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MLSI, my comment above isn't intended as an attack, so don't take it as such. It's just frustration. We both live and think in different realities, that's all.
Musk and I see the same reality. It's undeniable from my vantage point.

The philosophy that you focus on can work. It can work with your family. It can work with co-workers. It can work in neighborhoods and possibly small communities.
It cannot and never will work on the national level or worlds stage. It is absolutely impossible to get millions ....billions of people to agree to be civil and kind and live in "perfect harmony"
(Try and get the song out of your head today 😁)
Proof that what you advise, does work in small groups as is being demonstrated here. We're disagreeing and having a discussion.... possibly a little intense at times, but we're not throwing rocks. We don't hate each other. This is how it's done.
When you have the media controlling people's thoughts through repetitious negativity as the have with Trump.
How many of the people that despise Trump have ever met him? How then do they know him?
When statues were being tipped over, vandalized and some people wanted them removed from in front of parks and public buildings, what did the news report to its minions? Well of course they quoted him.
"There are good people on both sides"
That's where they stopped reporting. That leaves you with the impression that Trump thought there were good Neo-Nazis and good white supremacists and good racists.
The news did not include Trump explaining his comment.
He said he was NOT talking about those people.
He was simply talking about people on both sides of the argument...... those that want to keep the statues and those that wanted them removed.

The media has the power to make change. They can sway ideas and ideals. Thousands screaming at riots? ...they will keep screaming, so you just can't change the or their views . They won't shut their pie holes long enough to listen. Even if they did, one out of a thousand might be affected... .. it's a nice thought, but it just won't work.

Here's musk describing what a leader needs to be.
"The people". ....are the mass of voters behaving this way. They self approve.
The courts and legal system are the only form of decision makers here. That cannot change.
voting on statue removal is akin to voting to remove history.
All these idiots protesting Israel......
.....would we want them in control of allowing or demanding removal of the the furnaces and has chambers in Germany?
We learn from history, so it needs to be left where it is, not tipped over, not spray painted, not covered in acid.
We have a lot going on with this topic, too much to keep up with 🤪

I agree the courts need to have the last word on all issues concerning the people, but hey ! If we are going to continue this Democratic Republic, controversial Social issues imho, need direct citizens feedback, so maybe every 2 to 5 years it would be nice to share an opinion through
Voting 🤷🏻‍♂️

Self Removal or Vandalism of Status can’t be tolerated, but if they feel like they are being stonewalled / manhandled, with no avenue for change/ improvement, that’s when people take issues into their own hands…… Koombia My Lord Koombia 😜 isn’t ever going to be in the cards, nor do we want that….. What we want are human beings acting more like Human beings and less like competitors trying to win the game of life by imposing rules they want.
( BOTH SIDES AND THE MIDDLE) The Concept of Boundaries and Choices works for Mom, Dad, and Children and IMHO COULD be Scaled up
to any size needed ( change boundaries, to Court Approval, then the permitted Choices )

Thanks for having my back 👍 We are all family despite the allusions of our divide.
I truly believe the conflict comes from misunderstanding and misinterpretation issues from cultural differences, but that phycology is above my pay grade.
Here's musk describing what a leader needs to be.
I agree, Donald has Moxie and in many ways would project Leadership, Or Boundaries to other aggressive leaders, who think this is a game of Risk 😢….that maybe Kamala would not project. If on the day of the vote, I’m feeling that concern is a make or break for the USA 🇺🇸 then He’ll get my reluctant vote and Hope 😜
We have a lot going on with this topic, too much to keep up with 🤪

I agree the courts need to have the last word on all issues concerning the people, but hey ! If we are going to continue this Democratic Republic, controversial Social issues imho, need direct citizens feedback, so maybe every 2 to 5 years it would be nice to share an opinion through
Voting 🤷🏻‍♂️

Self Removal or Vandalism of Status can’t be tolerated, but if they feel like they are being stonewalled / manhandled, with no avenue for change/ improvement, that’s when people take issues into their own hands…… Koombia My Lord Koombia 😜 isn’t ever going to be in the cards, nor do we want that….. What we want are human beings acting more like Human beings and less like competitors trying to win the game of life by imposing rules they want.
( BOTH SIDES AND THE MIDDLE) The Concept of Boundaries and Choices works for Mom, Dad, and Children and IMHO COULD be Scaled up
to any size needed ( change boundaries, to Court Approval, then the permitted Choices )

Thanks for having my back 👍 We are all family despite the allusions of our divide.
I truly believe the conflict comes from misunderstanding and misinterpretation issues from cultural differences, but that phycology is above my pay grade.
......in person with valid ID ,👍
I agree, Donald has Moxie and in many ways would project Leadership, Or Boundaries to other aggressive leaders, who think this is a game of Risk 😢….that maybe Kamala would not project. If on the day of the vote, I’m feeling that concern is a make or break for the USA 🇺🇸 then He’ll get my reluctant vote and Hope 😜
Another way to think about leaders being aggressive.
A falcon, an eagle and a hawk are all powerful and aggressive.
None want to risk injury..... because on the animal world, there is no Medicaid. 😁

One day, the eagle is replaced by a dove.
Ask yourself how the story ends.
We need a leader that appears powerful, just like the others, so that nothing bad ever happens....
....or the likelihood is reduced. If you slow down or start limping....... They are watching. They have options lying in wait for whatever opportunity arrises.
Look how Russia and Chinas air forces joined together and played with us and our northernmost border a few days ago.
Look at the state of our current administration right now.
Nope. This has never happened before and one of them is extremely angry at us. That's why we need a powerful Trump instead of someone who's farther left than Bernie..... if that's possible.
If Walter Cronkite was alive this back and forth child like News would not exist. Let’s put tabloid news back where it belongs, off the air and back on a shelf.

Are we really going to continue this back and forth Fight and Weird talk ? 👎
One day, the eagle is replaced by a dove.
Ask yourself how the story ends.
We need a leader that appears powerful, just like the others, so that nothing bad ever happens....
Very interesting 🤔 Highup, and a good analogy to ponder over.….Let’s hear a response from some different members, …. Come into the conversation, it’s not that scary 😆
..or the likelihood is reduced.
Nice ! I think all the ‘ Could’s ‘ rather than
‘ Should’s ‘ I’ve been using are starting to slowly indoctrinate 😜😂
If Walter Cronkite was alive this back and forth child like News would not exist. Let’s put tabloid news back where it belongs, off the air and back on a shelf.

Are we really going to continue this back and forth Fight and Weird talk ? 👎
Walter, Huntley and Brinkley...
....and at 1am, the off air signal 👍
Everything happens for a reason, and I just came up with a potential serious one, told in a comedic way 😜…. Donald’s
‘ Gas Lighting ‘ intentionally or unintentionally ( Like Zannej brothers Sharting the other day, sorry ! 😝 ). It just comes out of him because deep down he wants the Radical Left to see the errors of their ways, and this is the way ( all be it dysfunctional ) his Egotistical personality has decided to do it. ( no need to judge him, because everything happens for a reason) Now ! ! It’s our job to give meaning and functional reverence 😝 to it all, so we can find and develop personal and societal improvements.

Are you ready for more ? 👍😆 Its probably going to surprise you : The crazy far left ( IMHO the few that there are ) take him word for word, just like Evangelical fundamentalist ( the few that there are ) take the Bible word for word ) and this stubborn, and inflexible style builds a road block or a defensive wall that makes us want to Fight like
‘ road rage ‘ in the form of gas lighting. The wake up call and message to the middle, is that we need to kindly bring awareness to both extreme sides using respectful , understanding, and compassionate rhetoric, as if we could be one of them or even if we are one of them……. It’s Anger Management Class 101 ….Ok maybe not that surprising after all. 😝 ….

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I think the next scheduled boxing match is Saturday, but the Gender match is happening now. I hope wisdom prevails over possible Gaslighting revolt…… This is not a gender issue, even if she is a he 🤪 It’s about outsiders forming or accusing one way or another, because they have already gathered all the evidence that they need, disregarding other evidence that COULD PROVE OR DISPUTE OTHERWISE…… How many revolts in history could have been prevented if we the people ASSUMED LESS, but I understand, I do it myself.
If he feels like he's a woman, I don't understand it, but I'll accept it.
I just 110% disagree with them competing against genetic females in any sporting activity.
...ok, shooting and archery is ok.... things that require skill not strength.
I feels this falls into the political column.
This is nuts. What's causing this, other than green energy mandates?
My income goes down every year. 🤧
Each year it like 25 to 40 bucks per month in the winter. Do I need to spend $5000 to buy a heat pump, just to return to what I was paying 3 years ago? 🤧🤧🤧


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I’m feeling it too and inflation sucks. Especially for young adults trying to buy their first home. The uncertainty of energy mandates is probably one reason utility companies want to squirrel away nest eggs for eminent capital investments….. Could it be that they know more than the general public knows ? Usually supply and demand keeps our economy balanced, but because we are in a time of uncertainty, this is what we have, rather than what we want….. Going back in time sounds appealing, but is it realistic ?
Let’s add more substance to the melted down statue. Not to place’ right or wrong’
analysis, but to place understanding with the reason. Opposing views must be respected, but Understanding is the flexible glue holding together unity.


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