.....oh, and Mark Z worked hand in hand as an extension of the hand of government overreach.
He ought to be in jail. He should be for the people. He should question government.
He did the opposite because he liked the current anti Trump government model.
He spent $300 million in the previous election putting ballot boxes in heavy Democrat locations...... Only Democrat locations.
They can't help him now because they lost power.
He's playing games and sucking up right now.
Too little to late? We will see.
When Hunters laptop was exposed, it was extremely obvious it was his.
The government told Zuckerberg it had all the earmarks of "Soviet disinformation". (It had none)
Instead of looking into it. I stead of questioning them, he started banning and deleting comments like a good boy. He doesn't like Trump so he did the governments bidding.... Happily so.
Same with COVID and that magical word "COVID". More banning if you doubted the government.
He and they had hands on each other's pants. The media played along happily too. Ban and silence naysayers. What a better combo than all of social media literally joined at the hip with the federal government?
It's time to legally destroy whatever needs to be destroyed.
A new beginning. A lot of heads will be rolling and the start of a new era or restructuring of government is about to begin.
Trump's first term began and ended with our own government and it's internal power structure organized and empowered, trying to destroy him.
The FBI, CIA and attorney generals departments need to be pressure washed, hung out to dry and discard the cleaning label. They then need to be restructured in a way that makes them work with and FOR the president.
What they did to him during his first term was Soviet style rule but against their own leader. All the heads in those departments need to roll.
........if they delete records and destroy evidence on their way out..... Charge them with treason and life sentences
What the did needs NEVER again to happen to a US president.
Invade and conquer Greenland first. Wait for the Canadian economy to get better before wasting time taking them over.
I wasn't finished venting