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Mom woke me up around 2am wanting food. So I fed her and went back to bed. Got up and made her something to eat again this morning and decided to use up some rotisserie chicken meat that smelled & tasted a little stale. Got my new little blender, put some chicken in, added water, and it turned into baby food consistency. At one point I was trying to push the chicken on the top down and accidentally hit the on button. Stuff sprayed everywhere. LOL. But I cleaned it up. Used up all the stale chicken and Rupert was ecstatic. He ate a lot of it. I put the rest in a container and will probably freeze it. Might put it in silicone molds and freeze it so it won't go bad. Fippy and Princess ate some that spilled.

Cats and doggies still haven't figured out the pet door.
Getting both the pickup wheels off the ground requires homebuilt tools.
Looooove my HF Daytona
I used up my good 5' 4x4 and $30 in 5/8 plywood. It's all glued and screwed, plus it's sealed, nearly waterproofed with a slathering of UZIN surface hardener. The stuff makes things hard and waterproof as you can get. This box regardless will live indoors since I won't use it often. It's HEAVY, so it needed the handle. This box now puts my jack just 1 1/2 inches from the center support as a starting point..I got my upper A-arm installed Sunday. What a pita. Glad that's over with.


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Here's how bad it was after 299,982 miles.


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Highup, I hate when people just pull in front of you or do stupid shit so you have to slam on your brakes. I actually had to back up today because i was pulling out of a parking lot to get on the street when a car changed lanes to move from left lane to the lane I was pulling into and the idiot didn't slow down and almost hit me. I don't know what is wrong with people. I was already halfway in the road when the derp decided to change lanes. Fixing vehicles can be so expensive. The tools are expensive too but it's nice to get new tools. My best friend ninjad most of my tools for vehicle repair but then he's the one who uses them.

Ordered my friend some of the goggles like the ones I have that I let him use when he was demoing the old door frame and stuff. Woke up around 10:30am feeling like garbage. Whole body is sore. Charlie horse in both legs. Had to move pillows around to support Rupert when I got up. Made breakfast for Mom and then later went to post office and Walmart. Fed Rupert and he tried to eat my hand because he loves the food so much. Just changed Mom's canula again.

The door is pretty-- I need to fill gaps around brickmould-- old trim was MUCH wider. Also need to cover the sill because it has flashing tape. Friend put sill in before he let me put tape on (I was getting something for Mom when he put it on). I'm pleased with the new header. Old one was two 2x4s with Great Stuff sprayed between them. New one is two 2x6s with 1/2" foam board in the middle. House slopes but the door is level so it comes up a bit on one side. I'm going to have to figure out how to level that out (without tearing the floor up) before I do vinyl plank. I'm thinking some leveling mix might work. Mess on the floor is from the demo. Sample of the flooring is down in front of the threshold. It's about 6.5mm thick. I'm going to put backer rod and door & window great stuff in the cavities. I may use the foam board between the cripples and then use another type of insulation over that.
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Outside-- yeah, I know the cinderblocks are a hazard. Ground to the right is eroding and some of the blocks fell.
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I'm thinking of either removing the brickmould and replacing it with something wider or adding other trim in between. I also need to add some z-flashing under the top J-trim and get the gap under the sill covered better-- it looks wonky since the door is level but the house is not. Eventually we'll get an awning to go up above the light-- hoping it will fit.

Since the flashing tape went over the sill I want to add some sort of tread tape over that or do something to cover it since I know flashing tape can't be exposed indefinitely and its super slippery and I want something anti-slip there.
Get the area under the door super flat then reset those cinder blocks, alternating the layers 1/4 turn for stability. You might check to see if they have cinderblock material in 2 inch thick square pads. If they do it might make a stable base to start with.
Got a trailer that had some cheapo LVP installed in it. You can guess how hot it gets inside a closed up unused trailer baking in the sun in Phoenix. That floor buckled. lol.

My mission, should I choose to accept, was to replace the buckled LVP with a floating laminate floor that won’t buckle in the heat like LVP does. To up the challenge everything in the trailer was built on top of the LVP. You gotta get that all outta there while leaving a clean enough edge to bump up the new laminate floor to while leaving a clean look cus they don’t want any trim, it’s gotta be clean. I know, right. 10 years ago me is cussing you out and packing up his tools. Today me says I got this.

So yesterday I did the removal. I got a couple scrap pieces of countertop Formica to use as protectors so I could multi tool along every toe kick and wall that was on top of the LVP. Took me a bit but it actually worked out pretty darn nice. It kept me from juicing up the toe kicks and I was actually able to get right up to the cabinets n such. Then this morning I went back again with the multi tool and undercut a few key places where I knew I was going to have to deal with a peak a boo if I didn’t make some space for my flooring to slip under. Vacuumed that all up and sipped some coffee while I ponder my plan of attack for the install. Do I pattern the whole damn trailer or do I just wing it. Which way will give me a better finished product?

After consulting the rings in my coffee cup I decided to just wing it like I always do. First thing is you gotta establish a straight run down the middle of the trailer. Even this takes time because nothing is square and that toe kick lighting will point out any shitty cuts that don’t bump the cabinets clean enough for no trim. All but a few of the butt cuts were 0.5•. Some this way and some that way, just depends. I also made a ton of long cuts with my track saw. I set it at a 10• back bevel to make dropping the planks in tight up to the cabinets a little easier. I kinda impressed myself a little. I wanted to have clean cuts up to damn near everything in that trailer. I’ll take a look tomorrow with a set of fresh eyes but I took my time and scribed every damn thing in that trailer.

It took me a full day to do the install (100 sq ft) and I was cussin a little towards the end. The AC in the trailer can’t keep up when it’s 107 so it was starting to get a bit warm in the trailer. That and I was getting down to the nitty gritty aka the last plank. I think I toasted 2 planks during the install so I was already sweating it a little because I knew it was gonna be tight.

Now that that’s over with and I’m feeling pretty good about it, I could really use a beer. Went home, picked up the wife n the dog and went to our local watering hole. Didn’t have but two sips of my beer when I dumped my bag of chichironis on the floor. I said F it, closed my tab and went back home because clearly I wasn’t meant to have fun today. I even ate one of the dog’s beef jerkys because if I can’t have a good time ain’t nobody having a good time.

I didn’t see any of this when I was reading my coffee rings this morning. The floor did come out pretty damn good though.

Hey guys, it's storytime with CJ. 😁 I love your writing style 👍
The customer is gonna be real impressed with that. Very nice. Looks like about 8 planks that didn't have to be cut? You must be a contortionist.
Hey guys, it's storytime with CJ. 😁 I love your writing style 👍
The customer is gonna be real impressed with that. Very nice. Looks like about 8 planks that didn't have to be cut? You must be a contortionist.

Contortionist, magicians, fool… I’m something alright😂. I kinda got a lot of shit going on in my life right now so that trailer was actually a bit of a relief to do. It required thinking skills which occupied my mind instead of the other shit that’s been milling around in there lately.

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