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I'm watching Pitt play West Virginia. Tied up 17-17 in the 3rd quarter with Pitt on the 10 yard line. They run the ball, Pitts O-line blows WV off the line but the runner is swarmed at the 5 yard line. I saw something I never saw before in any football. One of Pitt's lineman grabbed the running back around the waist and as WV tacklers are pulling him down this guy pulls UP and pushes forward. With the running back still pumping his legs they all crossed the goal line together. Pitt-24 WV-17

Can't do that in the NFL, violates a rule.
Rusty ! Wake up …..Didn’t the other (Egotistical ) guy actually touch a woman’s private parts and brag about it ? Or was that Fake News ? Dump “ D “ Now and show your daughters and granddaughter the respect they deserve.

Sadly I would probably play golf with the man, and laugh at some of his misogynistic ways and comments, ( not proud of that ) but to have him run for President again ? PLEASE SHOOT ME 😜

May I be so bold to call it as I see it, STOP THE RETRIBUTION, it doesn’t look good on us and it’s not good for the county. Maybe God is testing us with this guy ? …..start thinking more spiritually and tell us what you see in him ?

I’m not a MOVE ON member, but I must admit that phrase imho makes sense ! Why do some of us like to reward a person who purposely made and makes himself a perpetual victim…… It’s a marketing ploy !

We disrespect ourselves when we give respect to the unworthy.

This is what you get after two Jose Cuervo and Chi-chi’s mix’s 😂😜
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This is what you get after two Jose Cuervo and Chi-chi’s mix’s 😂😜

I’m all for drinkin tequila but friends don’t let friends drink Jose Cuervo!

PM me your address and I’ll have a proper bottle of silver tequila sent your way, maybe even two.
I’m all for drinkin tequila but friends don’t let friends drink Jose Cuervo!

PM me your address and I’ll have a proper bottle of silver tequila sent your way, maybe even two.
Patron ? 😃 but after that shoot me comment😳 maybe I shouldn’t 🤔 then again it may be worth the risk for two bottles. 😝
Rusty ! Wake up …..Didn’t the other (Egotistical ) guy actually touch a woman’s private parts and brag about it ? Or was that Fake News ? Dump “ D “ Now and show your daughters and granddaughter the respect they deserve.

Sadly I would probably play golf with the man, and laugh at some of his misogynistic ways and comments, ( not proud of that ) but to have him run for President again ? PLEASE SHOOT ME 😜

May I be so bold to call it as I see it, STOP THE RETRIBUTION, it doesn’t look good on us and it’s not good for the county. Maybe God is testing us with this guy ? …..start thinking more spiritually and tell us what you see in him ?

I’m not a MOVE ON member, but I must admit that phrase imho makes sense ! Why do some of us like to reward a person who purposely made and makes himself a perpetual victim…… It’s a marketing ploy !

We disrespect ourselves when we give respect to the unworthy.

This is what you get after two Jose Cuervo and Chi-chi’s mix’s 😂😜
At least Trump is not molesting kids like Biden does/has. I am not a big fan of Trump, but things were going much better when he was in office. I would rather have DeSantis. Anyone but another Democrat.
Patron ? 😃 but after that shoot me comment😳 maybe I shouldn’t 🤔 then again it may be worth the risk for two bottles. 😝

Who’s shootin who. I’m just tryin to get you away from Chi Chi’s mix to make that cactus mud palatable. Come on over, the grass IS greener on this side.
Was Trump speaking from grabbing experience or was he doing boastful bar room talk. I don't recall a single "grabbee" coming forward. You'd expect them to come forward by the dozens. Guys say BS to other guys they'd never say in front of their wives or a group of guys.
Bar room banter between two guys caught on tape and used by the media for their agenda.....
....then till now it's all about 'get Trump'. The ambush hasn't stopped or even slowed, so being nice and hoping nice in return is like asking politely to a starving lion not to eat you.
The Democrats and the media have been relentless towards Trump an we that voted for him.
If they'd attempt civility, it could be returned. It's like asking the victim to apologize to get the attacker to stop.
The ball is in their court, not ours.
I don't dislike Democrats, I am one.
I however hate the ones at the top. They are the definition of evil if I ever saw it. Remember Nancy tearing up the State of the Union address? Nasty woman. She needs to go, hopefully in early November. With luck, Republicans take both houses and stop the rapid decline of the US.
I'd l Ike to know why banking and financial institutions reported to the FBI 150 times, Hunters suspicious financial dealings and nothing came of it.
Biden changed the rules on Congress requesting this information. Now it can only be done by the ruling party. Why do you think that happened?
Hunter and his dad had a joint bank account. We know nothing about that.
Can you imagine if the exact same thing happened but it was Donald and Don Jr? You know absolutely it would have been another investigation and impeachment attempt.
Nope, the ball is in their court.
Was Trump speaking from grabbing experience or was he doing boastful bar room talk. I don't recall a single "grabbee" coming forward. You'd expect them to come forward by the dozens. Guys say BS to other guys they'd never say in front of their wives or a group of guys.
Bar room banter between two guys caught on tape and used by the media for their agenda.....
....then till now it's all about 'get Trump'. The ambush hasn't stopped or even slowed, so being nice and hoping nice in return is like asking politely to a starving lion not to eat you.
The Democrats and the media have been relentless towards Trump an we that voted for him.
If they'd attempt civility, it could be returned. It's like asking the victim to apologize to get the attacker to stop.
The ball is in their court, not ours.
I don't dislike Democrats, I am one.
I however hate the ones at the top. They are the definition of evil if I ever saw it. Remember Nancy tearing up the State of the Union address? Nasty woman. She needs to go, hopefully in early November. With luck, Republicans take both houses and stop the rapid decline of the US.
I'd l Ike to know why banking and financial institutions reported to the FBI 150 times, Hunters suspicious financial dealings and nothing came of it.
Biden changed the rules on Congress requesting this information. Now it can only be done by the ruling party. Why do you think that happened?
Hunter and his dad had a joint bank account. We know nothing about that.
Can you imagine if the exact same thing happened but it was Donald and Don Jr? You know absolutely it would have been another investigation and impeachment attempt.
Nope, the ball is in their court.
I was a Democrat most of my life. But I don't even recognize the party anymore. It has gone from middle-of-the-road to as far left as they can go. The Democrats from the 60s would be Republicans now.
... but what is perhaps most remarkable is that according to the Altanta Fed, as of a few weeks ago, the median American household would needed to spend 44.5% of their income to afford payments on a median-priced home in the US, the highest percentage on record with data going back to 2006.

Well, as of today, that number is just over 50%. That's right: more than half of the average US household's income goes to paying housing payments, nearly double what this number was just two years ago.

That such a move can't end in anything but tears is obvious to everyone... but the Fed, which still thinks it can somehow avoid the most destructive of hard landings. natl mortgage rate.jpg?itok=S5g-cOPg housing payment.jpg?itok=94HbpMqw
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If the Military Industrial Complex/Finance-Real Estate-Insurance Elite control the media and Google is one part of that control mechanism I don't see much hope for "We The People" to have an impact fighting against them on anything of importance to them. Reason is, there will be yet ANOTHER election and the overwhelming majority of voters will vote with the Two-Party Whores who are owned by their Globalist Overlords.

Some of this I say tongue-in-cheek of course. What we're up against is actually ourselves as voters AND consumers. We vote with our wallet when we support all the existing corporate interests. Then we reinforce that economic choice with the political choice to elect Republicans/Democrats. There are no anti-Globalist agenda politicians allowed to ascend to power under this scheme. Therefore the only way to actually impair their agenda would be to undermine their economic control first and then work toward destroying the Two-Party system.

As long as Democrats and Republicans control everything youse people who support them get what you deserve. OF COURSE they own the science. Tell me what they dont own.

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