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"There are only a few laws in history that are universally applicable. One of these is that the ruling classes do not want the peasantry armed. They will do what they can to convince you that to be armed is dangerous. They will attempt to do this while they themselves are surrounded by armed body guards. Idiots will not notice this hypocrisy and sycophants will ignore it. Fools will surrender their arms in the name of "safety". They will insensibly surrender their liberty at the same time. This is how slaves are made.
"There are only a few laws in history that are universally applicable. One of these is that the ruling classes do not want the peasantry armed. They will do what they can to convince you that to be armed is dangerous. They will attempt to do this while they themselves are surrounded by armed body guards. Idiots will not notice this hypocrisy and sycophants will ignore it. Fools will surrender their arms in the name of "safety". They will insensibly surrender their liberty at the same time. This is how slaves are made.
This information IMHO would have served many people well, back in history, but We are far from being slaves and this type of exaggeration only stirs up the common folk more than necessary….. Plain and simple, this is social media elevating our EGOS more than usual, in all of us. This is a learning curve that can and will be corrected in time, so Stand Fast, Stand Down….. Ironically it may actually take the biggest baddest Ego of Donald to make us see how humility is the way of the future. Everything happens for a reason.
This information IMHO would have served many people well, back in history, but We are far from being slaves and this type of exaggeration only stirs up the common folk more than necessary….. Plain and simple, this is social media elevating our EGOS more than usual, in all of us. This is a learning curve that can and will be corrected in time, so Stand Fast, Stand Down….. Ironically it may actually take the biggest baddest Ego of Donald to make us see how humility is the way of the future. Everything happens for a reason.
Usually the reason is that someone wants control.
This information IMHO would have served many people well, back in history, but We are far from being slaves and this type of exaggeration only stirs up the common folk more than necessary….. Plain and simple, this is social media elevating our EGOS more than usual, in all of us. This is a learning curve that can and will be corrected in time, so Stand Fast, Stand Down….. Ironically it may actually take the biggest baddest Ego of Donald to make us see how humility is the way of the future. Everything happens for a reason.
I see a wee bit of exaggeration in your next to the last sentence.
His ego is balanced by the things he does that the media won't report. Find me a business owner without an ego and I'll show you a failed business. He's got total confidence in himself ...the only thing is, that he's more vocal about it than most.

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