The problem nobody addresses is more power is needed every single day and will continue to be needed every single day for eternity. There is such a thing as cutting back a little bit personally, but globally all nations, especially the up and coming nations that are just getting onto the grid are going to need power. It's just a fact the need for more and more power every single day music for everything we're never going to use less power in the world than we do at this very minute.
Let's just go to Nuke and get it over with. With 100% nuclear power we can eliminate coal completely and have virtually zero emissions. That would make the electric car people happy because now we have electric power that actually has zero emissions.... with the exception and problems with making and disposing of batteries.
This converting to green power and not including nuclear is the biggest pie in the sky idea that people have dreampt up. We need absolute guaranteed power 24/7 and wind turbines can't provide it and if you live too far north where solar power won't work or were your solar panels get totally covered with a foot of snow. I'm sorry but that is not 100% reliable.
In this day and age with banking/computers/information/everything....
.....we need 100% redundancy in case mother nature pisses on us and entire counties please to death.