Usually when it doesn’t compute, there are missing pieces to the information puzzle.
Thought: life, government and Tug of war
Maybe a title to a book

Picture this, Conservative team against Liberals and the pit of despair in the middle. How do we resist each other ( live within the realm of function ) without the risk of casting each other over into despair ? Are we witnessing civil discord, or did we stack the rope with outsiders who play dirty?
And if you agree with that, what will be the pull back ? …. Let’s change the game to Tug for Balance not war.
Liberals need to understand what held the fabric of our country together for 237 years.
They decided to end the long proven rules of life and society. Things like formalities, discipline, behavior and consequences.
Get out of line..... Get put in your place.
Dress in leotards, and have full body tattoos and 1/2 of your face is embedded with "jewelry" like nose rings and tongue piercings.
You know going into this bodily mutilation that doing so will get you laughed at stared at and ridiculed by many. (Most)
If you can't handle the attention, THEN DON'T DO IT. (YEAH, THAT SIMPLE)
Can't get hired so you sue claiming "discrimination" ?
Men in women's locker rooms and bathrooms....
...not allowed, we have rules. "WE" know who you are. The fact that "you" don't know who you are..... is not OUR problem.
Fix yourself or do a gofundme to build yourself a third bathroom.
Rob a bank. Rob a grocery store. Rob a home.
We used to have consequences, like jail time, fines and ......your in my house, scaring me and that's why you're dead.
Who came up with the idea of no bail? Racists did, because too many black youths were arrested... If you want to get elected, scream racism and give ratios instead of data.
...well guess why too many were arrested? It wasn't skin color, it's because they committed a crime.
Equity.... You have more than me, so give it to me. It's not fair that you have more than I do.
What is this new concept in Commiefornica where it's not a crime if you limit your thefts to $1000 or less?

Steal $800 from 5 different businesses instead of $4000 from one business and it's just fine, just fine.... no harm done.

Electing Trump is reestablishing America.... A reboot. A
badly needed reboot.
The message is. We have rules and traditions accepted by most everyone.
If you can't abide by our traditional , proven standards and you won't attempt to fit in, then get out of the way.
You accept the rules of the majority. We don't have to lower our standards to fit yours.
America rules, not your rules.
It's basically like being a tough parent.
It may not be fun saying no and watching your children cry...... but in the end, they will be better off and that's why you're doing it.
If they make mistakes along the way, you help them. Later in life after they've grown and have kids of their own, they will totally understand why you did what you did.
I bought some Wrangler jeans tonight on sale. The checker said wow, that's a pretty good deal.
I replied, yes it sure is, but I wish sales on candy bars were 13 for a dollar like when I was a little kid.
Some lady behind me laughed and inject with a smirk "that's not going to happen under Trump"

....she wasn't part of the conversation, so I replied I don't care. I added, gas prices dropped 20 cents in 24 hours after Trump won the election...... and he isn't even president yet.
I said, that's plenty good enough for me.
TDS is really difficult to understand, tho easy to spot. They think about Trump 24/7 and can't stop.
People and most importantly companies and corporations rejecting DEI and "equity " are the largest blessing that comes from this election.
Every single state... all 50, had an increase in Republican voters. If that isn't a trend, I don't know what is.
Let's stop being enablers to the strange, the oddities and the criminals amongst us. Make America Normal Again.