Considering what I just said, how do we get the media, and the FBI, and the justice department to change their sinister ways?
My first thought would be with their heads, but I think a firing squad would be less ugly.
Eh, to each their own

All I'm saying is we can be friendly to each other and our neighbors and we can talk in a civil manner and have a miniature community of people who get along.
The press on the other hand is where everybody gets their information. If the press hates you, you're going to be hated and there's nothing you can do to defend yourself. They are BIG. Steamroller, nuclear bomb big.
They will dig a hole and bury you and there's nothing you can do about it.
That's how they operate.
People watch the media and what the media projects is what most people believe. When the media has an agenda the people will believe it. They only feed you what they want you to hear.
Me and you, we agree on things and disagree on things. That doesn't affect our relationship one tiny bit. We're just passing ideas, passing the breeze.
The media comes down like a tidal wave and they control the tidal wave. If you only use one news source, they are totally in control of your thoughts.
Unless the media changes and becomes fair, there is zero hope for our country.
I'm going to blame the Democrats also because they're joined at the hip with the media. Everything they do and everything they try to achieve is based on putting race against race gender and they live for this.
I was watching PBS last night, so I used to normally like called, Oregon Field guide.
Last night a lady was talking about hiking trails. She seemed to be expressing how she felt so left out or uncomfortable about being gay and hiking.

Does she actually think there's a neon sign on her head that says "I'm gay" and it makes other people on the trail uneasy?
She organized a group so gays and lesbians and others can "relate" to each other and "feel good" about being gay on the trail whatever the hell that means.
When you're hiking on a trail, nobody knows your gay and nobody cares if you're gay. On trails everyone is friendly. Beer drinking Harley rednecks don't hike trails. There's nothing to be concerned with.
She noticed numerous instances of not seeing gay people on trails. She cited not seeing dark-skinned people on trails.
I don't know if you've ever met people that hike in the wilderness or hike on day hikes, but people that enjoy the outdoors dont give a rats ass if somebody is gay or straight or Asian or black........ Nobody cares because you're out enjoying the wilderness. You're hiking, you're enjoying life, you're exercising. Everyone doing this is on the same page. You smile say hi and have a good day.
With that said, Oregon Field guide decided to put on a show about a lady who's whining about not being acknowledged for being gay and hiking. She didn't see other gay people hiking. Oh my God there's not enough gay people hiking

They put her on a pedestal for being a gay hiker and to prove that Oregon Field guide and Oregon PBS is friendly to gay people........ who isn't? ....seriously.
Note to the world, the entire world, no one cares if you're gay these days. No one cares if you're black or white, red or yellow or green (olive), you know, whatever color.
My rant here, is why is there such an issue being made about being gay and hiking?
........ Whatever your gender whatever your preference go hiking and enjoy your life and quit making it such a freaking issue. That is what makes people divisive. Stop promoting it and shoving it in our faces. Just live your life like everyone else does.
Until people stop comparing themselves to other people and whining about it, this is never going to change.
The more emphasis given to a subject like this the more angry people will get. It's a death spiral.
If you're straight go take a hike.
If you're trans, go take a hike.
If you're gay, go take a hike.
But please do not stop me on the trail and tell me you're a gay hiker and you feel uncomfortable. I don't care. Nobody cares.
.....just keep hiking.
It was obvious why PBS put on this special show, June is gay month. Yep the entire month. Mom, dad, grandpa, Grandma yep they only get one day.
Being a heterosexual kind of sucks doesn't it? ....enjoy your day.
However, if you're lgbtq+lmnop+qrstuv+wxyz
You're going to be getting a whole month. That's because you made America what it is today.

30 years ago people just used to go to work and come home and fix dinner. Today, everything is about "me" or my "feelings"
...well, if you're having problems, talk to your spouse or your brother or sister, or parents grandparents because we don't know you and your upbringing, and we don't care.
Have someone that knows you help you with your problems and don't throw your problems on society. The oh-poor me just absolutely turns people off.
Well, that's my "personal" opinion. That's how I "feel"