Run for president…You have my vote.
Just a note though. Most of the guys you want to put in Jail are the missing fathers… It’s a tough fix for sure.
I ain't runnin' for diddly squat. I prefer to stay alive.

As a general rule I don't like to be offensive to anyone. Once in a while customers can be real dicks and still I'm on my polite side regardless of what I think of them.
Myself control of these situations reflects on me and the store if I happen to be having an issues.
I can't speak my peace even when I'm in the right. My biggest concernes are always how my behavior affects the store where I do my work out of. I don't want them to look bad so I always keep my composure.... always.
Same with friends or relatives when I have issues or where we differ, I'm not going to yell and scream or make a big deal because it would affect people I talk to or live around daily.
Now when it comes to politics we're talking a totally different scenario.
I think Joe Biden hands down is by far the worst president the United States has ever had. For that reason I speak negatively toward him. Why, because I love my country.
I think Joe is a patsy for the Democratic party and I believe most of what they stand for is absolutely off the deep end crazy.
Our Constitution and our country has been fine for a couple hundred years. When youve got a well oiled, well running machine, you don't remove parts of it to make 150,000 people "feel" better. You help them and try and make them understand why the current system works the way it is. We are a country that governs by majority. If 240 million Americans are able to vote and 150,000 people feel "disenfranchised" over some issue, that's too bad for them.
You don't make their feelings override the other 239,850,000 people....... to be "fair"
Those people have a problem that they need to overcome somehow, as and they need to find a way to make that happen.
Leave the majority alone.
I don't call out Joe Biden and Democrats simply to be mean, I call them out because everything they're doing is destroying our country, my point of view.
They removed statues in the capital and statues all over the country because people got upset and called them racist.
I call those statues our history. Every single one of those statues was a statue of a democratic statesman... Democrats!

That said, this is our history and those people, good or bad, formed the country and made it what it is today. Name a better country. That said, we've changed. We have gotten better and racism is a tiny portion of our problems these days. It only becomes a problem when somebody shoves it down our throats and insults us by calling us rascists. Shoving controvercial ideas down the throats of the general populous is not a winning concept.
The same problem happens with gays and lesbians and the thems and the theys and the rest of the ABC+quwrtylmnop.
My last sentence explains craziness. That craziness is the biggest problem that I see in our country today.
Our visible weakness as a world power is at the same level of concern. Name a world leader that either fears or respects our current president.... Thanks Joe.

Back to what I said in my last statement that may explain what I mean about craziness craziness.
Most people by far today, except gays lesbians and lgbtq + LMNOP.
Nobody cares anymore. It's not a big deal.
...When they continually pound their sexuality in our face, everywhere, every day, especially in schools where grown men dressing up as women are allowed to go to grade schools for "story time"
This is where the United States has gone crazy.
People that don't know what gender they are or create new words to describe how they feel about their own gender, well those people need help. They need help, and not to be accepted as normal. Treated nicely, treated politely but they need to be taught what is normal and find out why they feel the way they feel. Help them, don't succumb to them and their life issues. This obviously needs to be done with compassion, not teasing these people and not being mean and not humiliating them.
I'll make an exception for Dylan because he's probably laughing his ass off all the way to the bank and enjoying every moment of the controversy.
I hope Budweiser, and has the bush has learned something here. Cater to your base.
Again I understand and accept gay and lesbians and maybe a bit more than that. I do think a lot of it is genetic, not a totally weird concept.
I think out of a few billion genes, if a couple are in the 'wrong' place, young boys will want to play with Barbie instead of GI Joe. I get that, I understand that, and I don't have a problem with it. Decades ago I did but hey it is what it is.
When people stop shoving weird stuff in our faces and demanding that we call them certain things and demanding that we respect them, well then maybe the world couldn't turn back to normal.
They can go to work just like everyone else and not talk about their sex and their preferences and their pronouns.
... I'm so sick of that word I want to barf.
Anyway if I speak ill of Democrats or of Joe Biden, it's because I want people to know what he's doing I want to remind people of what he's doing and I want people to vote differently.
This is one time I want to shove things in people's face.
No way can i speak nicely about him and justify what he's done to this country. He needs to be gone and we need someone better.
Us "regular" people, as friends neighbors and workers customers etc, well on this close and personal level we can all be civil and that is proven by the debates we have on this forum. People have strong points of view here, but nobody gets their panties in a wad and starts yelling and screaming. It's amazing that it works so well that the members of this website can respect each other enough to argue but never take it personally.
I hope that's true because as strong as my viewpoints are simply mine, but I still respect other people's viewpoints.
I'm hoping, but I'm pretty sure that that's true of everyone else here.
Okay I've done enough Friday night ramblings to piss off everybody so I'm just trying to think with my own logic and I really hope things start changing in our country.
We need to start using reasoning and stop using "feelings" to pave our path to the future. China and Russia couldn't give a flying fickle finger of fate about our feelings.