Bingo ! Yahtzee, the survey said !
The system is the human System !
Like Highup said, in many posts previously.….Tooo many people talking and not enough people listening, and taking the time to understand each other.
Understanding allows us to be reasonable, but we have to possess it in order to give it, and that needs to be practiced on a daily basis, but as humans do not like to practice.
The article was not looking at the border wall literally ( even though that is very important ) The article was talking about a psychological wall Trump constructed around himself, and the Maga followers . He leveraged our need for identity and longing for a better way, and then hooked us in by blame and ridicule against Biden policies and progressive liberals, who demanded RUACAT to be given to them externally, and that’s barking up an unreceptive tree ….we don’t care about you and your feelings because we are too busy, aggressively caring about our feelings.
OK this quote may make it in the history books :

If I don’t care about your feelings and you don’t care about my feelings about not caring about your feelings

then we remain stuck in conflict.

someone has to care first.
The point the reporter was trying to make is by using the combination of ridicule and what he branded as policy failures, true or untrue, because It doesn’t matter in propaganda world of free speech. This style of stoking up emotions, any chance he gets ( alway

) and Utilizing social media too as per his son Barron’s advice around the dinner table, builds an impenetrable wall around him, or like the psychotherapist said…. he’s shadow man.
In conclusion: It really is unfortunate about Lincoln Riley may she rest in peace but in a nutshell one could say Biden failed Lincoln Riley when she was alive, and Trump failed Lincoln Riley after her death and we are all but pawns in the chess game of emotional psychological stoking.
Psychology can be used for good or for bad and many areas in between. I had to put that in between, otherwise you guys would’ve called me on it. Hey Mike, you’re living in opposites you don’t practice what you preach.

… Yes ! Sometimes
If we understand psychology a little more, we begin to understand the psychological manipulation just after biting into the bait, AND FEELING THE HOOK

Then we have a chance to spit it out, otherwise, you’re going for a ride
External pulls are very strong that’s why it’s important to have sound internal foundation that resists against the pulling temptation.