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It is NEVER right to destroy history. NEVER! "Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it."
One man’s NEVER is another man’s SOMETIMES. One man’s DESTRUCTION is another man’s CREATION. So ask yourself, Has history been ignored ?

Give that a few minutes to stew inside and maybe be a part of not repeating history. Which is the ultimate objective of BOTH OPPOSING PARTIES ✌️
One man’s NEVER is another man’s SOMETIMES. One man’s DESTRUCTION is another man’s CREATION. So ask yourself, Has history been ignored ?

Give that a few minutes to stew inside and maybe be a part of not repeating history. Which is the ultimate objective of BOTH OPPOSING PARTIES ✌️
No the Democrats' objective is to destroy history. They thought it was terrible when the Taliban destroyed religious statues. But then they destroy history.
Demoncrats will not be happy until they fully control the world. Thank God I'm closer to the end than the beginning!
Getting it wrong, is part of the process to get it right. Understanding this concept allows more participation, or observation rather than reactive judgment. This process takes time, and is affected by circumstances. So ask yourself is this the one and only time to take a firm stand ?
( I’ll be pondering that question myself ) OR ! Could I or We, incorporate this concept to ‘ Right the Wrongs ‘ in a more functional way ?
No the Democrats' objective is to destroy history. They thought it was terrible when the Taliban destroyed religious statues. But then they destroy history.
That statement is very interesting 🤔 and IMHO could be evidence that there is hope for Democrats to be reeled back. Now all that’s needed is a strategy to convince or compromise on the counterpointing argument, but not by being argumentative.
That statement is very interesting 🤔 and IMHO could be evidence that there is hope for Democrats to be reeled back. Now all that’s needed is a strategy to convince or compromise on the counterpointing argument, but not by being argumentative.
Arguing is necessary. Ask anyone who ever took a debate class. You can convince people who are wrong that they are wrong. Arguing can make them think and know there is another side to the story.

I don't see how anyone can feel it is right for men to participate in women's sports. If you think they are physically equal, you are just plain wrong.
Arguing is necessary. Ask anyone who ever took a debate class. You can convince people who are wrong that they are wrong. Arguing can make them think and know there is another side to the story.

I don't see how anyone can feel it is right for men to participate in women's sports. If you think they are physically equal, you are just plain wrong.
I FIXED MY DYSLEXIC 😜 MISTAKE , Try reading this again if you want .

I agree one hundred percent with arguing and 👍 good point Rusty. I also agree that most male athletes ( except maybe ping-pong 😜 ) are physically stronger and incorporating post puberty men or transgender men into women sports is just plain old, wait for it, wait for it, UNWISE 😜 ( yes I’m an ass, who’s posing an argument and on a mission that if society starts using more flexible words in controversial issues or situations, maybe we can have a better chance for improving function in the world ) Maybe the making and proving of OBVIOUS absolutes or points is
not necessary after all and less important, only causing roadblocks on perfectly good roads. 🤷🏻‍♂️


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No the Democrats' objective is to destroy history. They thought it was terrible when the Taliban destroyed religious statues. But then they destroy history.
Okay, I had a discussion with my sister in-law today about the melting of Robert E Lee ( yes the same one who wants to be Alpha Female of the house hold and maybe the world 😜, then again it takes one to know one 🤪 😂 )

Anyhow, she brought up a good point or argument about keeping the Statue by saying “ I understand the Lesson Learned from the Civil War, ( that all men are created equal ) and I want future generations to see what our country went through to prove the point. ( something like that )

So I said, what about the current people who haven’t gotten the lesson learned, despite the Statue being there all this time
Do we have an obligation to increase the message in another way, until we see functional results ? Could the cauldron literally and metaphorically melt away racial bias ? ….. The history books are not going into the cauldron vat, just the leader who represented the resistance for societal change……. We could argue until the cows come home, that there was more to this war than meets the eye, but the fact is, the majority of regular, none historian Americans, need this situation simplified to its basic level. ( All men and women 😆 are created equal ) ….. He sat there long enough, IMHO it’s time for the melting pot attempt towards amalgamation improvements 😉
Are we sure that it will meet the desired intention ? Absolutely not ! Because EARTH HAS NO ABSOLUTES !

MAUEOA : Make. Americans. Understand. Each. Other. Again

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Okay, I had a discussion with my sister in-law today about the melting of Robert E Lee ( yes the same one who wants to be Alpha Female of the house hold and maybe the world 😜, then again it takes one to know one 🤪 😂 )

Anyhow, she brought up a good point or argument about keeping the Statue by saying “ I understand the Lesson Learned from the Civil War, ( that all men are created equal ) and I want future generations to see what our country went through to prove the point. ( something like that )

So I said, what about the current people who haven’t gotten the lesson learned, despite the Statue being there all this time
Do we have an obligation to increase the message in another way, until we see functional results ? Could the cauldron literally and metaphorically melt away racial bias ? ….. The history books are not going into the cauldron vat, just the leader who represented the resistance for societal change……. We could argue until the cows come home, that there was more to this war than meets the eye, but the fact is, the majority of regular, none historian Americans, need this situation simplified to its basic level. ( All men and women 😆 are created equal ) ….. He sat there long enough, IMHO it’s time for the melting pot attempt towards amalgamation improvements 😉
Are we sure that it will meet the desired intention ? Absolutely not ! Because EARTH HAS NO ABSOLUTES !

MAUEOA : Make. Americans. Understand. Each. Other. Again

So destroy art to prove a point? And people are not created equal. I know people of other races that are smarter than I am and certainly more talented.
So destroy art to prove a point? And people are not created equal. I know people of other races that are smarter than I am and certainly more talented.
Again! One man’s Destruction is another man’s creation. It’s a willingness to see the potential good coming from the destruction and it has already been melted, So ! Everything happens for a reason, even if Donald wins, I’ll be looking for that reason and moving forward.

“ And people are not created equal “ …. Yes that statement is true and obviously obvious. To debate its literal word for word meaning would be a mute point.

However Thanks for bringing that up, because this is an excellent example on how language alone can be deceptively deceiving and cause confusion or misunderstanding.
This was melted down because people were offended
View attachment 19660
I'm offended that it was melted down.
Not just that, but I now identify as a black...
...a black bird
.....with a handicap
......with a handicap of 6
I was going to identify as a green pond turtle 🐢, but that just doesn't score points in the public arena.
...........oh, and I'm running for president. Gimme five 👋
........everything offends me these days. I mean, this isn't 1973 anymore. We should all be offended by everything. If we're not offended, then we're not Americans.
Be offended folks. I mean, it's not like 'normal' will ever happen again in our lifetimes.
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One man’s NEVER is another man’s SOMETIMES. One man’s DESTRUCTION is another man’s CREATION. So ask yourself, Has history been ignored ?

Give that a few minutes to stew inside and maybe be a part of not repeating history. Which is the ultimate objective of BOTH OPPOSING PARTIES ✌️
Rusty is still correct. In out country, people have the right to be wrong.
It's no different than a person clocked at 105 telling the cop that he's a good driver at those speeds because he races every weekend.
Ok, in his own mind, his own reality he's a fantastic driver.
He is probably correct and he actually is a good driver at those speeds.
Ok, if that's true, he's still wrong because other drivers aren't aware, expect, or look out for people driving 105 mph on a curvy highway.
One mans "never" in my scenario says he man is 100% wrong. His reality is wrong.
This guy has his own version of reality and safety.
He's going to jail and his car is getting impounded.
Society is made up of rules.
There is right and wrong.
Destroying statues that have stood for a centuries is wrong. I give zero leeway and never will. Statues tell us where we came from. We need to be reminded of that.
Why we need Trump.
It appears that Oregon's governor can't stand law and order. Portland, it appears has week knees and appears unable to prevent an ILLEGAL event that happens annually.
They know it's going to happen. They are told when..... Yet the best they've got is "if you see an event like this happening, avoid the area"

How about the police announce well in advance, that the national guard will be assisting them.
Also announce that takeovers are illegal and cars involved in these events will be confiscated then crushed within 48 hours.
Minimum fine, $2500
Minimum jail time, 15 days.

They allow this to happen. 🤧 Yes, Portland is a big place. They cant figure out how to stop this?
Announce a "call in" number so citizens can immediately report a takeover. People could turn in videos (with license plates showing and people's faces)
Put their parents faces on billboards, showing who the crappy parents are .

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Why we need Trump.
It appears that Oregon's governor can't stand law and order. Portland, it appears has week knees and appears unable to prevent an ILLEGAL event that happens annually.
They know it's going to happen. They are told when..... Yet the best they've got is "if you see an event like this happening, avoid the area"

How about the police announce well in advance, that the national guard will be assisting them.
Also announce that takeovers are illegal and cars involved in these events will be confiscated then crushed within 48 hours.
Minimum fine, $2500
Minimum jail time, 15 days.

They allow this to happen. 🤧 Yes, Portland is a big place. They cant figure out how to stop this?
Announce a "call in" number so citizens can immediately report a takeover. People could turn in videos (with license plates showing and people's faces)
Put their parents faces on billboards, showing who the crappy parents are .


Naked bike ride?????
I guess they do that in middle Eastern countries. Hundreds of years old shrines and temple are meaningless...... Destroying them is ok, because we know they once existed.
When Google and the media stop talking about our history, it won't be remembered by anyone.
I understand people who don't like some of our founders or notable people in our history. Some owned slaves. Ok, not a good trait, but without those people creating our country, what would we look like today?
Some view what was acceptable back then through wat is acceptable today. We have to view history as it was. We learned, we changed and for the better. I'm trying to understand why some people, some groups, feel such intensity to destroy these statues. They have the option to not go view them. They don't want me to view them. I draw the line there.
Imagine the time it took the artist to carve the statue, the cost and time it took to cast, finish, transport make a location site and install it.
............a hundred or more years later, some group gets their panties in a wad and now it's gone.
Why can't they simply not go and see it. Those groups have agendas. They want their vision of reality pushed on everyone. That's just wrong.
If you don't like brussel sprouts, don't eat them.
..... don't form groups that set out to remove them from the face of the earth.
Even Mark has woken up.
...no, he didn't say he supported Trump. If he did, his followers and members would destroy him. He knows that.
Regardless, he said he's not supporting or endorsing a Democrat this year. That's a far cry from what he did in the 2000 election.
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