No !

and here’s why, when the kids get home, Mary (the blond) Judy ( the red head) will sneak into Mom’s cabinet and die their hair brown

While the boys raid the sisters closet and cross dress to look like a girl.
Now the serious reply

Division requires resistance and a lack of understanding from one side and imho the best way to be Undivided is to answer WHY are we so resistant and closed off to understanding ? Keep reading, Maybe the word selections are keeping us subconsciously trapped ? And Allowing opposing views to be seen more frequently than alternatives.
They ! IMHO would be best left out of the conversation, and replaced with US !
When we consciously choose Us, we are sending a message of unity. We can still disagree, just replace personal judgments and passions with patience and understanding by including everyone (US) If we taught both to kindergartners, then we could actually celebrate brown haired girls with ice cream without offending the others.
So now we are back to the original question.
Did any of those arguments turn why into why not ?