Trick or TreatI guess I am now considered trash, and damn proud of it!

Ok ! Before I go onto another amateur psychology rant unsolicited lesson plan

Lesson Plan # 1 :
Pride is a personal thought that provides personal feelings, then those feelings provide us with an attitude, this attitude moves us to a particular behavior, and that behavior not only perpetuates itself in us, but becomes the outward appearance to our fellow man. Then ultimately that pattern provides the daily experiences.
Lesson Plan # 2 : work backwards !
As installers, we want the floor to look professional, so how do we make that happen ? ….. do we think a poor behavior
will get us there ? Probably not ! That’s why decorum is so important in everyday activities. It provides healthy Pride over Defensive Pride. Two very different things and the key towards improving our professionalism. Chances are, when choosing to work slightly backwards, with decorum as the template for our behavior, we may be surprised about the results, the experience, of not just a professional looking floor, but also flooring the people around us with dare I say love.

Final thought, Lesson Plan 3

We all have built in phycological filters, as it relates to processing information. This cleansing or sifting through heavy garbage can allow some to see the benefits, where others only respond to the garbage.

Could a daily intention of Decorum break through all of that and provide improved communication ?