We don't need no stinkin' bipartisanship now, do we?It’s times like these ( Heightened Awareness) when some messages appear valid or at least some consideration. I’m talking about
“ Shoulding all over ourselves “ ….
How does it feel havasu, if I say, we should never use the word should. ? …. The feeling would probably be almost instantaneously one of defensiveness. Then maybe a feeling to release all the bodily fluids one has onto that ‘ Shoulder person or group’ ….and In this example, that would be meI definitely would be the looser
…… We are never, like ‘highup’ says,
( the king defender of Win or Lose) ever going to eliminate this learning necessity, to move forward. However,
In closing: and it’s this simple, the replacement word ‘ Could ‘ for
‘ Should ‘ allows us to become bipartisan in politics. Otherwise we will continue to battle our differences of ideals and continue racing to the bottom….I edited out all that other racing mumbo jumbo stuffI can get a bit carried away
Now your chance to edit for a chance of bipartisanship![]()

Tell Sonny Huston, Houston....
to get TF Off her racist ********.
Kamala is an idiot, not qualified even remotely as a leader. No relatable platform. No specifics on afore mentioned unrelatable platform. No plan and what she had was either vague or it was handing out candy and punishing successful people, businesses and corporations.
That is why she lost.
Sonny said that 90% of black women voted for Kamala, but only 50% of white women did......
....then one second later, that racist POS added the words ... "non-college-educated white women"
........ it's perfectly fine for black women to make racist statements....
I wonder if Trump would have said:
"I don't understand why 90% of black women didn't vote for me...... UNEDUCATED BLACK WOMEN"
Trump accurately coined the term years ago, and as of today it still fits them as comfortably as Archie bunkers chair.
They just won't learn. People despise them and their hate filled rhetoric. The election told them so, but they just won't accept and acknowledge the damage they have done with their "boy who yelled wolf" rhetoric.
STOP IT and try to bring people together...... Yo ass just got whooped by a wire brush dipped in acetone..... and you still say this stuff?
There will never be hope until the left stops launching the terms racist, homophobe, fascist, Hitler etc every time they get their panties in a wad.
We're tired of it.
That's why you lost and made history yesterday as the historically "Hugest" losers in American history.
(FYI, 100% my rant is aimed at the fake media)
Damn, that felt good.

Group hug

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