through the opposite process and Maxine waters and Chuck Schumer have to do what they have to do in order to struggle through the process of opposites …..because all three of them are not aware of the concept of understanding the opposition, in order to allow the process of a combination of conservative and liberal thinking to exist.

In conclusion: no one on either side wants this amount of dysfunction in our country. so wouldn’t it be nice to have the tools of understanding ready to go as needed?
When both sides are brave enough, confident enough and respectful enough towards each other, to direct the opposition with an understanding viewpoint. Then the oppositions ears will start to listen. …..It’s a combination of firm and respect. so the next time we talk or write a point / counterpoint to the opposition, ask your self am I being reasonable ? If you are not being reasonable, then you have not taken the time to understand the opposition’s point of view.
Why do immigrants rape and violence victims need to come here? They can move to another city just like those here can do if it's that dangerous and their only option?
Can a rape victim here go sneak into New Zealand?
Why do immigrants rape and violence victims need to come here? They can move to another city just like those here can do if it's that dangerous and their only option?
Can a rape victim here go sneak into New Zealand?
That is a valid point for a logical thinker, why should we make their problem our problem ? …. Hey C. J. Do you want to field that question. 😳

If there were numerous united states of America’s throughout the world, then they would have more options. Persecution of minority people all over the world has been going on since caveman times or Adam and eve depending on your beliefs. When we give understanding, value, and importance, to victims of persecution, then we have empathy that may motivate us to try to do what we can. 🤷🏻‍♂️

The system is broke. It doesn’t matter who caused it. It only matters how to fix it. Donald is well on his way to fixing it as best as he can however could his methods be improved upon I think everyone would agree that it could be. So now all we need is a social template that includes both parties, so that both points of view are included. However, I think the country needs some healing of the wounds like John Anthony talked about before we can get there and that’s why the program needs to be expanded into our culture.
One thing that isn't brought up much, especially by the left media. They blame Trump, demonize Elon, Bondi, Hegseth. . .
These people are doing EXACTLY what they said they would do if elected. The are doing the bidding of their constituents.
The voters that voted Trump into office are happy with every single thing he is doing.
This isn't Trump being a gogue dictator. He is fulfilling his campaign promises.
Those that don't like it need to move out of the way. They lost and need to stop complaining and wait to see what happens. Maybe they will be pleasantly surprised that the sky isn't really falling as Rachael Maddow, morning Joe and Whoopie Goldberg said it would.
Trump just got one us citizen returned from Russia as he promised the mans 89 year old mother ...Joe didn't try to get him back. I think a second man is about to be released. I also think the war in Ukraine is very close to ending.
Will Hamas release the rest of the captives and the remains of the dead ones by Saturday. I'm assuming, that after hearing Trump's demands, they know that he doesn't play games and keep moving the goal line backwards. It's going to be interesting or devastating depending on which side of the goal line you're on.

The left isn't actually blaming Trump when they rag on him..... They are ragging on every single person that voted him onto office, because we are absolutely thrilled about what he's doing and the speed at which he's doing it at.
